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what I meant was if she's into kicks or something it's cool but if she's looking at your yeezys and thinking this man just dropped a few stacks on his **** than that could be a problem
this is exactly what my girl would say. "3k for that? the f. you are one d**b a** fool. so you think you're cool now?" but if i tell her i bought this for 245 and sold it for 3k then it's "ohh damn babe let's celebrate." 
Ah, good to hear my name mentioned Lol. I've moved on from the yeezys.yes I'd like to get the shoe but too many shady ppl out there. For all the money Solars coast, I could have quite a few other shoes and or different things.
As for fakes, I got a pair and they fell apart, lesson learned. Did I try to pass them off as real? No. I just liked the model of shoe and the look. Do I care if others wear fakes? No. If buying a fake makes a person happy,I think it's great. I'm not going to judge a persons integrity by the type of shoes he/she wears, because I feel it's stupid and materialistic. Integrity is about character, not if he/she was lucky or financially set enough to afford authentics.
Merely speaking on integrity involving what you choose to wear, only in that context (unless you do try to tell people they're real when they ask, then it could apply in another context too, cuz that's being as fake as your shoes).

When you have more words in parentheses than you do in the actual sentence it's usually a good indicator that you should use a period and write another sentence.
DJ Proto is showing everyone that even with authentic Yeezys, you can still be the biggest nerd on the block. Dude clearly has no game with girls and is living in a fantasy world with his priorities all out of wack. Shoes dictate his life and he judges a man by what's on his feet and not what's in his heart. I salute your ignorance sir.
Just let it go and keep moving no need to keep mentioning him.
What's to know? You can tell what a dork he is based on just a few of his dumb posts. Make fun of my "fakes" all you want but it doesn't take a detective to figure out what kind of person you're dealing with.

Real players don't brag about "bringing home the baddest girl at the club" on message boards. They actually go out and do it. And they don't attribute it to wearing Yeezys. The funny thing is that if you actually went to a REAL club, you wouldn't be allowed in with sneakers. But I guess high school dances don't have dress codes as strict.
dude is like 30 and engaged(I think). That man ain't at no high school dance. But enough about him, this ain't a DJ Proto J appreciation thread the point of this thread (and forum) is to discuss authentic sneakers not fakes, if u want to discuss them go somewhere else not here. You can even go to the yeezy fake check and post pics when the real ones release so ppl know what NOT to buy.
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dude came through with the personal slander
LOL... this dude is legit mad i've been clowning on his justification of fakes... :rofl:

you can ASSume things about me all you want, people who've been around NT for awhile or know me outside of this know my steez.

stop being all butt hurt cuz i'm denouncing your fake shoe game. you've basically admitted your collection is mostly comprised of a bunch of "perfect replicas", so i see why you're so mad...

replicas has never been what NT is about, and it ain't about to start. F outta here!
Yep, but I don't know how the **** u enter the hunt anyways
Theres two registration chances. The first is an early registration chance for a for sure entry to the RefreshHunt on Oct 2nd at Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Philly at one of their Villa store location. First 50 there and you gotta bring 5 nonperishable goods, i'm highly assuming.....theres going to be people there camping there prior of as the date moves closer of course.

The other chance is on Oct 17th where they post up the registration link online so everyone and anybody at anywhere can register in. There's going to be certain amount of participants and certain amount of slots. Not everyone is going to be in the hunt. Villa also stated from here on out there's going to be random guarantee spots given away such as " when we hit 25k followers a random person gets selected for a guarantee spot" etc. 

What's most confusing for people is.....the RefreshHunt is held in PHILLY only. So if you get have to come to Philly to participate. 
so have y'all seen these new kanye x zane lowe BBC interviews?

dude seems legit mad nike hasn't offered him something much bigger than his 1 shoe every 3 years contract... he makes mention of it in parts 2 and 3 here...

if the red octobers do release in bigger numbers as speculated, perhaps it's so nike can test how well they'd do on a bigger scale, and hopefully lead to him doing much more stuff...

you gotta admit, everything he's done so far as far as footwear has been sick. some people do genuinely like the designs he's made for their aesthetic value alone, and not just the hype and exclusivity.

he's says in the last 10 years he's spent 80% of his time on fashion, and only 20% on music. it's obvious fashion is where his heart is.

i hope he can break thru and do more products, it's a no brainer for big money to get behind him, he's obviously been such a huge influence on style and culture around the world.

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Theres two registration chances. The first is an early registration chance for a for sure entry to the RefreshHunt on Oct 2nd at Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Philly at one of their Villa store location. First 50 there and you gotta bring 5 nonperishable goods, i'm highly assuming.....theres going to be people there camping there prior of as the date moves closer of course.

The other chance is on Oct 17th where they post up the registration link online so everyone and anybody at anywhere can register in. There's going to be certain amount of participants and certain amount of slots. Not everyone is going to be in the hunt. Villa also stated from here on out there's going to be random guarantee spots given away such as " when we hit 25k followers a random person gets selected for a guarantee spot" etc. 

What's most confusing for people is.....the RefreshHunt is held in PHILLY only. So if you get have to come to Philly to participate. 
oh ok, I don't want to go to Philly though if there are 50 ppl there already camping, you know what I mean?
oh ok, I don't want to go to Philly though if there are 50 ppl there already camping, you know what I mean?
they will have a link up on oct 17th which is the general registration. if you get in, you can come to philly. the early registration chance is that 50 people thing.
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they will have a link up on oct 17th which is the general registration. if you get in, you can come to philly. the early registration chance is that 50 people thing.
I'm terrible with online releases, even copping GRs is problematic for me. I'd rather do the line up if I can
Nike is just using kanye, that's where it starts and that's where it ends, they don't give a f*** about him being a creative cuz he doesn't work for them.

kanye wants Nike to make him CEO cuz he made a nice shoe
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kanye is stupid if he thought they were going to give him more than a shoe.

like he was saying there's only so much he can do without a big machine like nike, he's just a face.

and for the most part he didn't come up with the shoe, he cant design for crap, it was a bunch of other people and he's trying to take credit for that too.

How the hell do you know he didn't design the shoes? Wut? Lol. His original sketches are out there. It's his shoe. Mark Smith obviously helped him finish em off, but honestly the prototypes of the 1's looked better with kanye's original midsole design.

People always trying to discredit people. It's pathetic.

I don't like everything Ye has done clothes wise, his styles, etc, but all of his shoes have been dope IMO.

If he gets on elsewhere and becomes huge, Nike will regret not taking him more seriously and locking him down (it's common knowledge Nike was unhappy about his LV collection after the 1's). I mean, the Yeezys 1 and 2 are hands down 2 of the most hype shoe releases of all time (2's are number 1 across the board, there's never been a longer camp out).

Whatever. I think he's a creative dude and genuine and passionate and I'd like to see more from him. I think he's a lot more in touch with what would be popular in street fashion than most of the designers at Nike.
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