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Anyone in canada have any updates?

Gonna have to cop online..can't sacrifice school and work to camp

Does Ndc the online spot to cop at retail? If so I'm screwed they don't accept Canadian billing
Doesnt look good for canada bruh. And even if we did get pairs its raffle only
What if someone offered you $5k to buy the shoe for them before you knew if you could get any pair? 

Just curious, it's a different way of looking at the re-sell, not calling anyone out, but if someone offered me $5K and said "Go get 'em" I doubt I 'd say no.
What ever happen to just being in it for the love of shoe?

This resell
Mentality has left a lot of you just hungry for profit.

I blame the ****** american economy leaving a lot of you jobless
This thread is gonna get locked soon. Let's just move on and get ready for Yeezy week.
This is probably true. Looked at the Nike release calendar and only the air jordan 1 cool grey releasing on the 9th, so maybe that gives slightly more power to the november 9th rumored release date.
Its ok to resell to offset the price you paid for a sneaker but its of lower moral is you resell sneakers to go on a vacation. where's the logic in that?
Reselling is reselling no matter what you do it for.
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Its ok to resell to offset the price you paid for a sneaker but its of lower moral is you resell sneakers to go on a vacation. where's the logic in that?

I'm not even knocking that really tho. People gonna do stuff like that. But don't come at me on any BS when I hooked people up and helped reduce my own OD costs and kept the shoes.

Dude just likes to stay on my tip tho. I use my job for vacations and resell shoes to cut down some of my costs for shoes, not vacations and a honeymoon. That's really nothing to hate on me for, but he's going to anyways.
I'm not even knocking that really tho. People gonna do stuff like that. But don't come at me on any BS when I hooked people up and helped reduce my own OD costs and kept the shoes.

Dude just likes to stay on my tip tho. I use my job for vacations and resell shoes to cut down some of my costs for shoes, not vacations and a honeymoon. That's really nothing to hate on me for, but he's going to anyways.

Who's hating on you Bronopoly Brother? I don't care what you do with a shoe, just don't point fingers while dirty yourself. The fact you got the shoes, the quantity, and had the cash to make that move is commendable to me.

DO WHAT YOU DO! Just don't claim a higher level of integrity because you kept a pair, we're all dead at the same level guilty of the same things. I killed with a pocket knife, you slaughtered with a rocket launcher. We both committed murder, you're a little better than I am at it tho. LMAO!!!
I'm not even knocking that really tho. People gonna do stuff like that. But don't come at me on any BS when I hooked people up and helped reduce my own OD costs and kept the shoes.

Dude just likes to stay on my tip tho. I use my job for vacations and resell shoes to cut down some of my costs for shoes, not vacations and a honeymoon. That's really nothing to hate on me for, but he's going to anyways.
so if i cop one pair of ROs for 4k, and lets say i come up on 2 more for retail, and i sell each for 3.5k, thats ok? probably not for me cuz its all about YOU b

resale is resale, no justifications
Something has bugging me lately. In light of the Red October release, these people that talk a big game and flex on social networks being middleman (quantity buyers, and sell with the intent to make a profit). These people represent all that is wrong with the sneaker culture, the shoe marketplace is a marketplace of perceived value, a value that is purely dictated by the consumer.  These poor soles think that skimming money off the top of retail prices will pay for their lively hood, vacations, retirement.  Don't get me wrong if you run an actual business buying and selling sneakers out of a store or boutique I can respect that, but I can't stand the people trying to make living slanging shoes as if they were narcotics.   Nike does not print money, they convince you their product is unique, its called differentiation. 

On a lighter note, these will go down just like the last yeezy release, random drop on the internet, and corrupt store owners handing out favors to friends the next day.  Mass histeria, culminating with violence and people complaining that the release wasn't fair.  All that didn't get a pair will either use their parents money or some sort of government subsidized money to pay for shoes that make them think they are a celebrity.  I'd rather have 10 pairs of bred 1's from 01.

I actually really like the yeezy line, its very abstract and has a lot of moving pieces, but I do not like the baggage it comes with (Stupid High $, locating a pair is hard in your size, mass amount of counterfeits).  Its like the TO or Dez Bryant of shoes. 
y'all can't even tell the difference from a troll y'all so hungry for info
Not hungry for info, I just highly doubt that anyone got pairs in yet except for FEW shops, like they said if Nike were to drop these on the 9th, you figure some would get them a month before and others in a few days before the drop. 
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