OFFICIAL NBA 2K17 Thread | Available Now

I'm already dreading the amount of colored hair bozos wearing Yeezys that are going to run rampant in MyPark
the park is a cesspool 
  I haaaate that mode
Park only sucks if you're running with guys that refuse to pass.

If you get 2 other guys that play the right way it's fun as hell
We gonna have a NT ProAM team?

PS4 gang here I'll play any position. I'm a passer, I'll have y'all all looking like Curry.
We gonna have a NT ProAM team?

PS4 gang here I'll play any position. I'm a passer, I'll have y'all all looking like Curry.

I'm built. Always a playmaking SG since I can't be a point forward lol

I'll play literally any position. I'll be a Ben Wallace type if need be. 16 boards, 3 blocks, 4 points. Except I'll also pepper in 6 assists.
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They put a barber shop in just to taunt folks [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
anyone word on different body types for myplayer?  I want to make a big center, but i hate that everyone has to be rail thin no matter what weight you are?
Park only sucks if you're running with guys that refuse to pass.

If you get 2 other guys that play the right way it's fun as hell
Exactly I only play at the park with my homies. Never play with randoms bc I would break my controller.
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:lol: so can I fire my barber in mycareer?

My barber better take appointments or I'll have my guy Denver cut it


Has a black barber in the story line :rofl:

:smh:  @ Having a damn Barber SHop in the game

They put a barber shop in just to taunt folks [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
View media item 2153113
Im a SF. I do it all. Easy triple double machine. A lot of 5x5 games in team up. Also a PG everyone loves when I'm PG but I find it more fun playing SF and feel I effect the game more since I rebound and play great help defense.

But really any position. I'm a shot creator though that's when I'm at my best.

PS4 btw.
The new story mode sounds [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]

I can play position 1-5 if need be. I typically make a PG and a wing player

Ps4 dnwilliams85
X1 YoKnos
Want to get a head count of which would have more people. I have both systems so it doesn't matter to me really. 
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