Official NBA Finals 08 Game 3 Thread: Celtics at Lakers 6/10, on ABC HD

Originally Posted by knightngale

enough with the garnett pics

I actually got the pics off of ClubLakers so take it for what it's worth.

I just like the angles taken by the camera and the visual effects.

Trust me, I got some sick Kobe and Laker ones, but I'mma be selfish with that.
so is it official that the audio during the telecasts are ahead by a few tenths of a second of the visual thats shown on screen cuz they are describing thingsas they are happening as opposed to right after it happens.
Very important win for the lakeshow.. i expect Lamar/Pau and KG/PP to play better next game..
Originally Posted by Japs24

Very important win for the lakeshow.. i expect Lamar/Pau and KG/PP to play better next game..

Lamar and Pau have not had a good finals overall, which means they are due for a breakout game(hopefully....). It's up to the Laker staff and leadersto get them in positions where they can score (pau in pick and roll) and Lamar, sad to say, as of right now, in transition. Also LO needs to stay in the gameand just focus on defense and rebounding.
No surprise in the final outcome although Boston had a chance to take the game and the series. Not upset at the outcome as long as the boys come out to play inGame 4.
Good luck on getting another game where KG and Pierce shoot a combined 8-35. Noone provided any offense for the Celtics in this game, other than Ray Allen.Kobe at least had Vujacic. The Lakers might win one of their next two at home, but they won't win both.
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

^ i agree and im the biggest lamar odom fanboy here... its so ridiculous, you have that much skill and are that trash, seriously, his reaction time is so slow, good thing he isnt a cop or in the armed forces, or he would be dead, based on how slow he reacts to things...

- he has a good first step, except that he does it directly into the player guarding him...
-he has no right what so ever, at least pau and kobe can use both hands
- he keeps using that finesse crap, dude your like 7 foot tall and you have long arms, take the hit or take it strong
- he just disappears, i mean man you are capable of playing well, weve seen you do it
- he has a good post game, if some of you remember, but he never uses it anymore
-he has no faith in his jumper, which use to be decent, hes hesitant to do anything
-and his defense, man i swear everybody makes a jumper or something in his face
-he can never get out of starting bad, if he misses his first 4 shots, hes done, theres nothing that can be done
-all the sudden he cant rebound, he taps the ball instead of grabbin it aggressively, and the ball goes to the other team

he is utter trash.. seriously, stop playing like crap, you make like 14 million dollars a year, everyone says your one of the most versaitale players in the game, but you find so many ways to mess up...

phil said you were confused out there, how are you confused youve been here for 4 years, stop playing stupid..

stop disappearing, stop going on am570 saying you have to turn up your intensity and go and suck... stop!!!

lamar, you kno i got love for you man, i met you when i was in highschool and you bought me a swingman and i was like imma be your biggest fan, but this is ridiculous, every year im like, this is your year, your gonna make the all star game, and u got that crap star shaved into your head, then you were saying, being a third option suits you best, buy yet you have become typical lamar odom, every year i hope you dont get traded, but if you keep doing this, its team > player... if we gotta trade you or not extend your contract i would understand, cause you are not living up to your potential at all... i cant beleive i ever beleived you could be like scottie pippen, you were comapred to freakin magic johnson for God's sake!!!

arrrrghhhh!!!! im frustrated,i know i mispelled like every word, but whatever!!!

dude, I understand he is in a minor slump, however that is only due to the foul trouble (plus he's not getting calls) geesh

also, I dislike ppl like you...because I know you weren't saying this when the LAKERS were torching the competition when they had recentlyacquired Gasol....I understand being a fan and sometimes being harsh by singling out players however being a fan is also sticking your guns through toughtimes....and obviously you aren't doing that by saying that
--Lakers should take Game 4...and Game 5...
--People think Pau and Odom are garbage now just cuz they're struggling? Well, they're srtugglin and we still win so that's a GOOD SIGN.
--No one struggles forever. C's gotta wacth out when those 2 big men figure their game.


--People think Pau and Odom are garbage now just cuz they're struggling? Well, they're srtugglin and we still win so that's a GOOD SIGN.
--No one struggles forever. C's gotta wacth out when those 2 big men figure their game.

@ the "they struggled and we still won". More like"KG and Pee Pee shot 8-35 and the Celtics still lost by only 6".
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl


--People think Pau and Odom are garbage now just cuz they're struggling? Well, they're srtugglin and we still win so that's a GOOD SIGN.
--No one struggles forever. C's gotta wacth out when those 2 big men figure their game.

@ the "they struggled and we still won". More like "KG and Pee Pee shot 8-35 and the Celtics still lost by only 6".

--Celts have about 30 more free throws in the series so far and their combined win total is is only 16. But we're not gonna get into that AGAIN.See you Game 4.
Originally Posted by HANNIBEL SMITH

Celtics fans in here talking mad $#*@. "You guys barely beat us" and such. If this was barely beating you, what the %$#% do you call game 2 then? You guys had the Lakers by a TWENTY EIGHT free throw differential with Rondo playing like he was Magic Johnson and Leon Powe playing the game of his life and y'all only beat the lakers by 6. If the Lakers had that type of favoritism when we shoot 28 more free throws than the Celtics, the Celtics would of lost by over 20. Guaranteed.

The Celtics stopped playingdefense once they went up by 24. The Lakers were able to chip away at a team that let them back in. The Lakers struggled hard last night to pull that win out.There is no way the Celtics are going to play that bad in game 5. I seriously hope the Celtics take it on the Lakers home court. The faces of Lakers fans wouldbe priceless as the Celtics celebrate and raise the trophy up at the Staples Center.
I am not sure Paul Pierce wanted to be there last night. Held home court, up 2-1, hopefully Pierce and KG can put it together offensively for game 4. Alwaysseems that when Ray Allen has a great game in these playoffs KG and Pierce disappear offensively. Solid W for the Lakers.

On to game 5.
Kobe was just too good last night. It was good to see Ray step up, but KG and PP were ghost. We just gotta take one of the next 2 games, and I'd be reallyhappy with this trip in LA.
PP and KG will have better games, but so will Odom, Fish, and Gasol. So who knows what will happen?

I already seen the apology thread, so I know he gettin what hedeserves.

Good to see Ariza come in and help a little, I hope he can get more and more comfortable, we could really use him.

Anybody get the feeling that Kobe is warming up a little? 24, 30, 36.....42 in game 4?
He seems to be figuring a few things out. Let's hope it continues.

I like the cross matching with Kobe on Rondo early, and then on Peirce late. That is the perfect way for us to work in the series. Let's see how Docadjusts to that though.

This travel game stuff makes for terrible games, if the Lakers can make it to a 6th game and the flight affects Peirce's knee again, could we see the game7 everyone was expecting? I hope so.
just came by to say good game lakers.....kobe did his thing....props to yall....but the celtics is getting the W on Th
It was a good game for the Lakers. Kobe finally did what everyone expected him to do and took over the game. I thought the calls favored the Lakers, but thatis home games in the NBA.

Each team had guys struggle. Pierce and KG. Paul/Odem. Hurt the Celtics more becuase Ray isn't the type of scorer Kobe is.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Paul Pierce start really strong. KG needs to attack Pau. He is the softest starter in the whole series. I don't see Paudoing better. He is too soft on offense. He can't bang inside with Perkins and Gasol. KG doesn't much either and does to much fadeaway %+!+.

I was hoping Doc would keep Posey in. JVG even said this. Allen,Posey,KG, Perkins, and Pierce would be the best lineup. Have Ray bring it up. When Rondo is outthere, his guy provides too much help.

Celtics should get Allen off Kobe when Posey is in. Then give him a lot of help. He has his swag back and they can't let him get 30+ again.

I see another closer game, but this time Lakers trailing. PP should come out strong and I don't expect a repeat of game 2. LO will play better, butGasol.......

we win game 4 and it's over.
Obviously, it was imperative that the Lakers won last night. Kobe did his thing but I gotta give props to Sasha. The guy played big for us last night. ThankYou Sasha.

I expect KG and PP to play better in the next game. KG turned it on at some points in the game but he just didn't do it all game.
The entire 5 Cs on the court couldnt do nothing to stop Kobe last night.So much for that or so great Celtics team defense.

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