so all we can do is put faith in the guys we have.
after them being proven losers?

yeah ok.

that's the thing....we talk our +%% the beginning of the season..."Yo, Zach's 20/10...we're gonna kill with him and Eddy...the East aint seenlefty PF with his talent in years, blah blah blah"...then we lose and spazz...the go on a BS losin streak...all the while losing to teams we coulda beathad the boys played D...then you have some nice Jamal moves, the usual Nate occasional Curry yell.....

we go through this bull +%*! EVERY year. i understand they're rebuilding or w/e...but to me...this offseason is gonna be the last one before i entirelygive up on them...i was wyling earlier....but pending this offseason and anything funny i see this season, i aint %$%* with them no more.

and that say a lot coming from me.
The pick was based because D'Antoni and his pops @*!+#+ back in Italy.

i dont see how only a handful of us realize that or want to admit it.

i'm especially angry...because i consider Walsh to be HIGHLY he was gonna restore cred to the organization...but he let Mike's loveaffair with duke's pops sway his judgement...our biggest need is at PG....i wouldnt have minded Bayless in a Barbosa type role down the line...or even aslead guard....yeah he woulda made mistakes but that's what rookies do....

my whole beef is:

Why take a "3", esp one with no lateral quickness when we took one last year and have a logjam at that spot? what the %+%# about that makes sense?when your starting PG has an expiring contract and your other "guards" are combo guards in essence?

and this %+%# is wearing #8....
sick.gif least the Italian community might put more $ into the Garden coffer.
HarlemToTheBronx wrote:

The offseason just started. Lets just relax and let the guy step onto the floor at Madison Square Garden before we crucify him.

I'll wait until he steps on the floor in vegas.
Either way, it was still the wrong pick.

Shoulda let his @@@ go to jersey.
Nah son...I wasn't talking about the players.

I was talking about Walsh and D'Antoni. +#$@ the players we have (minus Gallinari).
Nah son...I wasn't talking about the players.

I was talking about Walsh and D'Antoni. %@#% the players we have (minus Gallinari).

No way I put faith in dudes like Zach Randolph, Eddy Curry, Jerome James, Jamal Crawford...etc.
Walsh gets a 30% pass from me. dude worked magic in Indiana...and although they didnt win....he's a dude who knows what he's doing...

Mike? dude is a $#**...he got tired of the Spurs chewing his team....Pop constantly proving that D wins matter who was on his team, they ALWAYS gottheir %*% handed to them by the damn Spurs...i think the best year for them to have won one was when JJ got injured then they lost his production at the 2. nowhe comes to NY with this () brand of fun as the runing style is...i cant name any other team except the '80s Lakers who won with that offense.all this soft %*% whining he does on the sideline...!@%$ and coach.....ya'll all smiling now, but Mike hasnt proved anything to me except being a sideshowringmaster...and i HATE the Spurs....but Pop is the epitome of defense in the L. that's why i f with the Hornets, besides my boy Paul, them boys can runbut they know how to play D and how to play as a team and not down to opponents like the Knicks do.

I couldnt even believe the signing of Mike. this better be worth the blue collar Knicks fan hard earned $. and ya'll lying if you dont think he's agirl
I hear y'all, I really do. But y'all have to trust that these two, very experienced, men have the best of this organization in mind. Do you reallythink Walsh, who has been a well respected figure in this league for decades, would make his first pick of a huge rebuilding process because his coach was gaywith the kid's father?

Come on. I mean, it's understandable that y'all would feel this way, but Donnie deserves a little more credit than that. The connection betweenD'Antoni and Gallinari is there, but Donnie Walsh is GMing this team. There's no way he allows his coach to make the decision in such a big spot.There's not doubt in my mind that he went into this thinking of what would be best for the New York Knicks down the line.

Say Donnie does pick Bayless, and 5 years down the line Bayless is a bust and Gallinari's dropping 18/7 per. What then?

Just be patient. We never know how these players pan out until it actually happens.
But y'all have to trust that these two, very experienced, men have the best of this organization in mind.
like Dolan's checkbook doesnt exist right?

well,i guess we'll see. but knowing myself...if he's a bust, i'm gonna let ya'll know it was me who call it first. maybe it's my biasagainst Euro players (Peja gets a pass cuz he's a Hornet and even hes a broad when he wants to be)....maybe it's passing on Artest for a stiff....maybeit's Dirk winning MVP then getting smacked while being guarded by the likes of Stephen Jackson...and hes the touted 7 footer who can shoot over anyone....ijust dont like the players that i've seen beside Andrei (cuz of D) and Peja (sometimes)...f-ing Darko making lefty players looked terrible.

all this hypothetical $%$....i'm speaking from fact and reality. "say...if..." c'mon no people..this is what it's come to?

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I'll put money on it that D'Antoni takes the unknown Italian guy. SMFH.


and i honestly didnt think we'd get that high of a pick. somewhere, Isiah is cuddlng with Magic and laughing
me and NTer i quoted called it
But K, at this point all we can go on is hypotheticals. We have absolutely no idea what this guy, or anyone in this draft, will turn out to be. Gallinari couldbe a complete bust. He could be the best player in the draft, he could be the worst. We don't know until he plays.

I hated the pick at first too. I'll give Donnie some time before I start calling for his head.

I don't know, man. I'm just trying to be as fair and patient as possible. This is just the beginning of the rebuilding process.

w/e...guess that's the nature of the beast.

like i said...this offseason/season will determine...if he can find someone to take Eddy or Zach, fine by me...Lee, i like a lot..but if we can get a betterplayer namely a PG...pull the trigger...

since i'm the only one who seems to predict the future, the shot selection from our "guards" is gonna be absolutely TERRIBLE. over/under?
I can't wait to see Jamal chucking up HORRIBLE shots. If we don't manage to get an actual point guard in her these offseason, we're gonna have ahuge problem.

we got a player known as "The Rooster"

how intimidating...i cant wait to see Rasheed stare him down

Hedo (i forgot about him as a Euro)

are all licking their chops at "the Rooster"...imagine the embarrassments to come for the next few years. they better get the kid working with TimGrover
I've been lurkin this thread for a good minute since the Yankee game ended. Just sittin here w/ the "
" face on the entire time. I dunno ifWalsh can pull of a solid PG in the offseason (Andre Miller anyone?) for the right deal. We're stuck with this roster for the most part until thesesalaries come off the books.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


Y'all need to chill. None of us have seen him play 10 minutes of basketball. We weren't there when players were getting worked out. And we can't see into the future.

Just chill. We have a LONG way to go. None of us have any experience as coachs or GMs, so all we can do is put faith in the guys we have. Isiah is gone, give this new regime some time before we start calling for their heads. It just seems like y'all were just waiting for something to even seem like a bad move.

Lets just relax and realize that this is step one in years of rebuilding. The offseason just started. Lets just relax and let the guy step onto the floor at Madison Square Garden before we crucify him.

All we know about him is that he's Italian, and what scouts have said about him.

My thoughts exactly.

I didn't want Gallinari but what can we do about it now, I just have to have faith.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

whats good with mo williams? hows his contract looking like? i wouldnt mind him as our pg

Mo Williams is just like every other guard we have. We need somebody that is known as a facilitator and only shoots when needed.
Isiah Thomas gave new Knick President Donnie Walsh a positive scouting report on Danilo Gallinari, whom the team made the sixth pick in the 2008 draftThursday night.

After being dismissed from his role as Knicks' president and head coach, Isiah Thomas embarked on a European scouting trip and watched Gallinari playfor Armani Jeans of Milan.

"He told me, 'This kid won't back down,'" Walsh said.

part of me wants to trust Thomas given his history of drafting solid players

then the other part thinks he's trying to get at us for us replacing him

i guess ya'll are right

8 hours of sleep after a long day makes a HUGE difference in my temper
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

The pick was based because D'Antoni and his pops @*!+#+ back in Italy.
i dont see how only a handful of us realize that or want to admit it.

i'm especially angry...because i consider Walsh to be HIGHLY he was gonna restore cred to the organization...but he let Mike's love affair with duke's pops sway his judgement...our biggest need is at PG....i wouldnt have minded Bayless in a Barbosa type role down the line...or even as lead guard....yeah he woulda made mistakes but that's what rookies do....

my whole beef is:

Why take a "3", esp one with no lateral quickness when we took one last year and have a logjam at that spot? what the %+%# about that makes sense? when your starting PG has an expiring contract and your other "guards" are combo guards in essence?

and this %+%# is wearing #8....
sick.gif least the Italian community might put more $ into the Garden coffer.

man im with you in this argument. I hate this pick and Walsh has done nothing to earn my trust so i say *%@* him. Especially if Isiah had something to dowith it, +%+$$%! Isiah still hurting us
. I mean i could give a!+@$ if hes a solid player., I can guarentee you that Bayless will be a solid player at the least... he wont be a bust for whoever said that maybe he wont beelite but guys that talnted dont turn into busts. But anyway there were plenty of other solid players out there. The fact tat we took another 3 just discussesme and we took him because D'Antoni was gay with his pops. Its not like i just dont like oreign players, i could give a !+@$ where hes from as i saidbefore. BUT I WANT SOME DUDES THAT CAN PLAY D!!! I had enough of this soft !+@$ and no matter how solid Gallinari turns out to be he will s till get burned byevery 3 he guards and will get bodied the *%@* down by every 4. I just want a tough team that can play D because i agree with what the dude said above DEFENSEWINS. *%@* D'Antoni, we shoulda gotten Mark Jackson. I dont give a !+@$ about being exciting i want to win, i miss those old Knicks teams that took pridein defense and let nobody *%@* around with them. Last year was just disgraceful the worst defense i have ever seen and we are the laughing stock of the leaguewe are disgracing the entire Garden and those legends in the rafters. I mean even if 'Antoni starts to put some points on the board we will still be thatsoft $+% team that doesnt play D, WE HAVE NOBODY WHO PLAYS SOLID D. Thats what kills me about this guy not that hes from Italy. I mean Rubio is from spain butsince he is a point guard who runs the follr and locks people down on D i want him. I could give a *%@* where hes from. This pick was bad period. We have thesoftest +%+$$%! team in the NBA right now and Walsh did noting to hange that on Thursday and he couldnt clear cap room. The swamprats are KILLING us in therace for Lebron right now.
When the Knicks selected Italian forward Danilo Gallinari with the sixth pick, it may have signaled the end of David Lee's career as a Knick.

"I'm hearing the Knicks could be working on a deal with the Charlotte Bobcats to acquire point guard Raymond Felton for Lee," Frank Isola writes in his blog.

The Bobcats chose Texas point guard D.J. Augustin with the ninth pick. Augustin's game is consistent with Larry Brown's blueprint for an orchestrating point guard.

When Mike D'Antoni coached the Phoenix Suns, he reportedly did not want Lee because of the forward's lack of shooting ability.

Isola also reports that the Knicks had spoken to the Memphis Grizzlies about trading Lee and Malik Rose for the fifth pick.
at D'Antoni wanting to give upthe only +%+$$%! tough player on this team right now. (other than Nate but Nate is a backup PG). If we trade Lee for Felton... wow just wow. Its like this guyactually doesnt like toughness or defense.
David Lee plays defense?

These past 7 years has made y'all delusional.

Raymond Felton put up 14/7 in his third season, and he's only getting better.

When rebuilding, what do we need more? A young talented pass first PG or a 10/10 tweener PF who's a liability on the defensive end?

Lets not overrate our players. David Lee is good, but in this situation we have to think of what we want to build upon.

Not to mention the fact that we really don't have the money to shell out to keep David here after next season. If we give him what he wants, which willprobably be around 8million per, it will hurt our chances of getting under the cap by 2010.
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