For fedex just create an account online with them. Once done you can sign for packages online, at least for indirect signatures.
i'm to shook to use that option 
  ill sign for it in person
If indirect signature is required through fedex, all you have to do is leave a note on your door with your name, tracking number, and that you'd like them to leave it, then sign it.
here is the easiest way to do it, when they send you your tracking number email click on it and take it to the website to track it, then click on "customize delivery" then click on "provide delivery instructions" then tell them where to leave your package. You will have to create an account to do this though but its an easy setup.
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here is the easiest way to do it, when they send you your tracking number email click on it and take it to the website to track it, then click on "customize delivery" then click on "provide delivery instructions" then tell them where to leave your package. You will have to create an account to do this though but its an easy setup.
This is what I did...except I went ahead and setup an account with them as well
If you sign up for FedEx now it'll add existing orders, I'm signed up with every delivery service, soon as a labels made I'm notified.
Think I'm going to go ahead and mark 11/8 on my calendar. I was going attempt to hold out but that damn size 13 looks like it'll be a popular one. Either than or they didn't make very many of them. Every overseas site I've checked seems to have the other sizes but that 13 is a no go, even on Ebay.
1. do not sleep on these, quality is on point

2. TTS works, wide feet might have issues with TTS they should size up .5

3. black nike sportwear box? WUT? (mad that double box from end still fuged my box up)

4. shoes are amazing, period.
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