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np. i wonder if these 50 pairs come with a special edt Yeezus album or signed copy or something. haha even a special box/dust bag would be cool, just something to set them apart from  from the later release 
I wish nike could put a legal attachment to the shoes that if you are found reselling the shoe you could be held legally liable... like selling/duplicating movies for people in the actors guild
I wish nike could put a legal attachment to the shoes that if you are found reselling the shoe you could be held legally liable... like selling/duplicating movies for people in the actors guild

Or, all profits made from the resale will be forfeited over to Nike :nerd:
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np. i wonder if these 50 pairs come with a special edt Yeezus album or signed copy or something. haha even a special box/dust bag would be cool, just something to set them apart from  from the later release 
I thought about about that too, probably something from def jam since they are the ones technically sponsoring the giveaway, but honestly these will be so hard to get that just getting the shoe at all is special

I could see them just coming with like a "certificate of award" type thing from nike/def jam

PS-it would be tight if the pairs for the sweepstakes had the leather scales and then the pair with the plastic on the side were the ones that hit retail and were somewhat widely available.  (wishful thinking)
Is the cd any good? If it is I might pick up a copy

if you're not up on EDM then this album is going right over your head...

it's dark, abstract, industrial, experimental, and i really respect him for not putting a single radio hit on it. he's got plenty money, he's just being an artist right now (good thing he's walking the talk, after calling out JT for selling himself to corporations, and saying "since when is art only about making money")...

the producers he brought in, hudson mohawk, arca, tnght, etc, it's obvious he's in tune with what's hot in the EDM world, and america is always late on that stuff (i noticed this back in the early 90's when DJ Shadow blew up in europe and the rest of the world first, america wasn't ready for it), so i don't expect most americans to rate this album very highly... most of them want more "real hip hop" from him, more rehashes of college dropout style kanye, but i respect him for evolving as an artist, and trying something different... there's not really any other mainstream rappers that could or would make an album full of EDM style beats and forge real rap with it (not to mention i really like the little 60's psychedelica rock parts he throws in a few of the songs) ... and we all know he could easily make an album full of radio hits and make everyone praise him, but he's due for a more experimental album anyways, like 808's was (he seems to like making experimental albums in between more pop appeal ones, which is dope, cuz it keeps people interested, and appeals to music lovers on each end of the spectrum, the experimental lovers, and the people who just want catchy songs they can sing along to, and those stuck on more traditional "real hip hop")... i'm sure he'll appease the people who want more of the same ol' same ol' with his next album tho...
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just noticed that in the official rules they changed the dates of the weekly entry periods to reflect the fact that you could enter early.  just a heads up they seem to not mind changing sh*t on the fly
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Proto - thanks for the thorough review. I might have to check it out.

Btw, Dj Shadow was the ish when he hit the scene. That was a great era.
i saw some beat nike air yeezy 1s (Zens) on ebay for 900 smh 
I wish nike could put a legal attachment to the shoes that if you are found reselling the shoe you could be held legally liable... like selling/duplicating movies for people in the actors guild
I mean local meetups aside, it wouldn't be too awfully hard to monitor some of the major sources for shoe selling (whether it be Ebay, on major shoe sites/forums, Instagram, ect).  Seeing that's there's only 50 pairs...interesting idea. repped
here's a dope quote by Hudson Mohawke about this album:

There are a lot of amazing songs that were left off [Yeezus]-- stuff that you might consider to be more melodic or in-line with Kanye's previous material-- purely because they didn't necessarily fit this rough-edged, 90s-industrial-type vibe. A lot of the record is trying to avoid obviousness. Through the entire process of putting it together, there were tons of easy slam dunks, but rather than just going for the hits and having an album that nobody's going to give a f$#k about in a month or two, he intentionally sidestepped the obvious route each time. I think that's what's going to give it more longevity and put it in a category of records that you'll go back to in 10 years time.
The record was bad. Artist are meant to grow and experiment, this is very true BUT, there is no "real rap" in the content of this album. Kanye is already a mediocre lyricist at best, his crutch was his soulful production. With that being absent from this album its pretty obvious his target demographic was no longer those of a darker shade. The perfect way to sum this album up is: "A man trying too hard to hide his homosexuality over tracks executively produced by Kim Kardashian on a Molly."
With that being absent from this album its pretty obvious his target demographic was no longer those of a darker shade.

but, ummmmm, "those of a darker shade" created techno music... :wink:

funny you say that tho when the first song he released is a song telling his people not to be "new slaves"...

soulful, traditional hip hop, in terms of boom bap with soul, funk, and jazz samples, it will never truly die... but that doesn't mean rap can't be forged with other styles, and be dope too (real hip hop has always sampled from any and everything, it's the ultimate melting pot)...

i have no blind loyalty to kanye, i've never really been into most of his radio hits and popular songs, i'd have no problem admitting i don't like the album (but a dark experimental album is gonna appeal to me, cuz that's the style of music i'm mostly into)... i dig the shoes he's designed, and some of his fashion, but apart from that, i haven't even listened to much of his work, i'm more of an EDM guy (i kinda gave up on new hip hop after the 90's), but big up mr. west for trying something different, and not letting radio hits, corporate sponsors, or fans stuck on his prior work and "soulful, traditional hip hop", dictate his present and future artistic expression...

as far as i'm concerned, he can stay on this vibe... make the soundtrack to the next bladerunner movie, a bleek, industrial, metallic, futuristic sounding album, and no dambs would be given by me about his more "soulful production" (although "bound 2" is prolly my fav on the album, the only "soulful" type track on it, and i LOVE "devil in a new dress" from his last album, sounds like it belonged on ghostface's "supreme clientele" album)...
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Wow.. they are begging for people to bot this. I just wrote a small app to register and create 500 codes. I'll let ya know how it goes. lol
just noticed that in the official rules they changed the dates of the weekly entry periods to reflect the fact that you could enter early.  just a heads up they seem to not mind changing sh*t on the fly
So those who didn't read the rules still have a chance, that's nice.
Wow.. they are begging for people to bot this. I just wrote a small app to register and create 500 codes. I'll let ya know how it goes. lol
Idk how thats gonna work seeing as its still tied to your email account so you would need to create 500 emails as well but again peep the official rules

The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify the Giveaway if fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity of the Giveaway, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

in other words dont fu*k it up for everybody else

and come on bros dont hijack this into a Yeezus discussion thread, you guys can PM each other if you feel like writing an essay
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That proto guy doesnt ****. No one wants to read essays. Im sure most of us are* off from school.
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Lmao at this guy . this is what the 2nd or 3rd time you say this ? He obv. doesn't give a **** if you read his essays or not. Some people actually like to read his "essays".
That proto guy doesnt ****. No one wants to read essays. Im sure most of us is off from school.

What school do you go to that calls that an essay? The length is nowhere close to one.

Scratch that I see your poor use of IS.
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