Great interview up there. People already saying kobe won't be the same when he comes back. "It's pissing me off already." 

Such a cool guy, anyway all we can do is move forward. Whats done is done. 

These are so 
, but I don't think we are going to get em sadly.

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Nike, if Kobe's not gonna wear the 8s anymore, you still need to sell them and make a profit...

GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT! Amnesties, solid color uppers on iDs...WE WILL BUY, and you will continue to make money!!!

That is all...
I'm not a laker fan and not even a kobe fan but I do respect him as one of the best to ever play in the NBA. Hate that his season had to end like this. Don't understand how some say they would not cop anymore kobe kicks just because he got injured though. I never liked or bought any kobe shoes until these 8s came out. The 8s are so nice that even a kobe hater like me had to cop his shoes. And fellas please stop blaming the injury on his shoes. People raved on how comfy this shoe was to play in and now all of a sudden his shoe injured him. Anything can happen anytime when a player steps on a court. Hope ya have a speedy recovery black mamba!
The front office hasn't been the smartest since Dr.Buss passed. Not to mention if they wanna keep Howard they're going to have to either Amnesty Kobe to bring in talent, Amnesty Kobe to give Howard the impression they are moving on with him as the centerpiece, or Amnesty Kobe if Howard leaves and the team can't compete. Idk, anything is possible. This is all assuming Kobe doesn't make an awesome recovery. Wonder what kind of support tech Nike will put in the 9 to help Kobe with the added protection to the tendon.
Anything can happen but none of that is happening. I don't care how dumb Jim Buss is he's not that dumb. I just got in from watching Raekwon perform at the Shrine to hear the Kobe has ruptured his Achilles. I'm in shock right now 
Can't say if I will or won't buy any elites now, I do know for sure that if the pair he wore tonight is released... It will not be in my house.

That post game interview was difficult to watch... Damn :wow:
Kobe will come back the same player as this year given the round the clock medical treatment from all the best medical people. We, the everyday joes don't have the same medical support as he does and that's why we regular folks are never the same after suffering the same injuries.
I think this is a blessing in disguise because it teaches Kobe and the coaches that you can't play the type of minutes that he's playing and not expecting him to break down. Also it teaches Mitch and Buss to prepare better and to have some sort of a solid backup plan.
I met Kobe on his first day in LA at the now defunct Fila pro-am at the Long Beach Pyramid, he will recover fully from this injury, he is that driven and determined and I would never bet against him in his recovery.

For the guy saying it was the shoes, anyone with any common sense knows that the wear and tear of previous seasons including Olympics and especially this season broke him down. It was the left Achilles he tore, same area he was injured on that ankle in Atlanta. When he injured his ankle, he never had time to make a fully rested recovery, the surrounding muscles and tendons/ ligaments were compensating for that ankle injury.
Its not these shoes that caused Kobe's or your injury, its probably a trauma to the surrounding areas that caused the tear from possibly previous injuries.

Kobe's line will continue especially with the great success of the 8's whether or not he's playing next season. #countonkobe #4afullrecovery
Lol at the medical attention.... You must not be a Kobe fan. That's a little thing called HEART. Not something you see in pro sports anymore.
Can't say if I will or won't buy any elites now, I do know for sure that if the pair he wore tonight is released... It will not be in my house.

That post game interview was difficult to watch... Damn

Maybe the black elites. But the whites, I'm not sure about that.

Im still grieving for Kobe's injury.
Kobe will come back the same player as this year given the round the clock medical treatment from all the best medical people. We, the everyday joes don't have the same medical support as he does and that's why we regular folks are never the same after suffering the same injuries.
I think this is a blessing in disguise because it teaches Kobe and the coaches that you can't play the type of minutes that he's playing and not expecting him to break down. Also it teaches Mitch and Buss to prepare better and to have some sort of a solid backup plan.
I met Kobe on his first day in LA at the now defunct Fila pro-am at the Long Beach Pyramid, he will recover fully from this injury, he is that driven and determined and I would never bet against him in his recovery.

For the guy saying it was the shoes, anyone with any common sense knows that the wear and tear of previous seasons including Olympics and especially this season broke him down. It was the left Achilles he tore, same area he was injured on that ankle in Atlanta. When he injured his ankle, he never had time to make a fully rested recovery, the surrounding muscles and tendons/ ligaments were compensating for that ankle injury.
Its not these shoes that caused Kobe's or your injury, its probably a trauma to the surrounding areas that caused the tear from possibly previous injuries.

Kobe's line will continue especially with the great success of the 8's whether or not he's playing next season. #countonkobe #4afullrecovery
it will all come down to the rehab after surgery... it's one thing to repair the damage, but getting the achilles to function back to pre-injury form will be the true test. kobe isn't getting any younger, but you can always count on him to push his body to the limits. whether that's a good or a bad thing given the nature of this injury, we shall see. his heart, will and determination is there.. but those only go so far, his body has to respond too.
White elites ain't nobody want that crap, wouldn't buy them. Not even at 50% off.. bad omen
Kobe will come back the same player as this year given the round the clock medical treatment from all the best medical people. We, the everyday joes don't have the same medical support as he does and that's why we regular folks are never the same after suffering the same injuries.
I think this is a blessing in disguise because it teaches Kobe and the coaches that you can't play the type of minutes that he's playing and not expecting him to break down. Also it teaches Mitch and Buss to prepare better and to have some sort of a solid backup plan.
I met Kobe on his first day in LA at the now defunct Fila pro-am at the Long Beach Pyramid, he will recover fully from this injury, he is that driven and determined and I would never bet against him in his recovery.

For the guy saying it was the shoes, anyone with any common sense knows that the wear and tear of previous seasons including Olympics and especially this season broke him down. It was the left Achilles he tore, same area he was injured on that ankle in Atlanta. When he injured his ankle, he never had time to make a fully rested recovery, the surrounding muscles and tendons/ ligaments were compensating for that ankle injury.
Its not these shoes that caused Kobe's or your injury, its probably a trauma to the surrounding areas that caused the tear from possibly previous injuries.

Kobe's line will continue especially with the great success of the 8's whether or not he's playing next season. #countonkobe #4afullrecovery

Your second paragraph makes a lot of sense, but as for the "blessing in disguise" comment, no way. The injury sucks, there's really no way to turn it into something good, like it woke people up or something. If they needed this "lesson," it came at too high a cost..

I will at some point have the green elites, and, even though I've never really been a Lakers guy, I'll wear them proudly in honor of Kobe's heart, determination, and the consistency of his effort..
Lol at the medical attention.... You must not be a Kobe fan. That's a little thing called HEART. Not something you see in pro sports anymore.

He's the only one on the team that has it because Pau lost it to his ex in 2011playoffs but I digress. On the bright side Kobe gets to spend more time with his kids and watch them grow up, I'm sure he gave up a lot of himself to us fans by being so dedicated that took away a lot of time from his family.
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^^^im being selfish as a Kobe/Laker fan... But I hope he doesn't realize that :lol:
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Y'all are whack if you think a color of a shoe or type of shoe should or shouldn't be bought because an injury occurred. **** happens, unfortunately it happened to the man who had the best signature sneaker out. It's called Father Time and overuse, two factors Mike D'Antoni probably didn't really account for when he signed on. Guarantee he never thought his team would look so old, and that he'd have to play Kobe 40+ mins on back to backs and what not.

Maybe for superstition and crazy fandom I can understand, but if y'all really think sales are going to decline because Kobe got injured I think you're wrong, just my opinion though...
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Kobe's latest Facebook post was some real talk. Sad to see him go out this season like that. Hopefully he's able to recover quickly and push for another season.
Damn nike messed up with the white elites. Looking at least years models I can only assume thats due to the bad laker season. They probably didnt want to go all out on this one. Probably just gonna go ahead with the fades and be done. 9s are gonna be crazy. The last kobe shoe.
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If Kobe comes back, I doubt it'll be for one more year. If he does, we'll def see him play in at least 2-3 more sigs.
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