Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I started following Simmonds last season...he's so young, and he SHOULD be one of more solid 2-way players in the NHL in a few years. He's one of those guys that help make teams champions.

* I wrong for saying that Ryan Callahan will be wearing that "C" within the next season or two?
DoubleJs.........I just hit Simmer on the BBM and told him exactly what you said. He's beyond appreciative. He's come a long way, real proud of the homie.......he wasn't always the most skilled or fastest skaters, just a prime example of hard work paying off.
good #+@% CQuan....from the interviews I've seen of him, he seems like a good kid. Someone you can pull for. Kings are a fun bunch towatch, and I hope that he stays apart of what they are building there. He's definitely found his niche there....for the rest of NT...KEEP AN EYE ON THISKID!
Hey Deadset....I was reading something (might have been on Puck Daddy, but I forget), but they were calling out Lucic and the B's. Pretty much they weresaying that too much money is tied into Lucic when it could have maaaaaybe been put towards Kessel. Of course hindsight is 20/20, but the injuries to Lucic wasthe reason for the article....
Originally Posted by Proshares

Yea, it was on Puck Daddy Friday. Thought it was a crock of ++%@ to be honest.
I didn't know what to make of it.....I love how Looch plays, and this was a knee-jerk reaction to him being unlucky w. the injuries. Ifhe's healthy and can play 75+ games, Looch is going to net 20-25 goals and be around 50-60 points. No it's not the offensive production to Kessel, butI think he brings more to the table.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Hey Deadset....I was reading something (might have been on Puck Daddy, but I forget), but they were calling out Lucic and the B's. Pretty much they were saying that too much money is tied into Lucic when it could have maaaaaybe been put towards Kessel. Of course hindsight is 20/20, but the injuries to Lucic was the reason for the article....
that's actually pretty funny because my friend said the exact same thing last night...maybe he read the article and was taking credit

either way tho...i really think lucic is pretty crucial to the bruins. our whole style of play, the type that was successful last year, was being a hard nosed,punch you in the mouth type of team, that's lucic's style. he also can bury the puck when he gets the chance, but more importantly he's just got agood presence on the ice for us. so if i did have to choose between him and kessel, i'd take lucic. but then like you said, there's this sudden stringof injuries. i hope it's not a trend. the latest injury was because of a rutt in the ice, and his skate got caught and his ankle buckled or something.kinda fluky. but still, the way he plays, he's bound to get banged up a bit. i pray that's it as far as major injuries for the year though.

i think there's been some noise as well about going with krejci over kessel though. going into the offseason, it was known it'd be one or the other. ithink that's more reasonable, although krejci has finally began to pick it up.
Bruins fans shouldn't be too upset about losing Kessel. There's a good possibility they'll have a top-5 draft pick in June who can make animmediate impact on the team.
^ Exactly. For the picks they got from Toronto I wouldn't be complaining. I don't see Kessel as a point per game type of player I see him being in thesame point range as Lucic with more goals. Lucic + the picks > Kessel IMO. But Boston fans as a whole will ALWAYS find something to complain about.

Zubrus, Clarkson, Niedermayer, Martin, and Oduya are all/have been out for an extended period of time for my Devils. If someone told me we'd be able towork through those injuries and still be in fantastic shape I'd have punched you for lying. Im stoked.

ATFK, you know you're used to Semin on your back.

I forgot who said but you were right about Richards being a steal in our fantasy draft. Dudes the 9th ranked player in the NHL right now.
Parise is 10x the player Gionta was/is. He put up more points during his first couple seasons than Gio did. Bite your tongue.
Oh I know. My point was that coming off a monster season and with Lemaire coming in, I wasn't expecting him to get close to averaging a point per gameagain.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I started following Simmonds last season...he's so young, and he SHOULD be one of more solid 2-way players in the NHL in a few years. He's one of those guys that help make teams champions.

* I wrong for saying that Ryan Callahan will be wearing that "C" within the next season or two?
DoubleJs.........I just hit Simmer on the BBM and told him exactly what you said. He's beyond appreciative. He's come a long way, real proud of the homie.......he wasn't always the most skilled or fastest skaters, just a prime example of hard work paying off.
good #+@% CQuan....from the interviews I've seen of him, he seems like a good kid. Someone you can pull for. Kings are a fun bunch to watch, and I hope that he stays apart of what they are building there. He's definitely found his niche there....for the rest of NT...KEEP AN EYE ON THIS KID!

Simmonds is fun to watch. I love him game, because it's exactly my style of play.
He's not flashy, but he works hard, and he's always at the right place at the right time.

I guess outside of LA no one really knows about him, or the Kings

But keep an eye out for this team, they are coming up.

And also, get well soon Ryan Smyth aka Captain Canada

ordered the Zetterberg jersey... $260 shipped

You are "Addicted to Fresh expensive Authentic Jerseys"

Quick question for you guys that buy jerseys. Are the Authentics that much better quality than the Premier to justify the extra $150? I'm about to ordereither a Perry or B. Ryan jersey, but I don't know if I want to spend almost 300 bucks.
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

the premier jerseys are great IMO. probably the best replica jersey you can buy out of all of the sports jerseys.
agreed. i'll only go authentic for my favorite players from the bruins (neely, lucic, juneau)
Welp...Ovechkin WILL be suspended for one game....he was supposed to play 41 straight games (after the Kaleta board) without getting a game misconduct and hewouldn't face any disciplinary measures. That lasted all of one game

He just got ejected for kneeing...but he got hurt real bad
[h1]Ovechkin leaves with knee injury[/h1]

Washington Capitals forward Alex Ovechkin was involved in a knee-on-knee collision in the first period of Monday night's game against the Carolina Hurricanes and needed help from medical personnel to leave the ice.

Ovechkin, who has 18 goals and 11 assists, received a five-minute major and a game misconduct for kneeing Hurricanes defenseman Tim Gleason at 12:05 of the opening period. Ovechkin was on the ice for several minutes before receiving help to the locker room.

"Of course, he's a great player and he's done a lot for this team," Caps forward Nicklas Backstrom said of Ovechkin during the first intermission. "But we've got 20 other guys out there and hopefully we can do something good about it."

Gleason, who has 4 goals and 4 assists, was able to return.


On a different note, does anyone know of any websites that still has this in stock?

Had no idea that Mike Rupp was on the Pens.

Vokoun got hit in the head with a stick and got taken off the ice on a stretcher. Hope he's ok.

Gabs w/another goal
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