Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

I think Atlanta got a pretty good deal though.  Bergfors and Cormier [
], good young talent and a first round pick?  And if Kovalchuk doesn't resign, wouldn't the trade just be: Anssi Salmela to New Jersey for Johnny Oduya, Niclas Bergfors, Patrice Cormier & a 1st Round Pick 

^ nice sig, bro

40+ shots to 25 shots...and we lose in a shootout...eff this team. the more i think about it, the more i realize how much we overachieved last season....
flyers big move will be resigning emery. but he's prolly gonna resign him to 10 year deal w/ a no trade clause

3/4 of the flyers got huge deals w/ a no trade clauses. thank you homer 
47 to be exact.
Went to the game. The chances were/are there. These dudes just need to start hitting the twine and not the posts, crossbars, goal sticks, and other stuff thats in the way.
i just spent the entire day doing school !+%* and i come home to THIS?

if they can resign him
thats ridiculous

Originally Posted by Proshares

Isn'tSouray out until after the deadline though?  How much are those teamswilling to give up for him?  Rangers gotta swing Redden to the AHL tobe able to do that trade no?
man, that pissed me off

right when we're about to trade dude he gets injured
Originally Posted by Physicx

^of course, but by how much do you think it hinders his trade value?
Not a whole lot IMO......if doctors clear him and say his wrist has healed then I don't think GM's will be too worried. He'll still have his shot from the point and that's his main weapon.

@ Kopitar's goal just a minute ago.
The Devils did give up little in comparison to what they got in return. This was in fact a run at the cup now type of move. Even if they don't resign him next year (I personally think he'll go to the KHL) we have Oduya's money off the books and can use that to help sign Clarkson, Martin and extend Parise. If Kovalchuk is actually all about winning and not the money, this could be the year!

edit: AVY change
Well to be fair to Kovy, the intensity he played with for Russia in the last two world championships might bode well for us. Seeing a winning culture and great pieces on both ends of the ice around him might be a fresh start for him. Stil gotta see how Lemaire and him work together though
Originally Posted by cquan05

Thrashers apparently wanted two of Dustin Brown, Jack Johnson and/or Wayne Simmonds from LA for Kovalchuk... Kings refused (obviously).

Can't fault the Trashers for trying, but
  at them thinking they can get 2 of those players in the deal.

8 in a row.  

Without Kopi, don't know where the Kings would be. 
I think a lot of us are being lied too by our home team's management if the Devils got away with that deal...

Obviously, the Devils are renting him, but that doesnt matter the the Thrashers. They want the most they can get.

The two offers i heard most about were the Bruins obviously, and the Kings. If the Devils got him with Oduya, Bergfors, someone i've never heard of and a pick, yet they wanted two STARS from the Kings? Or Wheeler/Rask/salary dump in Wideman/pick? Neither team could come back with slightly less? Honestly, I'd take Johnson and a pick or Brown and a pick over the Devils side, or Wideman/Wheeler/pick.

Maybe i'm just overthinking things...

edit: did we already break last years NHL thread? I feel like it was only 90 pages
bjm, Cormier is such a punk.   Good player but he loves throwing elbows.

I wouldn't mind trading off Simmons/Johnson for Kovalchuk + though.
ESPN - The New Jersey Devils have acquired Ilya Kovalchuk from the Atlanta Thrashers on Thursday night, a source close to the deal told

Kovalchuk will be an unrestricted free agent July 1 and contracts talks with the Thrashers hit a stalemate recently.

The move comes hours after Thrashers GM Don Waddell released a statement saying that contract negotiations with Kovalchuk had reached an "impasse" and that the team was exploring its options.

"Our goal from the start of this negotiating process was to sign Ilya Kovalchuk to a long-term contract," Waddell said in the statement earlier Thursday. "During the process, Kovy affirmed his desire to be a Thrasher for life. We've spent several months exploring scenarios with Kovy and his agent to reach a mutually beneficial agreement and offered many lucrative packages in an attempt to meet his financial objectives. Unfortunately, we've reached an impasse and at this point he has declined all of our proposals and we can't reasonably go any higher.

"Ultimately, we offered Kovy more than $101 million over 12 years, which would have been the highest contract signed by an impending unrestricted free agent in the history of the league," Waddell said in the statement. "If accepted, this contract would have been the second-highest offer ever to any NHL player. We also met his desire to be the highest-paid player based on average annual salary with a separate offer of seven years at $10 million per year ($70 M). This offer is $0.5 million higher per year than any other player.

"If we went beyond these offers, we would not be able to retain the young players on our roster when it came time to sign them or invest in other top-tier players needed to assemble a truly competitive team. Therefore, we are aggressively exploring all of our options as we move forward," Waddell's statement said.

Can someone explain to me why Kovy turned down both the choices of  7 years/$70 million or 12 years/ $102 million? I thought he liked playing in Atlanta, and he mentioned before he liked playing in a small market etc...
If Waddell isn't lying (Which I doubt he is), Kovy just didn't want to be in ATL no matter what he said to the media. He had been there 8 years now, ever since he came into the league at 18 and the Thrashers only made the playoffs once (They got swept). After all that time Waddell (who has been the GM since 1999) didn't do squat to improve the team. You're telling me Kovy really wanted to spend the rest of his career there? He publicly said he wanted a long term deal and over $100 million. From where I'm sitting 12 years and $101 million meets his requirements.....
Hope the Kings make a run at Kovy in the off season. I really don't think he wanted to be in ATL, I mean what player would turn down 100 million?
Yeah, dude says he wants to be a Thrasher for life and turns down $100 mil...

[Monday Night Football Crew] COME ON MAYYYYYNEEEEE [/Monday Night Football Crew]
home in MA and playing hockey tonight for the first time this season...cannot wait to get out there. moving to ny has messed up friday night hockey for me
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