whats good with my man junk yard dog coming out of retirement and playing instead of curry
^^^I have been asking for a trade Curry avy for a while, if someone can hook that up much apprecaited

And although that trade would be heavensent, no way Memphis is that stupid, and where has that rumor come from?
Speaking of Junk Yard Dog, what happened to his low budget version of Pimp My Ride on MSG? It actually wasn't bad.
Nothing is going to happen, GM's aren't dumb enough to take on the mess isiah created. Sadly the players we have now we are stuck with :-(
You guys sound like me three seasons ago. As a Bulls fan, I just couldn't wait to trade Eddy Curry. It was like draft day every day. Who could we get? Whatcould we get? Who wants him? Does anyone need a big man that can't rebound?

The best thing you can do for Eddy Curry is separate him from Jamal Crawford. Friends, yes. Close friends, yes. But together I think they make a badcombination.
^^Actually Curry is only decent on offense when he got Crawfod giving him nice passes. But on the contrary it is an anti-defensive force.

Alsthough my boi Jamal has been showing improvement, and at least hes working hard
Originally Posted by THE GR8

What kind of FO fires THREE former coach of the year winners (two of them being HOF coaches, Don Chaney being the other) in 3 consecutive seasons??
You're not actually telling me that Cheaney won a COY?? This guy was almost as bad of a coach as Isiah. And if im not mistaking wasnt he just our assistant coach and he took over aafter JVG bailed and than was like our coach for a year and a half??

And as for LB i was all for that move. LB was a great coach but it was a bad signing from the beginning. We did not have ANY Brown players. Brown cant coach a team with a Marbury at the point or a Curry. He needs a big passing PG (Eric Snow) and a defenive center (anti Curry) either Zeke was gonna have to go or Brown. Especailly with all the clashings between Brown/Marbury/Isiah. But honestly right now i wish Isiah would have left instead of Brown cause AT LEAST i know we wouldnt have Curry.


Yeah, Chaney was actually COY with the Rockets in 91. Roster included Otis Thorpe, Mad Max, Dream, Kenny Smith, Buck Johnson, Sleepy Floyd... Finished with a52-30 record. Not bad.

As far as your comment about the Knicks not having any Brown type players and it being a bad match from the jump... how many teams have players that a newcoach considers "his" guys?? Most times a new coach comes in, player moves are made to fit the coach's needs/preferences. It's asinine tohire a coach with the credentials of Wilkens or Brown and then fire him one year into the program.

That's like the Lakers firing Phil after that first year just b/c he didn't get along with Kobe.

Or the Rockets firing JVG when he first arrived b/c he didn't get along with Yao.

I mean, do you see how crazy that sounds?

The only time a new coach does NOT make moves to get players he likes is if the team already has a core that has experienced previous success. Like the Pistonswith Flip or the Mavs with Avery. In cases like that, the new coach is brought in to get the team over the hump.

In my mind, there's no justification for getting rid of PROVEN coaches as quickly as the Knicks did. Which is why Isiah and the Knicks FO get ALL the blamefor this mess.

But all this talk about the past isn't helping the team now.

So forget all that old news.
I can't see Memphis doing that trade unless Pao's trade value is shot (which I doubt). Knicks would probably have to throw in Lee to have a chance.
Lee stays no matter what. he is one of the only guys that has a bright future with this team. I want him staying unless maybe if we get like Kobe in a tradewhere he would be the deciding factor. Bt although that trade kills Memphis, i wouldnt do it if Lee was involved. Lee and our 1st round pick should be on LOCKDOWN right now.
^Dice, you gotta do the paper bag man!!! I am telling you some photographers camera is going to catch that. It will make news.....what needs to happen is awhole bunch of fans bring them to the game and put them on once the knicks start losing. That would send a message....its better than the useless "FireIsiah" chant.

I swear if I decide to give MSG my money this year I am going with a paper bag.....if I get thrown out so be it; either way just by showing up its a goodchance you already wasted your money. Sadly getting thrown out would be the least of my worries. But can you really even get thrown out for that?? I have seenfans do that for years at stadiums across the country with bad teams. I dont know if they got thrown out but if someone knows what the deal is regarding that Iwould like to know.

ill be there too....ill be looking out for a dude with a paper bag getting ushered out the garden...thats if i dont rock the bag myself
From the Daily News, the front page says FIRE ISIAH with a cutout around it and says bring it to the game

Here's the fed-up Knicks fan who got kicked out of Madison Square Garden for simply holding up a sign that declared, "FIRE ISIAH."

For all the Knicks fans who feel the same way as Jason Silverstein, consider the sign on page 3 of Wednesday's Daily News our holiday gift.

Save your voices and still let the world know how you feel: Raise the sign at Wednesday's game.

Fire Isiah.

Infuriated by the way Isiah Thomas has run the Knicks, Silverstein displayed his opinion of Thomas at Monday night's tilt against the Pacers.

Sitting in the primo seats one row behind Thomas and his players, the 23-year-old Silverstein scribbled "FIRE ISIAH" on a meal tray along with anarrow pointing to the Knicks coach in the final minutes of the 119-92 Indiana rout.

No sooner had Silverstein held the sign up than it was confiscated. Even worse, Silverstein said he was booted from the Garden with no explanation.

"I brought in a blank sign with a Sharpie [pen], but they confiscated that sign at halftime," Silverstein told the Daily News.

"When the Knicks were down by 25 points late in the game, I was scrambling for a sign. I picked up a tray that they serve food on, I had my Sharpie andboom. The girl behind me said, 'Maybe you should put an arrow on it.'"

"Then the [security] guys came in, grabbed my hand and said, 'Get out of here.'"

"They said they were going to move me to another seat. They never did that. They were just covering their a----."

The Garden security invoked the signs and banners policy regarding Silverstein, which states that "any interference with the enjoyment of anotherguest's experience will result in the confiscation of the sign and/or the possible ejection from the facility."

A Knicks team official said Silverstein may have been heckling Thomas.

Silverstein, who sported a No. 42 David Lee jersey Tuesday night, begs to differ.

"I'm there every game," said Silverstein, who works in real estate. "I was there for the Mavericks game [against the Knicks at the GardenDec. 10]. That started it, because Isiah was talking back to us. Everyone was like, 'He's out of his mind.'"

In that game, Thomas scolded a season ticket holder that the fans were a lousy "sixth man" for his team. He said it with a straight face, andwithout looking at his bench.

"Fire Isiah" chants have been a routine serenade at Knicks home games this season as the storied franchise has limped to a 7-17 record.

How devoted a basketball fan is Silverstein?

He owns a basketball team that plays at famed Rucker Park in Harlem. He's been attending Knicks games since he was 4 years old. He routinely plops downa king's ransom for the seats - tickets that have a face value of $1,900.

"I only sit courtside. Don't let them tell you that I don't sit down there. I'm a die-hard Knicks fan, so I only sit in the first fiverows. I know what goes on down there," said Silverstein. "I need Knick games. They're like my drug."

That's why Silverstein plans to be back tonight, when the Knicks take on the LeBron James-led Cavaliers at the Garden. He hasn't decided whetherhe'll chance another "Fire Isiah" sign, but Silverstein said he'll outlast Thomas this season.

"I'll be there. I'll always go to Knick games," he said. "Isiah should just give up already. ... Isiah needs to leave. It'sembarrassing."

Raise the sign.

Fire Isiah.
@ what my team has become. I remember when this franchise was one of the elite in the east, now we're the laughingstock of the damn league and city.
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