Official NBA Draft Lottery/ 2010 NBA Draft Thread Vol. June 24th 7ET

u are about as transparent as that marques houston suit.  C'mon now.
Originally Posted by Al3xis
Dominique Jones, Jr., G, South Florida: The common comment at the Chicago pre-draft camp was that Jones knew how to score big-time against Big East opponents.

So, too, did Luke Harangody of Notre Dame. But there are shortcomings with Harangody that teams will have to get over (athleticism, defensive liability, not long). With Jones, though, the upside is high with his body of work and his physical presence, earning him plenty of praise.

"Anyone good enough to get in the lane will play,'' said one general manager. "His jumper needs a lot of work, but what he can do against second-unit guys in the NBA is score. He can help teams that need a scorer off the bench. He really defends and is a better passer than people think. His interview was off-the-charts good.''

Jones averaged 21.4 points a game for the Bulls in the Big East.

There will be other three-to four-year players who didn't get much hype and will turn out to be solid additions, such as VCU's Larry Sanders. But what this proves, yet again, is that the formula to make the league isn't always about the one-and-done.

could be a steal. Played well in a team concept even as 'the man'. Strong as all hell going to the basket and defends.

Like him more than Willie Warren or Lance for the 2 guards in that range.

He's definitely flying under the radar. I know he put up 28+ points in several games this past season and he even had a 40 point game.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

One of the mods at RealGM put this together....

Name            Height    Wt.    Wngspn    Reach     Fat                    
Jameer Nelson   5' 10.2   193    6' 2"     7' 9.5"   6.7           
Jameer Nelson   5' 11"    199    6' 2.5"   7' 11"    -             

Stephen Curry   6' 2"     181    6' 3.5"   8' 1"     5.7           
Tyreke Evans    6' 4"     221    6' 11.2   8' 8"     7.1   

Name            NS Ver   Max Vr   Bench   Agility   Sprint         
Jameer Nelson   30       35.5     9       10.66     3.16           
Jameer Nelson   28.5     33.5     15      10.95     3.14           
Stephen Curry   29.5     35.5     10      11.07     3.28           
Tyreke Evans    28.5     34       7       11.81     3.17  
Thanks. I always like reading these things. Which Jameer is on the Magic now?

How short-arms Curry have more hops than long-arms Evans?
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Dude can't be serious about guys getting 50 %*+$$%# mil under the damn table. There's NO way they'd even get 50g's under the table. C'mon now....

Bro that's pocket change for him. I'm not really serious that he'd give them that exact amount but there is DEFINITELY going to be some under the table stuff done with Prokhorov.
Why cause he's foreign?  You sound like a $@!+%+$ idiot.  And after the Evan Turner thread earlier this year and saying the Nets are a playoff team you've all but backed up your stupidity, fam.
How the %@!# does that have anything to do with him being foreign? Are the dudes that sneak top prospects money and free stuff when their in high school and college foreign? No. You guys are acting like this is some out of this world *#$# that nobody else has thought about except me and Ro0k. Just because the T-Wolves got caught up before doesn't mean that this dude will too. You think Stern got him bugged everywhere he goes? He can just throw Lebron or Wade money and all they have to do is not tell anyone. You don't think there's anything shady going on with this whole summer? You think none of the free agents have a damn clue where they're going? And what's keeping us on our toes is WE don't have a damn clue other than Lebron wearing New York stuff, D-Wade being from Chicago and supposebly William Wesley doing some behind the scenes work with Calipari (and we don't even know what teams he's talked to about that). These are grown men were talking about, they aren't gonna come out and stunt and brag about it to everyone. And damn I must have really hurt you guys feelings by starting a thread saying "Evan Turner = overrated?" You notice that question mark right there, right? Right? That means I was asking for YOUR opinion. Go back and read what I said in that thread. Did I say he was hot trash? No. I also said I didn't watch too much of him compared to the large amount I watched John Wall play. I never said I straight up never saw a damn game of him. You can't have a first opinion anymore? I'm sure when Kwame and Eddy Curry got drafted there was a bunch of "Curry is a beast 
", "Rip, MJ and Kwame 
" And yep, I did say I think the Nets will be a playoff team within the next two years. Quote me on it. And save that *#$#. I don't even know how you do that *#$# because I don't sit here all day analyzing what other screen names on here say. Now get off my @%!@ since I just sat here and wrote all this *#$# for a few dudes I'll never meet in my life.  

The last line was my favorite line.

Somehow we're/i'm supposed to get off your ++# because you typed out a lot of sentences?

Ive got a better idea.  Dont just type a lot of sentences.  Instead just type sentences that are thought-out and make sense.  Then everyone will get off of your ++#.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

One of the mods at RealGM put this together....

Name            Height    Wt.    Wngspn    Reach     Fat                    
Jameer Nelson   5' 10.2   193    6' 2"     7' 9.5"   6.7           
Jameer Nelson   5' 11"    199    6' 2.5"   7' 11"    -             

Stephen Curry   6' 2"     181    6' 3.5"   8' 1"     5.7           
Tyreke Evans    6' 4"     221    6' 11.2   8' 8"     7.1   

Name            NS Ver   Max Vr   Bench   Agility   Sprint         
Jameer Nelson   30       35.5     9       10.66     3.16           
Jameer Nelson   28.5     33.5     15      10.95     3.14           
Stephen Curry   29.5     35.5     10      11.07     3.28           
Tyreke Evans    28.5     34       7       11.81     3.17  
Thanks. I always like reading these things. Which Jameer is on the Magic now?

How short-arms Curry have more hops than long-arms Evans?

In college, it was easy to tell that Tyreke wasn't a guy with tremendous hops because he always laid the ball up for the most part and at his size that's not normal.

I think Carmelo had like a 35-36" vertical too during his combine.

NBA Draft Combine: Shooting Drill Results



Four players shot above 75%:
Andy Rautins (77.7%), Willie Warren (76.7%), Mikhail Torrance (75.9), Luke Babbitt (75.7%).

Rautins was absolutely scorching at close to 80%.

Warren made the most shots knocking down a total of 92 (four more than Torrance).

Torrance showed that not only did he belong at the combine after impressing with his versatility at Portsmouth, but he's also one of the best shooters in this year's draft class.

Babbitt continues to impress. First he measured 6-9 in shoes with a 6-11.25 wingspan. Next he measured a 37.5 inch vertical. And then he shows what he's shown all season, he's a dead eye shooter.

Armon Johnson (73.9%) surprisingly was the fifth best overall shooter, after having impressed in both the athleticism tests (38 inch vertical) and measurements (6'3 with a 6'8 wingspan).

Jordan Crawford (71.9%), Sherron Collins (71.3%), Xavier Henry (70.6%), Eric Bledsoe (70.3%), Terrico White (69.8%) all shot extrememly well, above or at 70%.

Lazar Hayward not only shot close to 70% (68%) but got off the most shots with 125, showing a quick release.


Charles Garcia had the most dismal shooting performance hitting just 46 of 112 (41.1%),which is a little surprising because his shooting form has looked pretty good.

Damion James shot just 47.4%. This was a little surprising as he has improved his shot from the perimeter over the past few years. Granted he's a forward and many of the other players that shot are guards.

Stanley Robinson had the second lowest percentage at (47.8%), which isn't surprising. He's not a potential first rounder because of his shooting ability.

Devin Ebanks struggled at (51.7%) particularly on his 3 point shots where he hit just 17 of 50 (34%).

Lance Stephenson shot just 55%. He struggled on the NBA 3 pointers and the elbow to elbow 15-18 foot shots on the move.

James Anderson struggled and for a player that is known for his shooting ability, 58% while unguarded is not good enough.

That damn Luke Babbitt killing guys in every aspect of the combine.

James Anderson didn't look to good in the shooting drills.
Anyone got any updates on Da'Sean Butler? I thought he had a chance to be a late first round pick before the injury.
Originally Posted by acidicality

If Cousins really falls to the Warriors, I'll streak at a Warriors game.
A lineup of Curry/Ellis/(Azubuike, Morrow, Maggette, whatever wing to play SF)/Randolph/Cousins would be really nice. If that happens, Warriors should tank to try to get Harrison Barnes in the 2011 Draft.
Has anyone seen Paul George play in person? If so, what kind of player is he and how do you think he'll fair in the pros?
Originally Posted by BangDak

I like the idea of Cousins and Love. absolutely love it...
yup.. if they can get good value for al jefferson they would have a pretty solid team

but i don't know if the timberwolves have the infrastructure in place to allow cousins to succeed..

i would love if the thunder got him and put him at center next to ibaka.. thunder would have the following things going for them:
a) durant's work ethic possibly having a positive effect on him
b) the general positive attitude of the team encouraging him to either get in line.. or get shipped out
c) not a ton of pressure on him.. allowing him to go through the growing pains, without being killed for it by the fans and/or team
d) not a major city like miami or new york.. soo hopefully that would keep him out of trouble (see beasley)
Cousins will be the pick, but I will say that with his attitude and our current situation there could be some high tense moments in his early years with us.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

i really get the feeling the timberwolves are going to trade love
I know why I think they might go that route. What's your reason?
all the drama that supposedly went down last season (granted we have no clue what really is going on inside the organization)... but just how rambis toyed with his minutes at the end of the year.. and how it has been said that they prefer al next to darko (why a team would make decisions based on darko makes absolutely no sense to me)

but i would try to trade al for whatever.. cause between his contract, injuries and the age difference of the two.. plus i just happen to get the vibe that love is the better teammate and more personable person

then you build around a core of flynn (or rubio.. again one has to be traded), brewer, love and cousins.. then who knows, if those guys play well enough you could sign a good SG or SF to lead those guys

but i would use al and whoever i like least out of flynn or rubio as trade assets
plus the timberwolves front office don't seem to be the brightest guys out there..

they should have kept kevin mchail on as coach (of course they were right to take the GM position from him).. but, you must admit dude did have that team playing well when he was in charge

then they go out and draft 3 PGs in the draft.. knowing damn well that rubio wouldn't come over with flynn there.. and then they make that trade with denver knowing that denver would be a good team, thus turning a mid round pick into a late round pick
The Denver pick sent to Minnesota was from Charlotte, so it was basically a swap of middle first round picks (#16).
I see Melo in our future for 2011
. ( I can dream right?)
Yeah I think the wolves are going to trade Love, but, we need to get rid of Al I think. Why are they going off of three months and not training camp to see if Love and Darko can work together. I don't think Cousins and Rambis will gel. Rambis temper could annoy Cousins. Plus Love seem to complain if Rambis got on him about grabbing boards and not getting back on defense.

I agree McHale should stayed on as coach, because I though Randy Foye benefited a lot from him and so did Al. I still wonder how Foye would have done in the triangle now. Foye to me is better as a 2 guard compare to brewer, even though he is undersized.
i'm starting to really think some players don't care about their pre-draft measurements. for example: damion james had a 30" and 37" verticals the previous year now he has a 29" and 33".
I'm still boggled on how the Timberwolves value Darko so highly and would be willingto trade their best player because he doesn't complement Darko

Timberwolves front office is HORRIBLE.
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