Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Hey GR8 did you rejoin the Eddy Curry fan club? LOL!

I hated Curry last year and i hate him even more right now. I dont think yalls get it. We got Randolph!! W dont need more points down low (not that Currycan provide it daily cause he cant play vs double teams). All want is a center that can play defense that is it. I'm not gonna be wowed by one 23 pointgame. Especially vs probably the worst front court in the NBA.
EDIIT: Also Steph supposed to play tonight
December 16, 2007 -- REMEMBER the movie "A Day Without Mexicans"? What if there were no Spanish-speaking immigrants to pick vegetables, beautify the landscape, handle the horses, paint the premises, dominate the car wash and do every other conceivable dirty or odd job?

Well, New York NBA customers, in concert with the metropolitan media, owe it to themselves, advocate column contributor Murry Weiss and many others, to stage A Day Without the Knicks; a total boycott by fans, newspapers (even remove them from the standings), radio and TV the day of a home game.

Imagine the impact of a game - how about Kobe Bryant and the Lakers next Sunday afternoon, or you can e-mail me with a better date - in which merely James Dolan and his Dolts show up! Come to think of it, Cable Clown appears to be shunning his sorry spectacle the majority of the time already.

I think ignoring them for one day would be a great way to get the point across. It would take everyone to get something like that done. We as fans really needto do something, though.
^^^If that would work, that would be great. I dont know if we can get it done though. Cause not just fans go to Knicks games. It is a social event as well, andmany people who are just visiting the city and want to be part of a Knicks game experience goes to the games. Also a lot of tickets are bought ahead of time,so Dolan already has his $.

But i think it is worth a try, im down.
I'm all with ignoring them I would feel a lot better, Knowing that this clown Dolan had to once pay to attention to the mess he and Isiah created.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

Originally Posted by I LIKE AIR MAXES

chill lets be serious, mardy jsut needs time to play and he would be a beast like he did last season



I agree. We've already gone over why Mardy needs to be out of here.
@ Mardy ever being a "beast"

And GR8, I see you're up on your college ball.

Personally, I like Mayo better than Rose. I think OJ has more long term potential. But the bottom line is that they BOTH still have a ways to go. Michael"Beastly" has been impressive thus far. But I'm not sure yet about his ability to handle a town like NY. Not to mention seeing if he'll growbeyond his current height. At 6'9, he'll get molested by the PFs in the pros. Anyway, that's all down the road. A lot can (and will) change.

As far as that idea about a Knicks boycott...
. Wow. That would absolutely kill Zeke and Dolan.
But the whole taking them out of the standings and out of the newspapers (
by infinity) is OD.
That should be used in only the most desperatecircumstance. Like, can you imagine if that really happened? It would be a boss move by the fans... But still a sad day in NY. I could see Spike making a movieout of that day if it ever happened.

In terms of Artest, I kinda feel as if the Knicks already had their chance at him 10 years ago in the draft. Bringing him in now is a nice idea, but Idon't see too many more good years in him y'know?
forget the boycott... we should stage a walkout... we should pick a game and then at a certain time in like the 2nd or 3rd quarter... just all of us get upand walkout... that would send a message
^^Thats the TRUTH.

but as long as Dolan still makes his $ hes all good. the only way to beat him is in his own game and for him its CREAM
Stephon Marbury: Returned to Practice Sunday, Plans to Play Monday
Update: Marbury returned to practice on Sunday aftermissing a week to mourn the death of his father, the Associated Press reports. Analysis: Marbury plans on returning to the lineup on Mondaywhen the Knicks host the Pacers. He has missed five of the Knicks' last seven games and has apparently lost some weight since his father's death onDec. 2. Knicks coach Isiah Thomas has acknowledged that Marbury has a ways to go physically and will decide on Monday if he will start.
He has missed five of the Knicks' last seven games and has apparently lost some weight since his father's death on Dec. 2.
damn my dude steph went into a depression hope he can pull thru
I have been saying all this stuff about a boycott before and I agree that it should be done. The problem with fans today as I have been saying though is thatthey are not organized enough. Which is sad when you consider all the technology we have to get the word out and organize and do this.
think we are going to win against indiana tonight? steph is back in the starting lineup so i hope that won't mess up any momentum from the previousstarters. pacers have been playing well this season because of jamaal tinsley, so i expect someone to stop his penetration. knicks by 4
i wish i had something constructive or enlightening to add to this thread, but at least it will be nice to see stephon play again.

go nikz!
energized Marbury + Crawford + an offense that seems to have stopped revolving completely around Curry=

We need that PG in Marbury back, i dont know lets see if we can start at little streak we got an easy schedule ahead. If Marbury returns as Starbury we got ashot in this.
I've never exactly been a Marbury fan.

But on the real, I'm rooting for him to have a monster season from here on out. I'm talking the old Steph. 20 and 8.

Not saying it'll make me like him all of a sudden. But I'm rooting for him.

I liked his comments about MSG and the city of NY:
"I miss the fans, the excitement, I miss the boos, the cheers," Marbury said. That's what makes New York what it is. If you're notfrom New York, you really don't understand that. You never grasp that."

So true.
Yo, this is disturbing.

Knicks getting WAXED at HOME by the PACERS.

When you got Mike Dunleavey bombing from downtown and looking like Larry Bird...
that was just disgusting to watch. this guy scored 22 points. 22 @#$*@!% points in the 3rd quarter, are you kidding me?!
i must say

Mike Dunleavy has definitely stepped his game up. Not just cuz he's toying with us but it's been a long road for him. dude was garbage when he cameout..mad overhyped...
2ND Quarter killed us....we could not hit a shot to build a lead.

Isiah and his great quotes continue (from the postgame press conference):

"We dont grind and compete like we should for 48 minutes."

"I think we have the talent but talent and skill does not necessarily mean we have heart"

"I'm not getting it out of this group right now"

"We had a good basketball game going and for whatever reason our team stopped competing."

"There has to be some individual professional pride from the guys out on the floor and tonight we did not have that."

"The team does not compete like I do."

"I want to talk about why I didnt make this substition or call that play. I cant wait for the day when I dont have to talk about heart and courage."
@ isaih not trying to trade for Kobe

this would have never happened. almost any move would do good at this point

why does this have to happen to new york?
@ the knicks effort overall
Damn...I gotta be at the game on Sunday to support my home girl on the dancing least I get to see Kobe.

Isiah looked like he was about to just break down and cry during that post game interview.

I rather hear the crowd chant trade Curry then fire Isiah because IMO, it's the players who aren't giving it there all.
this is embarrassing. we get blown out FAR too often.

fans chanting 'we want nate?' how about 'play with heart?'
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