I'm getting scared of the gradients being hard to obtain, hype here has been high for months on them...
Actually this will be my first pair of Kobe shoes. Just liked the color way of the easters, hadn't been a fan of low tops, or a fan of the other color ways. Well I liked some other color ways,but didn't pull trigger, cause other kicks came out. Maybe these will make me view kobes differently
I can't believe how ppl did a 180 on the easters when they dropped. I even flipped flopped on coppn them. Better to cop now then regret passing later lol.
I'm getting scared of the gradients being hard to obtain, hype here has been high for months on them...

Same here...the thirst for them is STRONG!

Watch them be a Nike TLO release. You will probably have to enlist the help of SkyNet just to secure a pair...
Not singling out anyone but if you really want the sneakers go out an get them when you know what time they go on sale. One of the repeated questions are what type of release these will be nobody on nike talk knows how many pairs will be made.
Yeah I see the Purple Fades being KDIV Rogue status. Even if they are a GR they will move. We'll be partly the blame. The demand for those has been very consistent on here. We all know they're watching, and waiting just as we are.
New to the Kobe system and low top sneakers.  Recently sprained my ankle so I will most probably wear ankle support/brace with these shoes.  Here are my recent acquisitions:
I can't believe how ppl did a 180 on the easters when they dropped. I even flipped flopped on coppn them. Better to cop now then regret passing later lol.


Gotta treat these Kobe 8s as if almost every pair is gonna sell out when they drop.

If you have any interest in a particular colorway, you better have your bases covered so you can grab it.

Not complaing tho...I'm glad the Kobe line is getting the attention it deserves again.
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Easter Kobes are sitting everywhere here north of the border in Toronto.  The thirst for foams and our higher prices are no doubt responsible for that.  If they were $140, they would sell out here too.  Instead, we have to pay just under $215 after taxes which is just a shade under the resell prices I'm seeing on ebay today.
$183 with HST and free shipping with Sport Chek's 10% discount lol

Easter Kobes are sitting everywhere here north of the border in Toronto.  The thirst for foams and our higher prices are no doubt responsible for that.  If they were $140, they would sell out here too.  Instead, we have to pay just under $215 after taxes which is just a shade under the resell prices I'm seeing on ebay today.
I can't believe how ppl did a 180 on the easters when they dropped. I even flipped flopped on coppn them. Better to cop now then regret passing later lol.

Yup, exactly. It's better to have them and say, "Eh, I don't want these anymore" later than to say, "F***! I should have copped them when I had the chance!"
had a dream that i saw kobe and he showed me the pair he wore last night. i told him to give me a size 11 and then i woke up.

now i'm depressed :frown:
had a dream that i saw kobe and he showed me the pair he wore last night. i told him to give me a size 11 and then i woke up.

now i'm depressed
That makes 2 of us, but he gave me my size 9
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