Official NBA OFF-SEASON Thread - 2011: Free Agency Dec. 9th

meeting began at 10 AM today. And they're still meeting. Nearly 8 hours
Originally Posted by ill steelo

meeting began at 10 AM today. And they're still meeting. Nearly 8 hours

i came here to ask if there was an update. if they are still meeting til this moment then i hope this is some good news
A picture from nearly 10 years ago.

If we're going off observations and assumptions, then owners like Donald Sterling and Mikhail Prokhorov shouldn't even be owning teams. They've done much, much worse things in real life than the ball players.
Jesus Christ.. I give up, I"d be wasting my time with someone like you... I think your stance is pretty clear.
Onto actual news..

Chris Mannix: With seemingly minimal progress made at today's labor negotiations, expect remainder of the preseason to be cancelled in the next day or two

Chris Broussard: I asked Matt Bonner if the owners & players closed the gap today: "maybe a little but u have to remember how large the gap was."

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Chris Broussard: Union council Jeff Kessler just said "still very far apart."

[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ken Berger: Union lawyer Jeffrey Kessler: No discussion of BRI today, just system. Back at it Monday in small groups

NEW YORK – When several of the NBA’s biggest stars march into the most important negotiating session in the history of the sport on Friday, there promises to be twisting of truths and fuzzy math and conservative owners determined to deliver themselves a dramatic redistribution of wealth. The biggest lie will go untouched, unchallenged.

Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, Dwight Howard and Dwyane Wade are the most underpaid and undercompensated people in these labor negotiations. They make far too little, and truth be told, most of their teammates make far too much.

For everything they do to drive TV ratings and gate receipts, the global advancement and relentless news coverage, it's a farce that elite of the elite have to listen to so many sorry, sloppy owners tell them they deserve rollbacks on present contracts and deserve future ones to be slashed. These stars are the NBA. They're everything.

Nowhere in sports is the superstar more vital than basketball, because the ball's forever in the star's hands and a singular talent has the most transformational impact. Let owners bid on the true value the elite stars bring to a franchise, to the league, and Wade was asked where he believes the bidding would rise per season?

"I'm sure it would get to $50 million," Wade told Yahoo! Sports on Wednesday afternoon.

He’s right, and there’s still a compelling case that it wouldn’t properly compensate what a Kobe Bryant, a LeBron James, even means far beyond his own team. Privately, Jerry Buss has told people that Bryant – who will make a league-high $25 million this season under his current contract terms – is worth perhaps $70 million a year to the Los Angeles Lakers. James has been the most prodigious talent – the compelling serial character – the sport’s manufactured. This list is short, but the impact is immense. This is the largely unspoken truism of labor talks: The superstars are wildly underpaid, and the largely interchangeable rank-and-file players make far too much money.
at just realizing how bad of a poster dude is. I already signed up for my season ticket refund. They're giving me my money back plus interest. I paid $56 per game, think there's 2 preseason games obviously cancelled plus whatever I miss in regular season games. We get 1% interest if we cash out now or 5% to have them roll it over into an account for next season.

And these exhibition games are ridiculous. KD said he's bringing one to OKC too in a few weeks so I'll try to be front row at that.
Originally Posted by thats what she said

at just realizing how bad of a poster dude is. I already signed up for my season ticket refund. They're giving me my money back plus interest. I paid $56 per game, think there's 2 preseason games obviously cancelled plus whatever I miss in regular season games. We get 1% interest if we cash out now or 5% to have them roll it over into an account for next season.

And these exhibition games are ridiculous. KD said he's bringing one to OKC too in a few weeks so I'll try to be front row at that.

Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by thats what she said

at just realizing how bad of a poster dude is. I already signed up for my season ticket refund. They're giving me my money back plus interest. I paid $56 per game, think there's 2 preseason games obviously cancelled plus whatever I miss in regular season games. We get 1% interest if we cash out now or 5% to have them roll it over into an account for next season.

And these exhibition games are ridiculous. KD said he's bringing one to OKC too in a few weeks so I'll try to be front row at that.


That dude... lol

anybody know what lebron was rockin in the vid? YBD?
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

A.I. in LA with Kobe? There's rumblings about kobe wanting a.i., speaking real highly of A.I. and that the lakers contacted Gary Moore and A.I. right before the lockout. Also saw that the lakers were planning to work Chuck out once the lockout is over.

Trying to find the article right now

  would be like a high school basketball team bynum AI a whole bunch of unmature players post that article i want to see that Kobe and AI would run over Brown like a bulldozer the Uncoachables
 they would take over but AI coming to LA would for sure no doubt fill seats could be good AI is somebody i for sure want to see back in the game just stay out of Chi and ill be happy to see em back  
suspension over!

that damn mayweather ortiz fight.

JA you been saying some crazy dumb #+##. I was confused and sometime angered that athletes get paid more than "more productive members of society" such as a scientist, teacher. or doctor. Then I turned 12. Market demand is not hard to comprehend

you want it one way, but it's the other way.

I can't fathom how these billionaire owners who haven't been bargaining in good faith from the start (they sued first), can convince fans that "this is about parity" or that teams should be profitable no matter what

This is bigger than basketball. This is about the way the country is operating. These rich owners/CEO's/banks want to privatize gains and socialize losses. THAT'S IT. And it's $+#%+## wrong
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