Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

.........seems just like yesterday that they ran the interview with him and his Dad talking about Brendan's choices in life.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

You live in pinstripe country?!
Didnt know that.
yeah man...i've got a safe haven 5 blocks from my apt where i can watch the bruins in peace
The top-ranked Miami University hockey team won another game Fridaynight, but afterward that seemed unimportant to a grieving program, theOxford Press reported.
The RedHawks learned that Miami senior Brendan Burke, 21, a studentmanager for the team and the son of Toronto Maple Leafs president andgeneral manager Brian Burke, had died from injuries suffered in an autoaccident in Indiana earlier Friday.

Miami coach Enrico Blasi madea brief statement about the 2-0 victory against Lake Superior Stateafterward, announced that no players would be coming to the usualpostgame press conference, and then he quietly returned to the lockerroom.

Miami spokesman Mike Pearson said he was unable to commenton the situation, only that the team had received bad news about adeath, but the level of grief on the bottom level of Steve Cady Arenawas apparent. There were tears and drawn, shocked faces along the backhallways.

The Maple Leafs released a statement Friday confirming the news, adding that the organization was “saddened.
RIP for sure and prayers to the Burke family.

Franzen is back Tuesday and hopefully Lilja can get back and healthy too. Always worried about his eggshell of a skull tho. But when those 2 come back, it should be the team we all expected.

Hopefully the Wings can find some sort of offensive rhythm after the Olympics. This has got to be one of their worst offensive teams in history. Guys are just not scoring. I am sure it will change and it sure needs to if they want to make the playoffs.
hope the bruins can find some offense today against the canucks....cannot slip and become a .500 team here
why y'all gotta play these early games

its 10am on the west coast. gotta wake up early

good luck
so the flyers traded for Ville Leino.
how good is he?
  because i see a -10 for this season  :FACEPALM
Originally Posted by Ziostilon

why y'all gotta play these early games

its 10am on the west coast. gotta wake up early

good luck

me and a friend were talking about this last night. "that's gotta suck for the VAN fans..."
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

so the flyers traded for Ville Leino.
how good is he?
  because i see a -10 for this season  :FACEPALM
Had glimpses but has been atrocious this year. Supposed to be a goal scorer but never seemed to be such in Detroit. But a change of scenery could be what he needs. Guy is talented just maybe not enough. I see we got Tollefsen. Guy looks like a bruiser as a Dman but hopefully he can get his skill level up. Oh well. At least we got a 5th rounder and saved cap space. 
Just saw that. Thinking he will clear and get to take his time in GRapids. If he can fight the injury bug maybe he could be a serviceable 6th dman, but if not it was worth cutting payroll and grabbing another 5th rounder. Seem to make those picks count.
i am not commenting in this thread until we win a game....

not really...but this is getting rigoddamndiculous
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