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My friend got some zen grey Y1s and the quality was amazing! Lol I never felt a pair before in hand but the leather is so nice! Lol just thought I should mention it :lol:
My friend got some zen grey Y1s and the quality was amazing! Lol I never felt a pair before in hand but the leather is so nice! Lol just thought I should mention it
zens are so comfy. 
Has it been confirmed or denied if the Red Octobers have glow in the dark soles? Doesn't appear like it but just wondering.
the way the sole has that slightly translucent look i would bet they do.  we havent seen any pics yet where it was dark enough to see a glow

Dont know if these are the actual Yeezybay customs that are currently being shipped, but I hope this helps out whoever is trying to see the difference between the "customs" and legit 2s.
sorry man, just trying to help out the community cause I know that these are I guess the "best reps" as of now. They're the only ones worth mentioning IMO anyway.

I'll post it in the LC thread.
i wasn't hating man, i'm just saying that it's getting annoying especially since it's been said thousands of times the LC thread is pretty much where you'd look for it. anyways, doesn't ebay have a buyer protection thing?
sorry man, just trying to help out the community cause I know that these are I guess the "best reps" as of now. They're the only ones worth mentioning IMO anyway.

I'll post it in the LC thread.
i wasn't hating man, i'm just saying that it's getting annoying especially since it's been said thousands of times the LC thread is pretty much where you'd look for it. anyways, doesn't ebay have a buyer protection thing?
Buyer protection does no good if the buyer doesnt know they are fake.....
i wasn't hating man, i'm just saying that it's getting annoying especially since it's been said thousands of times the LC thread is pretty much where you'd look for it. anyways, doesn't ebay have a buyer protection thing?
I think that's if the seller says they're legit and they not. I'm assuming that's why you see sellers actin all slick cuz they can't say they're real and don't wanna say they're fake
yeah, pretty much if they ever say "i'm not sure if these are fake or not", they're definitely fake... :lol:

that whole thing is so weird to me tho, cuz if they're calling the shoes "nike" shoes, but they aren't actually manufactured by nike, then isn't that enough to prove false advertising?
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