^I have to say that makes a lot of sense nycknicks105!! I mean seriously....what is wrong with that idea?! Why not this team obviously cant play defense so whynot try run and gun. My only question will be will this translate into a championship? Because none of those run and gun teams have won one yet....and thatswhat I think all of us Knicks fans want....a championship.
to his credit, Zbo is a better passer than i expected, esp entry passes to Edwin. Eddy's just lazy. besides if the "center of your offense"doesnt know how to pass out of double teams and has been with the league for over 2 years, it's obvious who should get more touches. and rebounding speaksfor itself.

i'm just mad Lee might want out. word to Willis, i'd stop being a fan if that went down. trade the team for a AIDS vaccine or something, i dont care.but keep Zbo, Lee, Jamal (i can live with it), Jones,Balkman,Morris and Chandler...sure that's like half the team but ya'll catch my drift
Only players owning guaranteed mega-million contracts dare show it - on a nightly basis. They do not want to play for him. Many, I'm told, have asked, demanded and screamed to be traded at assistants in the dressing room after looses.

Malik Rose is on the record as wanting out. Quentin Richardson, David Lee and Eddy Curry also are begging to be gone.

The good news is, Nate Robinson, I'm informed, has spewed, too, a desire to distance himself from the insane asylum run by Nurse Ratched, er, Thomas. Who wouldn't want such an inventive maker of plays? No matter how well he's covered, IncrimiNate is always able to find himself open for a shot.

How depressing have the Knicks become? The other night a player told me Curry was moaning on the bench, "Get me out of here. Please get me out of here."

Fire Isiah
Man, at this point I would either completely bench Curry or trade him...... Artest or Okafor sounds good but it probably won't happen straight up.......but do you really think the season is over? It's not even All Star weekend yet...... it's only over if no changes or trades are made.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

I agree the season is lost GR8 but the big question is HOW do we rebuild??

Thats a good question but i do not think rebuilding is that far off. I think Lee is our franchise and i would try to get a center but a froncourt of Leeand Randolph, although undersized would work fine. they make up thir height by their aggressive play. We also got that draft pick and at our rate + $terns needfor the Knicks to be back on top we will 75-80% get the #1 pick. And while there is still a lot ot see from these college guys i am a HUGE fan of DerrickRose's game. I think he can be a franchise player for any team. This kid can do it all. He is super athletic, a great defender, he can shoot, and he canrun the floor like J Kidd. I also think Beasley or Mayo would be nice in NY. But I would take Rose over Beasley because on this team i think a franchise PG isa greater need for ANY rebuilding team when it comes down to 2 talented players. But than again i still have faith in Marbury running the floor and i think hewould be a ble to do great things with a presence like Beasley. But like i aid if we miss the playoffs (and we will) i think we gotta cut ties with Marbury andwhat better way to do so than to take the best PG that this draft has seen since Chris Paul and Deron Williams? Mayo is nice, but he is kin of more like aGilbert Arenas or an old Marbury. Although i love both those players games if we get #1 we need to take the big athletic distributor who can also shoot andplay lock down D. If we get a later pick as as yall know i LOVE Hibbert and we are GREATLY slacking at center right now. And another one of my favorite collegeplayers is UCLA pg Darren Collison. He is another guy i think can be a franchise PG. Great defender, super quick, and he is a good pass 1st floor general. Butlets say we get Collison thats a franchise pg right there. We keep Crawford at the 2, we still got Lee, Z Bo, Balkman, etc. Thats a decent team right there anda VERY young one. I feel confident in this draft as our savior. If not theres always, Gilbert
, Artest, and Okafor. As for yall backing up Curry, you know what i think i thinkhe sucked last year. Sure he was scoring. But he was still averaging more turnovers than assists, steals, and blocks COMBINED. He still was getting destroyedby double teams cause he couldnt pass. That stretch he had all game against single coverage he went back to medocre/bad stats when he would get doubled, causehe is soft and dont go up strong and he cant pass out of a double. And most importantly he STILL NEVER PLAYED ANY THING THAT RESEMBLED DEFENSE AND ALL OF HISFIRE WAS ALL DOWN LOW IN OFFENSE IN THE PASINT AND WAS STILL ONLY EFFECTIVE WITH THE BALL DOWN LOW WITH MAN COVERAGE AND HE HAD NO FIRE ON D AND ON THE GLASS.Get this lazy soft fat##%$ piece of mother %@#@@@# *%** off my team for next season. He is the anti-player to our rebuilding process. Like i said the season isalready lost so if we trade him or not this season is not a factor, but he better be out by nxt season cause he is TRASH
December 15, 2007 -- Isiah Thomas sounds like a man desperate to make changes to his roster - and you can take Eddy Curry off the untouchable list.
Today is a key day in the NBA's trading climate. Contracts of first-round picks and free-agent summer signings are allowed to be dealt, including rookie Wilson Chandler's pact.

Thomas insinuated some guys on the club can't play in the manner he wants, and made his most damning remarks yet about Curry, pointing out his flaws and admitting Curry may not develop into a franchise center to build around.
It seems the time for the Knicks to reignite trade talks for Ron Artest, who can opt out after next season. With team morale at its lowest and one of the supposed team leaders, on-the-block Malik Rose, recently asking to be placed on the inactive list, Artest can't make the climate any worse. Rose dressed last night only because of Quentin Richardson's knee injury, but did not play.
Thomas said in the summer he wouldn't deal David Lee or Renaldo Balkman for Artest, but that may have changed.

Thomas' recent rips on Curry could be perceived as bracing fans for Curry's departure.

"I can say that, as always, if we can improve our team, we will," Thomas said yesterday, which usually is code phrase for saying the club is active in trade talks. And there's a growing sense more than just Rose wants out too.

Curry's trade value is in the pits. Would Isiah actually now offer him up for Artest?

Meanwhile, Stephon Marbury privately has worried if his Knick days are numbered after the Phoenix incident, when Thomas told him he could go home. The last three Knicks whom Thomas allowed to leave the team, Penny Hardaway, Shandon Anderson and Dikembe Mutombo, were soon sent packing.

Thomas also seems down on the Renaldo Balkman-Nate Robinson-Jared Jeffries bench trio.

"Those guys, you got to have energy to be effective," Thomas said. "Right now our so-called energy players, with the exception of David, they haven't been that effective. It's bad play."

Looks like Isiah is finally catching on. Looks like a big deal may go down today cause it definitely looked like he was showcasing Wilson Chandler'sabilities last night, and nt only gave him minutes down the stretch but it seemed like he drew up plays for him as well. i noticed that and figured maybeWilson had family at the game (casue hes from Chicago area and went to Depaul) and Isiah was fed up with his starters so he let Wilson shine, but this seems tobe the real reason. If Isiah could somehow land Artest here and trade Curry in the process i would go crazy. It looks like he would trade Balkman in it aswell, but if we got Artest why would we wven need Balkman. Artest=Balkman + offense - length and athleticism + an even better defender. Lets see if Isiah haany magic left. But at this point if he trades away ourdraft ick at 6-16 in ANY trade, off with his head
THEGR8 I was just about to post that curry trade article. you was right all along, bring artest back to ny i can smell it in the air word to beans. i wouldntmind giving up balkman in a package for artest but isiah better not F up and give away david lee. its funny when you said lets see if isiah has any magic leftbut only magic trick he needs to do is disappear
Agreed Woodside...bring Artest here in anyway that we can without giving up Lee. IMO he is our ONLY untouchable.

The GR8 I hear your points on rebuilding and I like your draft strategy but seriously who is going to take Curry right now? We have major problems as far asgetting rid of him. This is the guy Isiah wanted to build around and was supposed to be the franchise.....Isiah needs to come out and make the statement thathe is not the franchise. Ask quickly as you endorsed him just say he is not getting it done and time to move in a different direction. I think all of us knickfans would respect that.

It seriously would make my season if we got Artest here and got rid of Curry....even if the team didn't make the playoffs I guarantee they would play hardthe rest of the season.

Also could we just buy out the contracts of Rose and Jerome James already. I don't want to see either of those players play a game in a Knick uniformagain.
^^^haha thats true. Yes if we could get Artest it would be a great day for the Knicks especially if Curry is in the package, even if Balkman has to go as well.I ont give a %%%% who the Knicks trade in an Artst deal as long as they keep Lee and our draft pick, outside of that... go crazy Isiah

EDIT: heres a trade i just made that might work... also i just noticed from maing this trade that Jerome James' contract expires next summer
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Isiah needs to come out and make the statement that he is not the franchise. Ask quickly as you endorsed him just say he is not getting it done and time to move in a different direction. I think all of us knick fans would respect that.
Thomas insinuated some guys on the club can't play in the manner he wants, and made his most damning remarks yet about Curry, pointing out his flaws and admitting Curry may not develop into a franchise center to build around.
He kind of just sid that in the article i posted. That article made me really happy. I always said that Isiah needs to go because he will neverchange anything casue of his ego, but if he can steal Artest out of Sacremento in an offer kind of like the one i posted above, he will move up MAJOR pintswith me and maybe save his job as well. Kind of like how Doc Rivers and Danny Ainge's jobs were saved by strsaling KG out of Minnesota.
SMH at us still trying to get Curry involved

Hopfully we wont fall for some attractive scoring #s like last year, and hopfully we are just showcasing him for a trade.

Cause he still plays 0 D
good win tonight to end the nets streak against the knicks. good games by jamal and zbo. good job by curry to showcase some numbers to become a little morevaluable if a trade happens
. oh yea and if a trade does happen just include mardy collins in it cuz that guy is basura.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

good win tonight to end the nets streak against the knicks. good games by jamal and zbo. good job by curry to showcase some numbers to become a little more valuable if a trade happens
. oh yea and if a trade does happen just include mardy collins in it cuz that guy is basura.

^^^Mardy put up some nice #s and impressed a lot of us last year and i agrree with both sides here

I agree that Mardy benefited from injuries and playing down the stretch vs teams not competing hard. And what he showed last year was kind of a fluke

I also agree that garbage or not it was still NBA minutes and he made the most out of the time he got.

In the NBA i think confidence is the key. and right now Mardy does not have any confidence. He really is not that great of a basketball player right now. Henever does anything really great in games, he cant shoot, and he is a shaky ball handler. But also he is a 6'6 PG with good PG fundamentals, and while heis not a talented NBA player right now, he can be solid if he is developed properly based on the tools he has. But i wouldn't mind trading him to a teamthat could use a young PG as an add on in a trade based off his stats in April last year.

EDIT: and despite all this $+#@ there is NOTHING that i like more than beating the %$@*%@% swamp rats, let alone doing it twice especially with %$@*%@% Kiddout there tonight. They are horrible though, they just looked lost tonight.
last year he did aight probably a fluke but this year you can just tell he probably wont get any better. i compare mardy collins to the other collins in newjersey
LOL @ my dude Woodside with that gif. LOL! I totally co-sign your thoughts on the game. I didnt watch the game tonight but listened briefly as I was drivingaround. Hey GR8 did you rejoin the Eddy Curry fan club? LOL!

Horray Curry!! Glad to see you start scoring again. I am glad like Woodsise said that he found his touch....I want him to bring his trade value back up!

As far as Mardy I still dont know how I feel about him. I agree with GR8 that he could use some more confidence with playing time but I was never as sold assome of you guys were on him last season. Bottom line is if he goes tomorrow I wont be crying.

Winning streak anyone?!
I dont even feel good about the win. Like it was fluke or something. New Jersey was playing like how we normally play and it was very weird seeing that happen.Ahh well Back to our regular losing habits on Monday
lol its bad when i only reply to this post when the knicks win.....LOL

all i'm wondering is: if we do end up trading Curry...who's going to be our center?
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