wow ... delhomme is about to get that stiff arm in the locker room
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! Come on... g. The Falcons still at home. Ain't no sense in measuring +#+$@.
Ant u my dude. But I Hate the Panthers. Sorry bro.

Yall got EMBARRASED. at HOME. Smitty = No Show. Your D = No Show
way too little way too late.. steve smith doin his thang.. if only the ball went his direction more rather than towards the ARZ secondary. smh
Originally Posted by allen3xis

And all that talk about Steve Smith being the best WR in the league..... yeah that can end after tonight. Fitz is on a whole other level than that dude.

Ignorance...More like complete nonsense... Fritz had a hell of a game though...
Smitty = No Show.
And that's exactly why we need to get rid of Jake. He putting a black eye in the game. We got the most dangerous weapon on offense. Arguablythe most athletic person on defense and we take this kind of L. ALL because of one man's mistakes.

Originally Posted by chr1scross

way too little way too late.. steve smith doin his thang.. if only the ball went his direction more rather than towards the ARZ secondary. smh

all those ints did go his way. But he was wrapped in a blanket all night.

[Terry Bradshaw]DELHOMMIE!!!![/]
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Smitty = No Show.
And that's exactly why we need to get rid of Jake. He putting a black eye in the game. We got the most dangerous weapon on offense. Arguably the most athletic person on defense and we take this kind of L. ALL because of one man's mistakes.


I been saying this for a min. Jake Delhomme is NOT a GOOD QB. He is a GAME MANAGER.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Jake runnin like "I need to get the #!++ outta here"
He better run fast cause from that Sportscenter commercial Steve's speed is "insindiary"
Originally Posted by allen3xis

And all that talk about Steve Smith being the best WR in the league..... yeah that can end after tonight. Fitz is on a whole other level than that dude.
You tell me how Fitz aint just as good if not better than him. Fitz found a way to get the ball in his hands, Smith was damn near shutout untilgarbage time. I know Delhomme threw the picks but Smith gotta find a way to get open too.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by allen3xis

And all that talk about Steve Smith being the best WR in the league..... yeah that can end after tonight. Fitz is on a whole other level than that dude.
You tell me how Fitz aint just as good if not better than him. Fitz found a way to get the ball in his hands, Smith was damn near shutout until garbage time.

Again, what did people want him to do? Throw it to himself?

I'm not takin anything away from Fitz, he's great in his own right.

but to use this night to base who's better with the way the game went? nah...that's just wrong.
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