Official NBA OFF-SEASON Thread - 2011: Free Agency Dec. 9th

I'm done in here for a while til JA is before I get banned. I rather listen to him talk about the Mavs championship. No sympathy for players, but sympathy for billionaires who make money elsewhere then buy into the NBA and start !@%%%!% stuff up. Unbelievable.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Meeting just let out.. no deal but they're coming back tomorrow 10 a.m.

No more info on today's meeting?
I guess Wade yelled at Stern...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by JD617

A million dollars a year to be an uneducated athlete? 

You honestly think the majority of NBA players are any smarter than your average Joe Schmoe who gets his AA at a community college? Some are, most aren't.
Their education levels have nothing to do with this. The players have a talent for which there is a ton of demand. This is how capitalism works.
But yet they are the ones who are playing with the dollars and cents of the CBA.

It's not like the owners will completely gut them of their livelihoods, and that's what makes me sick.

I have no sympathy for anyone making millions of dollars a year to play a sport. None whatsoever.

But you have sympathy who are in a billion dollar industry profiting off the talents of these players? Makes a whole lot of sense.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Meeting just let out.. no deal but they're coming back tomorrow 10 a.m.

No more info on today's meeting?
I guess Wade yelled at Stern...

Yes, supposedly according to Chris Broushard Dwyane Wade started yelling at Stern after Stern pointed his finger at him to "settle down".  I have mad love and mad respect for D-Wade, he's always been a leader and respectable dude, I guess that what LeBron wanted
Uh oh:

@Chris_Broussard Dwyane Wade yelled at David Stern while making pointed remarks to the commissioner at today's NBA meeting, sources said.

Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard
Stern pointed at DWade, which DWade took as sign of disrespect. That triggered his outburst on the commish, sources said.

Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard
Star players - LeBron, CP3, PPierce, Baron Davis, Melo, - were ready to leave meeting but Stern asked for private talk w/Billy Hunter....

Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard
Hunter then calmed stars down and got them to return to meeting. Players' resolve stunned owners, sources said.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

clowns couldnt put on a suit for such a big event?

That what I'm saying though. I'm siding with the players, but not dressing respectable is ridiculous.
I never got the hate on athletes making money if you had an ability or talent that brought in billions would you not want to be properly compensated, yes there's love of the game but you are the product.  Professional sports are not a charity the league is making money off fans, ESPN, and sponsors why do the players not deserve a share.  All the people bringing intelligence into this feels like hate, yes they're not all the sharpest tool in the shed but that's not why you watch.  You are worth what someone else is willing to pay, if you worked at McDonald's and your burger flipping brought your location millions in additional revenue because the world loves your flipping then you would want a share.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

No more info on today's meeting?
I guess Wade yelled at Stern...

Yes, supposedly according to Chris Broushard Dwyane Wade started yelling at Stern after Stern pointed his finger at him to "settle down".  I have mad love and mad respect for D-Wade, he's always been a leader and respectable dude, I guess that what LeBron wanted

It was at this point that Wade took exception to commissioner David Stern's tone and gesturing -- the commissioner evidently was pointing his finger while speaking to the players -- and "stood up for himself," a person with knowledge of the meeting said. According to ESPN, Wade warned Stern, "You're not pointing your finger at me. I'm not your child."

It was a potentially galvanizing moment for the players, who finally got the kind of star participation -- and leadership -- that they've lacked at key moments in these talks. In Wade, the players have have found their Michael Jordan circa 1999, when the Bulls star famously told the late Wizards owner Abe Pollin to sell his team if he couldn't afford to run it.
You honestly think the majority of NBA players are any smarter than your average Joe Schmoe who gets his AA at a community college?
Being a millionaire playing a sport you love, or going to college for 10+ years and working unbelievably hard and committing your life to a practice that ball players earn in a year? It's so unbalanced it's ridiculous. Yes I'm one of those cynics that hate that players make so much damn money.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?

Because millions of people want to spend their hard earned money to witness someone perform a physical or surgery for their entertainment?

Like [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]SHWAP[/color] layed out, it comes down to simple economics.

Questioning their intelligence and lack of education like that has ANYTHING to do w/ the topic at hand?

You sound like one of those nerds who has hated on athletes since the middle school recess days.

There's a thread in General at the moment that suits you well:

Go make yourself at home.

EDIT: B Diddy w/ the beanie.
I love you KD, but c'mon son, don't show up to a meeting of this magnitude in a hoodie. Shows you don't care.
baron davis lookin like he was sleeping at the side of madison square garden, woke up and just walked to the offices.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

baron davis lookin like he was sleeping at the side of madison square garden, woke up and just walked to the offices.
AHHHHH...damnnnn. So true though.

Hate on him for denying a season or whatever but Wade seems like a smart guy. LBJ is a good judge of character. I'll give him that much.

Billy Hunter has his work cut out for him, and Stern is adopting the wrong attitude. But he's also got a really tough job to do and I am kind of amazed by how ridiculous a lot of people here look criticizing him considering he is largely responsible for how popular the NBA has been since his reign. The ticky tacky stuff like suits-only at press conferences and the length of the shorts is what you all focus on, for whatever reason, but he's a smart guy who has put plenty of money in players pockets over the years. How you don't realize that is beyond me. He has to walk a really fine line, unlike any other pro sports league in the U.S. The NFL will never have that problem.

The only conclusion you can draw from the meeting is that we're even less likely now to see a season.
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