finally saw it when you mentioned it. yeah they do look like the purple upper IDs. nice! they look good that way.
I WAS RIGHT! the Kobe VII NSW pair ain't like the red suede or black snake skins... they're just those casual kicks
on vulc sole. and they look horrible. I want to post pics but I might get in trouble again.

luckily I get paid tomorrow. I won't be getting the elites, dont like the green. Last years elites were noice. Loved the black and gold. No more shoes until the purple fades..
I think I'm starting to fall off the PurpFade wagon. To think that I'm one of it's biggest supporter. LOL
I don't know, too much exposure to pics I guess. :D

will definitely get my hands on them upon release and I'm sure I won't be able to resist.
Whats the color of the Purple fades bottom sole...white or light gray?

Easter pack will drop in EU/UK on the 12th.. My bad if this already posted. Nike EU just answered my tweet today.
Here on Manila it costs $200 SMH.
 and that's retail... imagine the resale prices 
Kobes are $220 RRP in australia (10% off if u FTL member) still complete rip especially when AUD is worth more then USD
Leg day! Time for some squats, presses, lunges etc... I wonder how much kobe can squat?
You're going to be buying inserts very soon, basket ball shoes aren't made for that, my shoes started lasting way longer once I stopped wearing them on my posterior chain and leg days
I do my cardio and leg days in Flyknit Trainers, but on days where I'm doing plyos I'll rock my Kobe 8's. I've worn these for volleyball over the past months and they hold up great in side to side and lateral movements. When I do plyos in any Nike Frees or Flyknits I feel like my foot is going to rip out of the shoe. 
 and that's retail... imagine the resale prices 
Yep I think them reselling it for 11k thats $275 for Easters and BHM a piece according to that kid I asked at nike outlet yesterday

Yo Manila NTers guys im having a hard time finding the supernaturals, are these already released in the Philippines? Sorry I lost track

Atleast you got them. And retail on kobe 8's is about that in NZ anyway.
I know how you feel though, even when we Pay $140 still have atleast $40 shipping fee :smh:
Im just glad I got my Easters with ease others camped out for 1 1/2 hours outside
I think I'm starting to fall off the PurpFade wagon. To think that I'm one of it's biggest supporter. LOL
I don't know, too much exposure to pics I guess. :D

will definitely get my hands on them upon release and I'm sure I won't be able to resist.

It's the "Steve Blake Effect"...

You see him with them on, and it just destroys your excitement for a shoe... :x
Kobes are $220 RRP in australia (10% off if u FTL member) still complete rip especially when AUD is worth more then USD
Ok, you can afford it

I love when foreigners brag about their money being "worth more" than the USD, then cry about their goods being so expensive
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