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essay everywhere...

are the red one easier to copy or something? they look better than the first two that they tried to copy but still fail. then again we dont have the real red one to compare lol. scratch that.
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are the red one easier to copy or something? they look better than the first two that they tried to copy but still fail. then again we dont have the real red one to compare lol. scratch that.

the main issues with the replicas were the scales and the toebox. the toebox still looks the same but the scales are easier to replicate on the red ones because it's just plastic as opposed to cut leather
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the main issues with the replicas were the scales and the toebox. the toebox still looks the same but the scales are easier on to replicate on the red ones because it's just plastic as opposed to cut leather

Yeah I notice the toe box was a mess.
Blah blah blah

You just said a bunch of dumb stuff that danced around my point. You said he didn't design the yeezys. You at least said he didn't do it on his own. The sketches prove differently. You gonna sit here and say you know he didn't really sketch that stuff himself? :lol:

You got some real inside info? Or are you just another wanna be know it all who wants to criticize and discount any and everything? I'm so tired of people like you in society. I understand where some of it comes from, there's more and more fake, not real, not truly creative, popular from hype, type of people out here these days. But there are still some of those who are very real, very talented, and creative, and still pop off, and deserve it all. But some just wanna discount everything no matter what. Did you even watch the interview? He repeatedly gave credit to those who've helped him get where's he's at. From Rubin to Hov, to urrybody.

"Just a face"? Yeah, that's what he was saying... He needs backing, but it's frustrating cuz they want you to be just a face. A new slave. Doesn't matter how talented you are, how creative. They are used to know nothing celebs coming in and just being a face, they aren't ready for someone with true creative direction.

Creative team or not, he's a creative dude. Some say one of the most influential of our time. I know underground dudes in hip hop and EDM who could run circles around him sonically. But fashion wise, I gotta give it to him. A lot of his styles aren't even original but his influence has still been the strongest in recent years. Even the styles he bites, he still has an eye for stuff that's gonna be popping in the future.
i gave up on getting any more yeezy 2s. people literally rush to throw thousands of dollars on shoes that have replicas that look so real, you need a message board to come to a conclusion. i wear my plats every now and then. i think the red ones look awful to be perfectly honest.
Nike gave Kanye just that 3 shoe deal but he messed it up. They paid him to go take design classes for the Y1. Then after that he did the collab with LV and that pissed Nike off because they paid his training and he was being his typical Kanye diva self. Same with LV. They put out the collab but didn't want to work with him again cuz if his outrageous antics. Y2 was made but not to his true specs. That's like a really brief sum someone else put out the full details in another thread.

And yeah your boy was hella delusional in that bbc interview :lol:
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Nike gave Kanye just that 3 shoe deal but he messed it up. They paid him to go take design classes for the Y1. Then after that he did the collab with LV and that pissed Nike off because they paid his training and he was being his typical Kanye diva self. Same with LV. They put out the collab but didn't want to work with him again cuz if his outrageous antics. Y2 was made but not to his true specs. That's like a really brief sum someone else put out the full details in another thread.

And yeah your boy was hella delusional in that bbc interview :lol:

they paid for him to take design classes?

source? credible? link to thread?

and yeah, he was tripping in some ways, but he told some big truths also. i like and respect the approach he's taking in general lately, focusing on raw art, trying new stuff, not making cookie cutter crap just to make fast money... not a lot of mainstream "hip hop" artists in his position, of his caliber, of his money making potential, that would make a whole album with no radio hits on purpose. he's got the future in mind, and how his work will be viewed later, what kind of shelf life it will have (in a world of here today, forgotten tomorrow, throw away music)...
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If i may add to the de-railing of this thread:

What if Kanye had done this with any of the other brands? Would the shoes still be as good?
If i may add to the de-railing of this thread:

What if Kanye had done this with any of the other brands? Would the shoes still be as good?

I don't think it would have been as bad as these, but having "nike" attached sent the yeezy model to new levels
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stop what?
did I post this as a legit source, just showing that people are posting the reds w/ red nsw box

people real sensitive in this thread

Every single picture posted in the last month is a fake. I'm tired of people showing off fakes. Sweet, a red box. The rep makers finally got off their *** and realized they were still behind a step.
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