Official Nike HyperDunk Thread... Kobe PEs(away and home) now available.

Question, some of the U.S.A. Hyperdunks the players are wearing have a design with what looks like wings on them. What is the design, will they be availablefor retail?
everyone talks about the lightness how do these compare to the air go lwp? i had those shoes back in the days and those were superlight as well. so which oneis lighter?
Originally Posted by therealestwun

Question, some of the U.S.A. Hyperdunks the players are wearing have a design with what looks like wings on them. What is the design, will they be available for retail?

That is the united we rise logo


Originally Posted by raptors29

Why are some people saying these shoes are only good for 80 hours of ballin?

the unar foam was made for lightness/cushioning - not for durability - after about 5 hours of ballin in mine there are creases all over the midsoles - im aSG/SF too
FYI... there will be Mamba HD's showing up again...

Did ya really think it was PI exclusive, and look for and NDC to be releasing some QS HD's as the season approaches... as well as 8.8.08.

So if you didn't get them before, look for some more to release again in a few weeks.

Thats all for now.[/size]

Originally Posted by kobehead

Originally Posted by therealestwun

Everyone is more addicted to these shoes than Pookie on crack.

�Because they are Kobes.

Didn't Js begin like this?

Negative. Because it is a Great Design and really functional for the Athlete.

And Jays didn't start like this... Jays were slept on by the General Consumer and only bought at first by the Dopeman Drug Dealers and people who had theloot to shell out $100 to $125 bucks for kicks which was alot at the time.

If Hyperdunks alone could have their own line, I do believe they could have a successful legacy. I mean they could have been the 2K8's in my opinion. ButHyperdunk is a much better Tag..
Originally Posted by PrimeSole

The UWR HD's are very nice. The box, to the laces, to the shoe bag. Very well put.
I hope I could get a pair when they release and find them on ebay
But the guy is selling them for $430.
You must be crazy. Actually most of his HD's are over priced.

Will the UWR be a GR ? Sorry for asking.

I won't be surprised if those UWR Hyperdunks sell at $400. They're very difficult to cop at this point. They're not GR.
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