OFFICIAL NBA 2K17 Thread | Available Now

Sorry bros. Continue trading stories about how your my player is progressing.
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My dreams have become a reality. 10th ranked 2k player in the world.

Just to let you know being ranked doesn't mean your the 10th best player in the world. It just means your 10th place for most games played.
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simple Brooklyn Dodgers based Nets design


Show me the way bro. How do you guys have the vision for this stuff? I feel like my designs don't really hold up well.
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simple Brooklyn Dodgers based Nets design

Show me the way bro. How do you guys have the vision for this stuff? I feel like my designs don't really hold up well.
I just try to look think about the teams history or things I think would be connected to it. 

The Nets made such a big show of moving to Brooklyn so the Dodgers just seemed natural

It's a little weird but I used my love and study of fashion and origins of different styles to make them relate

for example with the Clippers unis, the name Clippers is obviously nautical so I wanted to stay on that course

for the uniforms I used the idea of a 19th century mens bathing suit as inspiration for the stripes and used the Nautical Alphabet signal flags to spell out Los Angeles down the side.
But yea your not supposed to be emailing your designs off to these franchises or at least trying to work for them as a design consultant. Come on bro get your name out there and see where it could take you your talented as hell and have a vision for your work.
most of the denied NBA uniforms are [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji] it's a tough business
I've yet to get a HOF badge, but I believe it's achieved in same fashion as the bronze badge...only this time, 4x the work
The big question is (and I've yet to get a solid answer on this) Do you need to get a hall of fame badge all within one does your badge progress reset after playoffs? I know bronze badges must be within one season, but I've yet to get a 100% answer on whether hall of fame badge progress carries over. 
Sorry bros. Continue trading stories about how your my player is progressing.
lol @ the hate. 

Legit props to you my dude. I remember when I cracked 1000 in fifa back in like 2012, mid-year of the games release. It was a dope feeling.
How long does it take to get ranked superstar 5 in mypark

This year seems tough, Im happy to get to Superstar 1 and thats it, but it seems like you need to play at least 8,000 games or maybe even more to reach Superstar 5

Nadex is a susperstar 1 with about 3000 games in
How long does it take to get ranked superstar 5 in mypark
over 8k games and we talking wins

my park record could be better.. Dubs and randoms killed me in the beginning 

AS2 277-148

cant remember my % prolly around 48.3
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