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Just listening to Yeezus again; apologies if this has been mentioned earlier in this thread (almost scared to post in this thread recently due to all the 'drama') but thought it might be a hint at the Red Octobers:

'Yeezy season approachin', f whatever ya'll been hearin, f whatever ya'll been wearin, a monster bout to come alive again...'

not sure if srs

first off welcome to a month and a half ago

second you air yeezy stans gotta stop acting like every little thing kanye does is a hint for the yeezys like him saying "yeezy season" (which is an actual nick name not just the name for shoes) which just refers to his multiple projects he had in the works. or like a projection on a screen saying "not for sale" while he's performing, not everything is a little Easter egg relating to the yeezys. YOUR whole life may revolve around yeezys but for him it's just a piece of the puzzle

PS the air mags retros were of course meant to be worn that's why they came in different sizes its a SNEAKER these are all just sneakers that we're in love with plus Tinker said they were trying to design the wiring in the shoe for the LEDs so that they would not get wet when worn in bad weather
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Whoa easy Mart.. He's just making an observation
not sure if srs

first off welcome to a month and a half ago

second you air yeezy stans gotta stop acting like every little thing kanye does is a hint for the yeezys like him saying "yeezy season" (which is an actual nick name not just the name for shoes) which just refers to his multiple projects he had in the works. or like a projection on a screen saying "not for sale" while he's performing, not everything is a little Easter egg relating to the yeezys. YOUR whole life may revolve around yeezys but for him it's just a piece of the puzzle

PS the air mags retros were of course meant to be worn that's why they came in different sizes its a SNEAKER these are all just sneakers that we're in love with plus Tinker said they were trying to design the wiring in the shoe for the LEDs so that they would not get wet when worn in bad weather
Like I said, people are almost afraid to say anything in here anymore because there's always someone who'll make a smart comment or start an aragument. Whatever. And this is not an invitation to keep it going, just an observation. Look at the last 20+ pages of this thread! Ridiculous...
I've been hearing about this air mag 2015 power lacing rumor since around the patent dropped around 2009/2010. I don't have any inside knowledge or a "cousins friends uncle" who works for Nike but look at it like this. When the mags dropped outta nowhere in 2011 for micheal j fox's Parkinson's research you had the super stars grown men dropping thousands on this sneaker just because. Not only did Nike have the brilliant marketing scheme of associating the sneaker with a means to find a cure for an illness (and have Kevin Durant in the commercial for the shoes???) but made them extremely limited but they weren't even meant to be worn and people were still going nuts, at least the really rich were. Now you really think Nike doesn't know if they threw an affordable retail price with the air mags and made them have some sort of power lacing that they wouldn't be the new "it" sneaker? C'mon, Nike is too genius and some don't even understand how they operate. Do you remember how random the banned 1 release was? How random it was that how we had an air Jordan 1 that was in its OG form outta nowhere? Did you think that was Nike just throwing something out there?.....or maybe it was to test the waters and see how the public would react to OG branded 1's. Nike will capitalize off the 2015 air mag deal. I'm positive
Notice how everything you just mentioned was "out of nowhere," not things with rumors swirling around them for HALF A DECADE. For you to say "Some people don't know how Nike works" in a response to me is obviously calling into question MY knowledge. Well, news flash, guy, I work for Nike. So congratulations on looking like an idiot.

Now I have to call into question your line of thinking. How would a non-power lacing MAG be the more limited release in the first place? What you are asserting in your post is that in the event Nike were to release a power-lacing mag, they would be more widely available. Please help me catch up to that logic. That would make them more than a shoe, it would make them partially mechanical/electronic in some way. Yeah, a more wide release of that is VERY feasible. LOL Use some common sense.

Banned 1s were a "random" release because they were technically a sample release. From what I understand production was stopped on them because the profit margin wasn't significant enough using such good materials. This is why they released at exclusively Factory Stores. If you had a clue, which by your post you SORT OF do, you would know that the Banned 1s weren't "random" at all. There were sample images and leaks floating around about them for about a year before their release. They chose to freeze production and release at Factory Stores. It wasn't some grand scheme like you dreamers make it out to be.

Same goes with the first release of MAGs. It went from idea stage to produced product in a short period of time. There was no "I have this great idea, lets wait 5 years." If Nike could possibly release MAGs with power lacing in a profitable manner, it would have happened already. If you disagree, well, you don't know how much Nike loves money. The only scenario I would see them holding off on something that significant were in the case they were trying to preserve the integrity of the charity they held with the initial release. People would be pissed if they paid charity money for a pair, then they came right back out. But, then again, Nike cares a lot more about money than integrity so I doubt it.
Thought the only pix of banneds b4 the release were the ugly ones with the black X's all over em? That's why the other ones came as such a surprise...

Anyways, that's my point, they love money over integrity. And the ability to capitalize on the hype and world wide publicity that would come from making Mags with power lacing, even if there's not huge profit in them, even if not mass produced or intended to sell at all, they won't pass that hype up. Regular Mags with no power lacing made worldwide headlines, perhaps the most publicity the brand has ever had outside of Michael Jordan, imagine the real deal.

Tinker has already said they're planning to introduce power lacing in 2015 (probably that year simply to coincide with the date in the movie). They've had the patent on it for a few years now. I don't think they're gonna mass produce Mags with it, I'm not even convinced they will make much more than sample pairs, just to introduce the technology on the actual shoe it was conceptualized on. But I'm more thinking there will be some new version of mags, and prolly other shoes with power lacing.

But even if they did sell them, I don't think it would hurt their integrity. Most people who bought the Mags to wear will prolly want a new pair by then, especially with power lacing, and those who bought just to collect also wouldn't mind a chance at a new pair with power lacing.

I just decided not to trade away my DS pairs of Yeezy 1's in the rare and most valuable size 12 for Mags when there's a good chance Nike will do something with them or a variation in 2015. End of the day, we're all speculating. Even a guy I know who has worked for Nike and had Yeezy 1 and 2 samples (including the glow in the dark tour charcoal / fire red 1 pair and the red october 2 pair), who's still very well connected with them, he's not been able to confirm or deny they will do something with Mags in 2015. So nothing anyone else says on the matter really carries anymore weight than him to me right now.
And btw, if you take the time to read the interview with the producer of the back to the future movies, you will see that it's obvious someone at Nike, either Mark or Tinker, told him back in 2011 they have this version now, and will have the real deal with power lacing in 2015. And he even said you'll have the super special pair, but other versions too. That leads me to believe the OG Mags will only be samples or super limited, and a new version will be more widely available.

I'm sorry but how that is a lie, or an attempt to troll, doesn't make any sense. The guy has no reason to make up a lie out of thin air. He was likely one of the only people given a pair for free back in 2011. He said they even brought them to his office in a glass case display or something and lit them up for him.
Thought the only pix of banneds b4 the release were the ugly ones with the black X's all over em? That's why the other ones came as such a surprise...

Anyways, that's my point, they love money over integrity. And the ability to capitalize on the hype and world wide publicity that would come from making Mags with power lacing, even if there's not huge profit in them, even if not mass produced or intended to sell at all, they won't pass that hype up. Regular Mags with no power lacing made worldwide headlines, perhaps the most publicity the brand has ever had outside of Michael Jordan, imagine the real deal.

Tinker has already said they're planning to introduce power lacing in 2015 (probably that year simply to coincide with the date in the movie). They've had the patent on it for a few years now. I don't think they're gonna mass produce Mags with it, I'm not even convinced they will make much more than sample pairs, just to introduce the technology on the actual shoe it was conceptualized on. But I'm more thinking there will be some new version of mags, and prolly other shoes with power lacing.

But even if they did sell them, I don't think it would hurt their integrity. Most people who bought the Mags to wear will prolly want a new pair by then, especially with power lacing, and those who bought just to collect also wouldn't mind a chance at a new pair with power lacing.

I just decided not to trade away my DS pairs of Yeezy 1's in the rare and most valuable size 12 for Mags when there's a good chance Nike will do something with them or a variation in 2015. End of the day, we're all speculating. Even a guy I know who has worked for Nike and had Yeezy 1 and 2 samples (including the glow in the dark tour charcoal / fire red 1 pair and the red october 2 pair), who's still very well connected with them, he's not been able to confirm or deny they will do something with Mags in 2015. So nothing anyone else says on the matter really carries anymore weight than him to me right now.
You're right, at the end of the day it's all 100% rumors and speculation. I know about the whole patent thing, but what you have to realize is that Nike patents thousands upon thousands of things a year. This isn't always to use those patents, it's to ensure NOBODY ELSE can develop the technology legally. Do they plan on utilizing it? Maybe. But, being such a gimmicky thing in the first place, I don't see it being pursued with any degree of seriousness.  Generally speaking, Nike develops useful technology, no matter how gimmicky, and I just can't see the benefit/realistic use of a shoe that ties itself. Pros vs Cons are highly heavy in the con category until battery or solar technology weighs nearly nothing or is integrated into the materials themselves.

You seem to be one of the most knowledgeable people around here, so I won't call into question your info or sources, and I'll just assume you are holding onto a little hopeless optimism, lol. Which is cool, I can't deny I do the same thing, even when all evidence points elsewhere. It's always nice to have a dream lol. And for what it's worth, the MAG thing probably can't be confirmed or denied because nobody who has that kind of pull within the company truly gives a ****. Tinker and or others may have had a meeting/project otherwise discussing them, but that's probably about as far into development it truly is. It's certainly possible to happen in 2015 considering they can make a QS happen in less than 6 months, but any real progress on making them happen is yet to be seen (other than the patents). That's all I'm trying to say.
^^You are right about the patent thing, companies do that all the time. Nike would be pissed if they took too long to patent something and another company patents it.
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And btw, if you take the time to read the interview with the producer of the back to the future movies, you will see that it's obvious someone at Nike, either Mark or Tinker, told him back in 2011 they have this version now, and will have the real deal with power lacing in 2015. And he even said you'll have the super special pair, but other versions too. That leads me to believe the OG Mags will only be samples or super limited, and a new version will be more widely available.

I'm sorry but how that is a lie, or an attempt to troll, doesn't make any sense. The guy has no reason to make up a lie out of thin air. He was likely one of the only people given a pair for free back in 2011. He said they even brought them to his office in a glass case display or something and lit them up for him.
The part you're missing in all of this is how big of a game Nike people can talk. These guys can truly act as if they walk on water, so putting out misinformation based on ideas instead of actual facts is more common than what you'd think.

Kind of unrelated, but I found it funny, but the retro "green glow" 4s are supposedly not even a colorway designed by Nike. It was something a random person photoshopped and after seeing people's positive reactions JB decided to run with it. I can't confirm that, but if it is true, that's a pretty good snapshot of how far into the future they are truly planning lol... If some random person can literally reshape their direction in a couple months, I just have a hard time seeing any serious plans for so far into the future. I may be wrong. ****, I hope I'm wrong, but I tend to doubt things until I have solid evidence in front of me.
Word, but I just don't see how cons outweigh the pros when the only cons are Tinker once saying no, but then he also said they plan to introduce power lacing in 2015, he said they have already been working on it and they were just ironing out some kinks back in 2011, Nike will want the publicity from it, the producer of the film is saying they told him there will be Mags and variations in 2015, and various other pros.

You have to also keep in mind that they can and have planned things that far in advance. Tinker said they started the Mag project for release 5 years b4 they dropped in 2011, and the first 2 years nobody knew except him and Tiffany Beers. It wasn't even revealed to their internal promotional staff until a few months b4 release.

I dunno, like lamekilla, I just think it's too big an opportunity for Nike to pass up. And I wasn't about to trade away my rare DS sz 12 Y1's when 2015 and that possibility is right around the corner. Haha.
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when did Tinker say the power lacing would be introduced in 2015? if your just talking about that skit with Christopher Lloyd I'm not sure if that was ment to be taken literally, lol. That goes for whatever movie producer your talking about as well, what context was he saying this in?
when did Tinker say the power lacing would be introduced in 2015? if your just talking about that skit with Christopher Lloyd I'm not sure if that was ment to be taken literally, lol. That goes for whatever movie producer your talking about as well, what context was he saying this in?
I agree with this. This takes it back to my first comment about trolling... This was a half-brained scheme and a semi-troll by Nike for hype/marketing, it seems as if they patented it just to be sure nobody else did it and made them look like dumbasses IMO lol
when did Tinker say the power lacing would be introduced in 2015? if your just talking about that skit with Christopher Lloyd I'm not sure if that was ment to be taken literally, lol. That goes for whatever movie producer your talking about as well, what context was he saying this in?

No, it was a full on real interview around the time of the Mag release in 2011. He also said in a separate interview "this shoe has already helped inspire some unique design features on some new shoes and we are committed to designing shoes in the future that do come alive and do sense your body and do certain things, so this is a precursor to the future of probably all athletic shoes we design."

But he def said in another interview that power lacing was being worked on and should be ready in 2015.

All I really want is a mid top version of mags in 2015. Exactly the same in every way, just not so tall that they go up your shin almost to your knees. Haha. That's what makes them look so ridiculous when most people wear them. If you let loose the strap tho, and leave them more relaxed and chunky looking, they look a lot better IMO (that's what sucks about the 2011 pair, they don't "unlace" like Marty had them b4 auto lacing, so they look super stiff and tight, and even more tall, it's hard to get that relaxed look with them).
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well all we can do is speculate on the mags but I certainly dont think we can assume they will come back in an idealistic way just because a few throwaway comments back in 2011. for all we know they might just do another charity auction for em.

to try and get back on track on the contest page the box label says SP as opposed to NRG, not sure why but the few shoes I've seen labeled SP have been EXTREMELY limited, with none being no where near as hyped as the yeezys. it scares me to think what quantities might look like when these get ready to drop. I understand why they make these limited but with such a demand idk why they have to make them SO limited.

As we get closer and closer to release I have a strong feeling these are gonna be even more limited then the first 2 colors. a few people with connects hinted to this when we first saw shots of them but now are quiet, you could at least confirm or deny this lol.
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well all we can do is speculate on the mags but I certainly dont think we can assume they will come back in an idealistic way just because a few throwaway comments back in 2011. for all we know they might just do another charity auction for em.

to try and get back on track on the contest page the box label says SP as opposed to NRG, not sure why but the few shoes I've seen labeled SP have been EXTREMELY limited, with none being no where near as hyped as the yeezys. it scares me to think what quantities might look like when these get ready to drop. I understand why they make these limited but with such a demand idk why they have to make them SO limited.

As we get closer and closer to release I have a strong feeling these are gonna be even more limited then the first 2 colors. a few people with connects hinted to this when we first saw shots of them but now are quiet, you could at least confirm or deny this lol.
I think this also has to do with contractual obligations with Nike. There was probably a new team involved on this new colorway, which could be why there is a difference in SP vs NRG. They are somewhere in the early-middle stages of production now if the release is slated for October, so more photos should coming out as we get closer to release. Many of the produced pairs are probably still sitting in boxes where they are being produced before they are sent for inspection and distribution so it's only a matter of time until they are in the hands of leakers lol
No, it was a full on real interview around the time of the Mag release in 2011. He also said in a separate interview "this shoe has already helped inspire some unique design features on some new shoes and we are committed to designing shoes in the future that do come alive and do sense your body and do certain things, so this is a precursor to the future of probably all athletic shoes we design."

But he def said in another interview that power lacing was being worked on and should be ready in 2015.

All I really want is a mid top version of mags in 2015. Exactly the same in every way, just not so tall that they go up your shin almost to your knees. Haha. That's what makes them look so ridiculous when most people wear them. If you let loose the strap tho, and leave them more relaxed and chunky looking, they look a lot better IMO (that's what sucks about the 2011 pair, they don't "unlace" like Marty had them b4 auto lacing, so they look super stiff and tight, and even more tall, it's hard to get that relaxed look with them).
A mid top would be ideal. Those are way too high, it's hard to even imagine wearing pants with them without wearing them over like half of the shoe lol. 3 or so inches shorter would be perfect.
well all we can do is speculate on the mags but I certainly dont think we can assume they will come back in an idealistic way just because a few throwaway comments back in 2011. for all we know they might just do another charity auction for em.

to try and get back on track on the contest page the box label says SP as opposed to NRG, not sure why but the few shoes I've seen labeled SP have been EXTREMELY limited, with none being no where near as hyped as the yeezys. it scares me to think what quantities might look like when these get ready to drop. I understand why they make these limited but with such a demand idk why they have to make them SO limited.

As we get closer and closer to release I have a strong feeling these are gonna be even more limited then the first 2 colors. a few people with connects hinted to this when we first saw shots of them but now are quiet, you could at least confirm or deny this lol.

what shoes have been labeled as sp?
^Off the top of my head, the most recent release with "SP" were the floral Solarsoft Moccasins that released this past weekend.

"SP" is indicated in the August release calendar:

Solarsoft Moccasin SP

Solarsoft Moccasin SP
Old Royal/Old Royal-Crystal Mint

I haven't seen the box label in person for these sneakers, but based on eBay photos, the label also shows "SP".

Edit: If the floral Solarsofts labeled as "SP" are an indicator of the release of the red Yeezy 2s, I wonder if they will be more widely available compared to previous Yeezys. Granted, the floral Solarsofts sold out on NDC and were limited, but a lot of stores actually received the sneaker.
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what shoes have been labeled as sp?

I only know of a couple after a quick google search I'm sure there are more out there but so far I've seen:

Nike lunar solstice sp
solarsoft moccasin sp
inneva woven sp
nike free 5.0 ext sp
the udftd "bring back pack" was sp
the air max "country camo" collection were all sp
the viotech dunk retro was sp
the APC x dunks were sp
the upcoming snakeskin dunk hi's are also sp
Edit: If the floral Solarsofts labeled as "SP" are an indicator of the release of the red Yeezy 2s, I wonder if they will be more widely available compared to previous Yeezys. Granted, the floral Solarsofts sold out on NDC and were limited, but a lot of stores actually received the sneaker.

what kinds of stores? idt my Niketown got them :nerd:
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^Off the top of my head, the most recent release with "SP" were the floral Solarsoft Moccasins that released this past weekend.

"SP" is indicated in the August release calendar:

Solarsoft Moccasin SP

Solarsoft Moccasin SP
Old Royal/Old Royal-Crystal Mint

I haven't seen the box label in person for these sneakers, but based on eBay photos, the label also shows "SP".

Edit: If the floral Solarsofts labeled as "SP" are an indicator of the release of the red Yeezy 2s, I wonder if they will be more widely available compared to previous Yeezys. Granted, the floral Solarsofts sold out on NDC and were limited, but a lot of stores actually received the sneaker.

I doubt it. It's just Nike's way of making their releases and labels sound fancy.

For example the Lebron X EXT QS - that kind of "quickstrike" was much different than other things that were labeled quickstrike, imo - not sure on the actual production numbers compared to other quickstrike releases but it seemed different.

These things are basically just empty words at this point.

Edit: just a guess but I think it's more likely "SP" = "Special" = different kind of material than the usual, which makes them "special." In this case it's the bumpy panels which is different than the old cut scales.
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from what I can tell SP releases don't drop at a whole lot of stores. no regular Niketowns, basically 21 Mercer and boutiques, same as the first colors

My problem is the first yeezys dropped at EVERY Niketown and every HOH (tho there were only 3 back then), as well as boutiques, and that still wasn't a whole lot of stores. Nike is on quite a lot of bull with the 2s
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