
I wanna know when lynch going get more heat

it‘s referencing that people can see how smart Kyle is, but I am surprised he doesn’t get more heat for some of those blown situations

but lynch on the other hand, hargrave is older than buckner and kinlaw definitely wasn’t worth that pick.. and you’d think someone gotta get hit for everything given up for lance
They keep on making these damn NFC Championships.

They keep doing that and Yorks and Debartolos don’t care lol
I wanna know when lynch going get more heat

it‘s referencing that people can see how smart Kyle is, but I am surprised he doesn’t get more heat for some of those blown situations

but lynch on the other hand, hargrave is older than buckner and kinlaw definitely wasn’t worth that pick.. and you’d think someone gotta get hit for everything given up for lance

I think to much turnover in front offices and coaching staffs is bad for the NFL. Especially certain positions. Some organizations are just historically bad.

I want to go back to the days of Landry and Shula where guys coached 20-25 years for one team.
I think to much turnover in front offices and coaching staffs is bad for the NFL. Especially certain positions. Some organizations are just historically bad.

I want to go back to the days of Landry and Shula where guys coached 20-25 years for one team.

while I agree, it’s to an extent

take us with Andy Reid, after what went down with his son at the team facility and I think his other son was in trouble too.. was best for both side to move on and let Andy go somewhere new and mostly likely not as harsh

im not advocating for them getting rid of Kyle.. but I do think they should start looking at a replacement for lynch

still trying understand taking a kicker in the 3rd and zero oline in the draft.. I don’t blame them for letting the right tackle walk, especially what he signed for but cleanly the spot needed to be addressed
BSO usually isn’t off on some fake but if it’s real it sounds like he’ll pay for everything he just wishes it wasn’t happening, the DNA test will help the baby’s medicals.
Nasty business (if true!) :smh:

My friend says to feed Addison for the interim so JJ can get this all sorted out...
Yeah your friend wants the 5-0 more than she does if Justin reneges on support I gotcha lol
Pretty sure the pats hate the giants more than other nfc East teams/fans

hell I don’t even hate the giants.. but I do hate the pats or at least did

waiting to see if it’s like a dook situation where once the devil incarnate is gone, if the hatred will subside
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