Originally Posted by royalflush1230

Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

W-T-F is goin on

I seriously dont know who/what to believe

Rock is my dude and is pretty darn credible


ShakenBake has ppl co-signing him as a legit dude and idk why he would be wantin to tarnish Rocky's name and sounds like he seriously jus wants his money...

I dont even know...... Its a shame though either way..

Maybe the money got stuck in the middle? lol who knows...Party A sent out the product....Party B sent out the money....The money got intercepted...If I was Party B I would not send more money out because that isn't my fault. The way I see it, it's like Spy vs Spy...Neither of them can one up the other. Stalemate. No one knows who is right, so you can't take sides. Just cuz one dude says he has done this and that, and the other dude is quiet about the whole situation does not mean that the silent man is wrong. The only two people who know the truth are Rock and Bake...But HEY! $hiiit happens. All I know is legal papers = Somebodies in trouble lol

hahaha he said he has sent it and there is a tracking number of some sort which anyone buyer/seller should get btw for sending out anything....BUT there is no proof of it.  question is there proof of shipment for the shoes?? post it and shake if needed file legals on rock. you got his name and address get it served and see him on people's court.
^ Word I was thinkin maybe the Money order or something got lost

But Rocky if uve done nothin wrong, Post the trackin Number to it

If not then.... Itll start lookin like ShakeNBake will look to have been correct bout u doggie
The money is not "stuck in the middle". I didn't want to put Rock on blast and tarnish his name, but let me tell you guys the sequence of events:

-rock hits me up and asks me to pick up akrons for him.
-we both agree to ship money/shoes out on 3/1.
-i ship the shoes. he confirms that he got them.
-he tells me his assistant was going to send me the cash.
-i tell him i never got it.
-he tells me "ooops! she forgot to send it. i will send it out personally"
-i wait a week and get nothing
-he tells me "ooops! i wrote your address wrong on the envelope and it got sent back to me. let me get your address again"
-i wait another couple of weeks and get nothing. so i e mail him and ask him what's going on.
-he tells me he's sorry about this whole thing and says "i guess the money got lost. i'm not sweating it" (is he so rich that losing $200 doesn't bother him)
-he then tells me he's re-sending the money along with some samples (which i never asked for) to make it up to me.
-i wait some more and nothing shows up. i start sending him countless e mails and pm's to which he doesn't respond.

as i mentioned before, i have ALL the e mails that proves everything i just stated above. I'M NOT LYING HERE!! if he sent the money then he needs to post the tracking number. that's all i ask. atleast then i will know that i should be pointing my fingers at the postal service instead of Rock. i just want to get my money. i'm not trying to make enemies with folks. and all this legal BS Rock is talking about doesn't scare me cause i have all his e mails saved.
Ok, I jumped into this thread at the wrong time, but IMO (and I know nothing of neither of you two) and reading the past 2 pages, RockDeep is totally scamming Shaik.
You should never agree to send out shoes without receiving the money first, no matter who you're dealing with.

If he truly did send you money, blame the postal system. If he's truly trying to scam you (which is doubtful - I've sent Rock shoes before, he is legit), blame yourself for agreeing to send before receiving payment.
Originally Posted by abstractability

Ok, I jumped into this thread at the wrong time, but IMO (and I know nothing of neither of you two) and reading the past 2 pages, RockDeep is totally scamming Shaik.
beginning to sound a lot like it doesnt my boss says, the proof is in the pudding.  facts dont lie, so just show us some facts guys....bake is willing to put it out, rock just says he will do this and do that, where is the proof....end it already then.

"legend" or not, man wonder he doesnt work for nike anymore LoL all puffery....rock is tarnishing his own name not the other way around.  prove us wrong rock, i really hope you do so we can stop all this nonsense....this is a community so that is why we care because if it was me id hope to get all the help i could get to get my money...making it sound like $200 is nothing, its money dude,  someone's hard earned money...if its no biggie to you then just send the dude his money (bake just post the proof of shipment and it will end the whose right or wrong debate). 

this is beginning to be stupid. 
Originally Posted by SHAIKHNBAKE10

The money is not "stuck in the middle". I didn't want to put Rock on blast and tarnish his name, but let me tell you guys the sequence of events:

-rock hits me up and asks me to pick up akrons for him.
-we both agree to ship money/shoes out on 3/1.
-i ship the shoes. he confirms that he got them.
-he tells me his assistant was going to send me the cash.
-i tell him i never got it.
-he tells me "ooops! she forgot to send it. i will send it out personally"
-i wait a week and get nothing
-he tells me "ooops! i wrote your address wrong on the envelope and it got sent back to me. let me get your address again"
-i wait another couple of weeks and get nothing. so i e mail him and ask him what's going on.
-he tells me he's sorry about this whole thing and says "i guess the money got lost. i'm not sweating it" (is he so rich that losing $200 doesn't bother him)
-he then tells me he's re-sending the money along with some samples (which i never asked for) to make it up to me.
-i wait some more and nothing shows up. i start sending him countless e mails and pm's to which he doesn't respond.

as i mentioned before, i have ALL the e mails that proves everything i just stated above. I'M NOT LYING HERE!! if he sent the money then he needs to post the tracking number. that's all i ask. atleast then i will know that i should be pointing my fingers at the postal service instead of Rock. i just want to get my money. i'm not trying to make enemies with folks. and all this legal BS Rock is talking about doesn't scare me cause i have all his e mails saved.

Rich or not, that does not justify him sending out another $200 if he sent out the 1st order and it got lost.
If I was rich, I wouldn't do that due to it sounding like I'm being scammed.
Yea I might bull$hiiit you about sending another one out. But I wouldn't do it, just cuz of the principle that I already did my part in the deal.
But again.....This whole thing is pointless, you just need to do whatever you need to do to get justice.
And Rock needs to do whatever he needs to do to get justice.
That way this thing will be settled and we can get back on the PS VII.
And on all seriousness...Bro its your fault cuz you shoulda had him send the money first. NT legend or not, that is just plain common sense....You never give a fiend crack before he pays. Best believe if that fiend is smart, he will jet off on your @s$.
O yea....The MVPuppets are underrated.
BlackMamba24KB wrote:

haha legal papers? your filing fees etc will cost more than the shoes lol...e-muscles right there LoL


I really hope the MVP's aren't going to be the PS though
i can't believe some of the responses you people are posting. just because i sent the shoes first makes it ok for someone to scam me out of $200????
come on now.

i NEVER ship first. this is the first time i ever did. and i only did it cause it was RockDeep. I never thought i would ever have problems dealing with him. I guess i was wrong.
Originally Posted by royalflush1230

Originally Posted by SHAIKHNBAKE10

The money is not "stuck in the middle". I didn't want to put Rock on blast and tarnish his name, but let me tell you guys the sequence of events:

-rock hits me up and asks me to pick up akrons for him.
-we both agree to ship money/shoes out on 3/1.
-i ship the shoes. he confirms that he got them.
-he tells me his assistant was going to send me the cash.
-i tell him i never got it.
-he tells me "ooops! she forgot to send it. i will send it out personally"
-i wait a week and get nothing
-he tells me "ooops! i wrote your address wrong on the envelope and it got sent back to me. let me get your address again"
-i wait another couple of weeks and get nothing. so i e mail him and ask him what's going on.
-he tells me he's sorry about this whole thing and says "i guess the money got lost. i'm not sweating it" (is he so rich that losing $200 doesn't bother him)
-he then tells me he's re-sending the money along with some samples (which i never asked for) to make it up to me.
-i wait some more and nothing shows up. i start sending him countless e mails and pm's to which he doesn't respond.

as i mentioned before, i have ALL the e mails that proves everything i just stated above. I'M NOT LYING HERE!! if he sent the money then he needs to post the tracking number. that's all i ask. atleast then i will know that i should be pointing my fingers at the postal service instead of Rock. i just want to get my money. i'm not trying to make enemies with folks. and all this legal BS Rock is talking about doesn't scare me cause i have all his e mails saved.

Rich or not, that does not justify him sending out another $200 if he sent out the 1st order and it got lost.
If I was rich, I wouldn't do that due to it sounding like I'm being scammed.
Yea I might bull$hiiit you about sending another one out. But I wouldn't do it, just cuz of the principle that I already did my part in the deal.
But again.....This whole thing is pointless, you just need to do whatever you need to do to get justice.
And Rock needs to do whatever he needs to do to get justice.
That way this thing will be settled and we can get back on the PS VII.
And on all seriousness...Bro its your fault cuz you shoulda had him send the money first. NT legend or not, that is just plain common sense....You never give a fiend crack before he pays. Best believe if that fiend is smart, he will jet off on your @s$.
O yea....The MVPuppets are underrated.
lets not get back to the PS VII.  kill this thread.  it's gone downhill since the air max VII ended.  look what you did,
Originally Posted by SHAIKHNBAKE10

i can't believe some of the responses you people are posting. just because i sent the shoes first makes it ok for someone to scam me out of $200????
come on now.

i NEVER ship first. this is the first time i ever did. and i only did it cause it was RockDeep. I never thought i would ever have problems dealing with him. I guess i was wrong.
I mean you are right to a degree....But at the same time, that is a still a deal NO NO! LOL
Coming up in Detroit, I know how people can get sheisty regardless of their status or not.
But that was all due to lessons learned. You learned your lesson and I bet you won't make that same mistake again as you claimed above.
Good luck in your future endeavors.

At this point is comes down to whoever can show the other person received the good/money. If you can't prove that then you got nothing.
This issue should be taken to the General forum, but it does sound more and more like Rock is scamming this guy.

He sees everything posted in this thread except posts by SHAIKHNBAKE10.

I don't know how credible Rock really is, wasn't he fired from Nike for stealing people's personal information?
Originally Posted by royalflush1230

Originally Posted by SHAIKHNBAKE10

The money is not "stuck in the middle". I didn't want to put Rock on blast and tarnish his name, but let me tell you guys the sequence of events:

-rock hits me up and asks me to pick up akrons for him.
-we both agree to ship money/shoes out on 3/1.
-i ship the shoes. he confirms that he got them.
-he tells me his assistant was going to send me the cash.
-i tell him i never got it.
-he tells me "ooops! she forgot to send it. i will send it out personally"
-i wait a week and get nothing
-he tells me "ooops! i wrote your address wrong on the envelope and it got sent back to me. let me get your address again"
-i wait another couple of weeks and get nothing. so i e mail him and ask him what's going on.
-he tells me he's sorry about this whole thing and says "i guess the money got lost. i'm not sweating it" (is he so rich that losing $200 doesn't bother him)
-he then tells me he's re-sending the money along with some samples (which i never asked for) to make it up to me.
-i wait some more and nothing shows up. i start sending him countless e mails and pm's to which he doesn't respond.

as i mentioned before, i have ALL the e mails that proves everything i just stated above. I'M NOT LYING HERE!! if he sent the money then he needs to post the tracking number. that's all i ask. atleast then i will know that i should be pointing my fingers at the postal service instead of Rock. i just want to get my money. i'm not trying to make enemies with folks. and all this legal BS Rock is talking about doesn't scare me cause i have all his e mails saved.

Rich or not, that does not justify him sending out another $200 if he sent out the 1st order and it got lost.
If I was rich, I wouldn't do that due to it sounding like I'm being scammed.
Yea I might bull$hiiit you about sending another one out. But I wouldn't do it, just cuz of the principle that I already did my part in the deal.
But again.....This whole thing is pointless, you just need to do whatever you need to do to get justice.
And Rock needs to do whatever he needs to do to get justice.
That way this thing will be settled and we can get back on the PS VII.
And on all seriousness...Bro its your fault cuz you shoulda had him send the money first. NT legend or not, that is just plain common sense....You never give a fiend crack before he pays. Best believe if that fiend is smart, he will jet off on your @s$.
O yea....The MVPuppets are underrated.


Yeah it does!!!! Rock shouldve got tracking confirmation and insurance so this doesnt happen. Getting those 2 things would cost maybe 3-5 dollars and it would totally cover your ***.

So what do you want the seller to do? Just say" Ok cool , free shoes for you?" The only solution is to pay the man his money again or send back the Akrons.

Court? You know how hard and silly it would be to go the small claims court over 200 dollars? Not mention they live in different states. So if RockDeep files a claim in the DMV, the seller would  have to pay for travel,lodge, and food. Not mention lost wages. It could end up being over  $1000. Rock would end up having to pay that if he lost the case  (Rock would lose because he has the shoes. Whats the case? How's he trying to fraud Rock?)

As much as I respect Rock, In this case the onus is him to do the right thing.
^It doesn't. Rock should have got insurance just like dude shoulda sent the shoes after recieving payment. If Rock didn't get insurance than how is he to know if Shake isn't scamming him?. That is what I meant.
Shoulda stuck with Paypal haha
It's a big circle...And we all need to drop it lol, let these 2 settle it.
And anyone with the PS VII (Concords haha) can you post pics of em with shorts? Or with like a whole fit on?
And can someone tell me if they fit just like the AM VIIs?
^^^ONCE again.... IF i had received the money I wouldn't be wasting all my time doing this crap. I'm a grown +@$ man with a full time job and family. I got better crap to do than to make up a story about someone scamming me. and of all the people on NT, why would i pick RockDeep (an NT legend) to do it to??? that just doesn't make sense. it is OBVIOUS that RockDeep is just using his rep on NT to get himself out of this. He has the shoes. He's not denying that at all. I don' t have my money. and he doesn't have a tracking number! Oh and I did request that we do the transaction on paypal, but he told me he doesn't have a paypal account. In one of his e mails to me, he told me he would be willing to wire the money to me via western union. I responded back and told him I would think that's the best way to go. of course he claims that was one of the e mails that he "mysteriously" never received. Sorry to rant and get off topic in the lebron thread. When i get some time, I will put together a thread in the general forums with all of his e mails in it.
Dude seriously even though I have nothing to do with this argument, its obvious Rock is playing the dude, I mean what kind of guy would tell some one to ship the shoes first...Not even the most respected person on niketalk would tell anyone to ship the shoes first...The other guy might as well just take the lose because he shipped them first and didnt think matter if its obama I would never ship the shoes until I had my money.

Either you take the lose, or sue the guy.
Sorry you might have possibly gotten scammed dude, but go ahead and make your post in general and be done with it.

No need to continue your crusade here and possibly get this thread locked. Lot's of time was invested and valuable information shared here which would be wasted by your personal issue.
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