OFFICIAL: Nike Flight One Holiday 2012 (New Holiday 2012 colors on the way)

what happened to Orlandos being a GR
Originally Posted by bigz704

contemplating whether or not to pay 179 for the orlando's

I  ened up doing so....where else are you gonna get them for that price one reseller get there hand on them...if nike sold out in 2 min....
jus me, or is it weird that we have yet to see any early pics of the orlando c.w outside of the ones from nike
Originally Posted by hotbutter

jus me, or is it weird that we have yet to see any early pics of the orlando c.w outside of the ones from nike

don't wanna pay 179 but f it won't go 0 for 3 (black history month kd's white cement 4's and now these)
Smh...Just payed 270 to some reseller for the GITD's ...bitter sweet I guess but I really wanted these shoes. Considering how they sold out in 45 seconds on NDC, and 15 min on Eastbay, resell prices are going to continue to rise more than likely, if not stay within the same ball park. Eh. That's life I guess. Just appreciative I have the funds to support this ridiculous hobby of mine.

Nike won. Goodnight Westcoast.
Originally Posted by Shellz

Smh...Just payed 270 to some reseller for the GITD's ...bitter sweet I guess but I really wanted these shoes. Considering how they sold out in 45 seconds on NDC, and 15 min on Eastbay, resell prices are going to continue to rise more than likely, if not stay within the same ball park. Eh. That's life I guess. Just appreciative I have the funds to support this ridiculous hobby of mine.

Nike won. Goodnight Westcoast.

Uhhh, kicks crew still has them for max 200 shipped lol
Wow and hear I thought I was just gonna waltz in to HOH and buy a pair
...not even gonna try in the am knowing how resellers are in nyc...
Anyone got eyes on HOH Beerly Center??? Was hoping for an easy cop but that NDC Fiasco has obviously changed things.
Originally Posted by chiva1908

Anybody heading to the HoH in Lakewood for these?

Nah cos I copped tonight. But if you do, be safe out there and bring friends cos I'm sure its gonna be bananas!! That hoh brings out every goon in the south bay....
Guess I have no choice but to camp. I can't stand paying over retail, never could. I just hope all the hype for the foams and everything else puts these underneath the radar. I know it won't be like that, but all I can do right now is tell my self that. So sour at the moment. All I wanted was one pair of the orlandos. Just one. Here's hoping for the *gasp* .. best.
just found a couple more pics for those of you on the fence


makes me want to go out to NTSF tm to try my luck..
dont know if it'll be a waste of time though.

any word norcalians? lol
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