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Those white/blacks are meh but the oreo ones with speckled midsole were :smokin :smokin :smokin imo i'd rather have those then the red octobers
Did not click. Lol. Cuz I just don't care who you think you are.

And I won't stoop to calling you untalented, cuz I don't know that, just as you have no clue how talented I am. We don't know each other. I only said "who are you" cuz you acted like you got some solid info (I didn't say it cuz I wanna know what you do, you already admitted you're just referencing Tinker, lol, I was just making more of a statement, cuz end of the day you're another no name who just registered on here but you're talking like you're some credible source that we should believe, talking 'bout "I done told everyone on this board", as if that means anything to any of us, lol). Now you're just taking petty shots cuz I called you out on the fact you don't have any solid info, you're just going by what tinker once said 2 years ago.

I don't have any solid info either, just going by what the movie's producer said, and like lamekilla said, it's too perfect of an opportunity to not capitalize on.

I don't take "petty shots" at anybody lad, YOUR info IS inaccurate. Before I get myself in trouble on this board, I'll leave it as it is. Props to Sole for backing my claims, after all, it's shoes and the probabilities of releasing we're discussing.
I don't take "petty shots" at anybody lad, YOUR info IS inaccurate. Before I get myself in trouble on this board, I'll leave it as it is. Props to Sole for backing my claims, after all, it's shoes and the probabilities of releasing we're discussing.
you just dont understand his artistic integrity nor how MUCH he loves his shoes 
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I don't take "petty shots" at anybody lad, YOUR info IS inaccurate. Before I get myself in trouble on this board, I'll leave it as it is. Props to Sole for backing my claims, after all, it's shoes and the probabilities of releasing we're discussing.

You did take petty shots tho, bringing my DJing, that you've never heard, into it.

I have no info. And neither do you. I simply brought up what the producer said, and already knew what Tinker said (I posted that in the mag thread 2 years ago). You referenced what Tinker said and that's it, and said twice the producer of the back to the future movies is a liar... :lol: You have no info or credentials for being a source at all, and I didn't see anyone back you.

This is dumb, you were just trying to look cool, as if you know for sure Nike's plans for 2015. :lol:
LOL the hate between here and the nike bot thread makes my life. everyone trying to 1 up each other and blasting people who dont get it...
Lmao this guy RonsWeedRoom really went out his way to crop him out of a pic?
Think I seen it all....

Clearly Ron's feelings were hurt :/
Haha. Exactly. You are mad. You follow me around NT and even stalk my IG. Why you delete the pretty girl I'm with tho? That's what really made it a U Mad pic... :lol:
Don't really understand why the dudes that bring nothing to the thread always come at the dudes who do. We got Leo and Ronsweedroom coming at proto with some dumb ****. This **** looks more and more like HB every day. Unwad your panties and lets get this thread back on track.
Don't really understand why the dudes that bring nothing to the thread always come at the dudes who do. We got Leo and Ronsweedroom coming at proto with some dumb ****. This **** looks more and more like HB every day. Unwad your panties and lets get this thread back on track.
what is hb?
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