Official NBA OFF-SEASON Thread - 2011: Free Agency Dec. 9th

Think about it though. CP3 without the pg skills is a bum
Lowkey trying to ask if Tyreke is a bum.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Think about it though. CP3 without the pg skills is a bum
Lowkey trying to ask if Tyreke is a bum.
I think I was just thinking about his handles and how easy he gets in the lane and finishes... kinda looked CP3-esque. I am embarrassed
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I think I was just thinking about his handles and how easy he gets in the lane and finishes... kinda looked CP3-esque. I am embarrassed

reke havoc 
 dude needs to come to LA 
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I think I was just thinking about his handles and how easy he gets in the lane and finishes... kinda looked CP3-esque. I am embarrassed

reke havoc�
�dude needs to come to LA�
He would be nice in LA after Kobe retires
Originally Posted by henz0

Tyreke & Jimmer backcourt

Come on Henz money you know Jimmer isn't starting 15mpg max.
Tyreke and Garcia until they get a better 2 guard.

I don't understand why my homie Rashad McCants doesn't get picked up. Dude dropped buckets with the T-Wolves. I know he was a slight head case but 20mpg is all you need out of him.
For some reason I think I Jimmer Tyreke backcourt could work if Tyreke can guard the opposing two well enough...
NBA TV right now: Lakers vs. Mavs, 1987 WCF, game 7.

Young Sam Perkins, coke-head Tarpley, Rolando Blackman and Derek Harper vs. Showtime 
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Originally Posted by henz0

Tyreke & Jimmer backcourt

Come on Henz money you know Jimmer isn't starting 15mpg max.
Tyreke and Garcia until they get a better 2 guard.

I don't understand why my homie Rashad McCants doesn't get picked up. Dude dropped buckets with the T-Wolves. I know he was a slight head case but 20mpg is all you need out of him.
The NBA doesn't need Rashad... to save face, Rashad has said he doesn't need the NBA... so it's mutual
smh NBA TV waits until school starts & I move in my dorm with basic cable to show the real classics. they had a friggin jordan marathon the other day & I couldn't watch.
Rashard is a beast though.

And yeah tyreke does have a hitch in his jumpshot. But it's nothing that cannot be fixed.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

smh NBA TV waits until school starts & I move in my dorm with basic cable to show the real classics. they had a friggin jordan marathon the other day & I couldn't watch.

Old pic, but still 


No love for the Jimmer highlights?

Why dude worried about Tyreke's defense when Jimmer's defense would be the biggest concern tho... And Thornton should be starting over Garcia if he gets re-signed.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

smh NBA TV waits until school starts & I move in my dorm with basic cable to show the real classics. they had a friggin jordan marathon the other day & I couldn't watch.
Honestly, NBATV could have a little more variety. If you really take a look at it there's very little diversity in their choices for what they show, and they play the hell out of each one. they've branched out slightly over the past month and going forward, but it's still just a heavy rotation of Lakers/Celtics/Jordan/whatever team ended up winning a championship.
^^^ Well, sounds like there still may be some glimmer of hope for starting the reason relatively on time. I just want them to keep working at it. I won't get too optimistic though.
@WojYahooNBA: Y! Sources: NBA owners finally budge with union on long-standing demands for a hard salary cap.
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