Official New Balance Thread *sizing info for different models on first page*

I'm seriously considering the same right now. Need a drink.
 Trump really has you on that Pimp C's "Polo, F That Hilfiger" tip, right now homie..
Came in to tell Vidi the same. Leaving satisfied :lol:

In all seriousness tho if its the business aspect they support, I can dig it. As long as its just the business.
I dunno, guys, are some of us overreacting? I'm pretty torn. I know the views of all the higher-ups at NB doesn't necessarily reflect the views of everyone who is a part of the company. I also understand that TPP is a real threat to the viability of producing American-made shoes. There is an obvious conflict of interest and the company certainly wants to protect both its profit margins as well as its own employees.

At the same time, it feels like a PR nightmare for New Balance to come out in support of Trump. You can say you're agreeing to his trade policies but with those same trade policies that works in your company's favor also comes his blatant ignorance, inexperience, racism and bigotry that do not work in favor for all those who have felt offended and victimized during this election season. It seems like by coming out and saying this they risk alienating minorities (such as myself) and others who are marginalized. 
Came in to tell Vidi the same. Leaving satisfied

In all seriousness tho if its the business aspect they support, I can dig it. As long as its just the business.
I sure hope so. I really love New Balance shoes and I love what the company represents and its commitment to American workers. I just think Trump is a clown. I'm done posting for a bit, lol. I'm going to ghost just like @VidiViciUn  said he would. Let's see how this all plays out.
Came in to tell Vidi the same. Leaving satisfied

In all seriousness tho if its the business aspect they support, I can dig it. As long as its just the business.
Same. I ain't mad at NB at the end of the day. Now if they make a tribute collab sneaker of Donald Trump Presidency, then I will have to be on the "Polo, F that Hilfiger" tip. I'm just going to eliminate sneaker purchases beginning 2016. In order to secure a plot of land and house. I still got love for NB & Team NB tho. 
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It's a business reaction.

But let's just say it's not, y'all throwing away ya sneakers over American politics? Politics? Been a joke for years. Trump swoopin in and winning this farce they call an election is just further proof.

Hey Moshe, I'll take those sz11.5 997-998's off ya hands. [emoji]129299[/emoji]
It's a business reaction.

But let's just say it's not, y'all throwing away ya sneakers over American politics? Politics? Been a joke for years. Trump swoopin in and winning this farce they call an election is just further proof.

Hey Moshe, I'll take those sz11.5 997-998's off ya hands. [emoji]129299[/emoji]
I don't think some will be throwing them away... 

Just to chime in. If it comes to anyone not wanting their NBs anymore, just donate them. For us it's a hobby but there are plenty of people out there in dire need of a pair of shoes. Just a thought.
They (NB) agree with him on one issue that impacts their business. That's it. They found something they and the new president-elect might have a good working relationship on. Which is what all groups should be doing. That was not some celebratory statement by NB on Donald Trumps win.
I cannot rock with a company that supports Trump. It's a shame because I really liked NB's. Good thing that I still have my receipts! Will be doing a few returns this week.
I cannot rock with a company that supports Trump. It's a shame because I really liked NB's. Good thing that I still have my receipts! Will be doing a few returns this week.
I had the same thoughts as you earlier today, but tbh all these companies are bad in a way or another.. Adidas and Nike essentially support child labor at least with NB you can but USA/UK pairs and be comfortable knowing that the workers got decent pair. But I totally understand your decision.
I know I posted a little while ago about copping the 1500BK but I'm torn between those / the jcrew 1400. What do you guys think should would be better for everyday use/ just nicer overall?

My preference goes to the 1500: mad cush + stablility + versatile.
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The owner of NB is an old conservative worth billions who has given millions of dollars (from our purchases) to horrible Super Pacs in the past. His name is Jim Davis. NB isn't just conservative, they are way past that with their agenda. Their ultra right wing views have gotten them unwanted scrutiny in the past and now, Apparently, the present. I thought  most people knew this about NB's owner.  We are all wearing Trump shoes now. 

It's 2016 and time to end the hate.
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NB being conservative shouldn't be a surprise. Also getting rid of a brand because of their stance in  politics is IMO pretty dumb as most brands support and exploit far worse things than NB endorsing Trump.
Seems they backtracked http:/ /s o l e c o l l e c t o r . com/news/2016/11/new-balance-donald-trump-statement-trade
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Guys please can we go back to talking about shoes? The real world is scary enuff  with how BAD things are going to get for a TON of folks...Sneakers is a quiet escape and a little distraction from the normal crap I have to deal with.

That being said...PRAISE me and my new pick-up as I eat ramen noodles with an egg cracked into it(OG Asian style!) and try to convince my GF to not leave me!

PHOTOS pending*

577FW: (Copped here for a fair price!) gonna put in white laces on the grey suede for a more two tone bone look

577ETB: I love the orange and the model and we needed to get over $X for free shipping form SNS. Love the ocean blue

577ETP: Gonna go with the light purple laces. I think the last pair of purple shoes I had were the Vans Half Cabs back in the early 90s! Kids called me Prince and Purple Rain for them joints. So began my brighter color kicks love.

Premier 998: Fine Malt in RI HOOKE IT UP!! Big ups to them for the hook up...9.9/10 they looked like they were tried on and that was it! Deals yo Deals! Love under retail!!

RF CNS 998: Paid retail + shipping is how I looked at it. So I can't be upset that I didn't score UNDER retail on these. Love the Nubuck toe box!

998 Tannery: Sad to say I paid resale for these bad boys...So I had to sell my 8.5s(just too big, was slipping aroiund in them/not the snug feel I like) and put in another $80 ish for a DS pair....making them the most expensive shoes I've ever purchased WORTH IT!!!

9987DSAI: Everybody was so gassed up on the 998DBOA(I agree) and was searching for something else, had a credit at Premir and they were on sale & in my size...Why not?

RB Cys 997.5: So dope I might buy a second pair to sand bag...

That was my Oct and Nov...$1500 SHUCKS!! 
 Plus 3 pairs of Adidas and 3 pairs of Nike for GF and Step-daugher, and two kids Js for the neices...Call it 2Gs...Oh well...when my GF leaves me I'll have more time to post pics of shoes and buy more Kicks
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