Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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So much controversy over a damn shoe. Its really making it a strategic mission for all of us to cop. I feel like we are playing a damn riddle game :lol:
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Why do you think people are laughing at the guy who posted these will start at $1k? Hype is at an ALL TIME. Deadstock or not, find me a pair Solars for under $2k, please do. The resellers have been selling and have been making profit at these prices, so why not start there? How about this? If you find me a pair of RO for less than $2.3k, which is my guess, a mere guess, at where the price will start, please send me your info and I will GLADLY buy them for you. Otherwise, worry about your money and I'll worry about mine. 

I was willing to let go of my solars for 1700$ tho...even cheaper for some of te NTers I'm cool with....backed out them to much.
tbh If Im able to cop, im trading for Solars and maybe some cash 
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These match with my work uniforn; Will pray for pairs

I warned you years ago it would come to this
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