not sure if i want those MCs
 too barney looking for me
Gonna swing by HOH for some tickets after work today, if I don't get a pair..

I'm gonna cry.
Sounds like KOP HoH has gotten a ton of raffle tickets in for the curials. Could my 2 year old son sign up for a size 9.5 raffle ticket? :nerd:
Going to try to RSVP them today. If I don't get them, I don't get them. Not jumping through any hoops or paying more than retail for them.
Sounds like KOP HoH has gotten a ton of raffle tickets in for the curials. Could my 2 year old son sign up for a size 9.5 raffle ticket? :nerd:

As long as he has a valid ID, then he should be fine :rolleyes.

I stopped by HoH yesterday and grabbed a few raffle tickets myself. Best of luck.
Litearlly amazed that so many people are that high on the MCs. Decent shoe and all, I won't be copping, but to see some of you put it above xmas, bhm, and even easters is shocking to me.

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Litearlly amazed that so many people are that high on the MCs. Decent shoe and all, I won't be copping, but to see some of you put it above xmas, bhm, and even easters is shocking to me.

Once hype and the magic "L" word enter the mix, its all but a wrap.... Would you have thought in a million years that magic carpet ride NSW Kobes would sell out or the Clown Vomit VB's either?? Now in defense of the MC8s, they are better than both the above, but reality is, if they were GR at Dichards, Modell's, and Sports Authority in addition to the usual suspects, you could grab em on discount months later with a coupon for less than retail. Such is not the case, so good luck grabbing your MCs this week Kobe fans. If I get em great, possible trade bait....if not, on to the orange crush and blue/orange/pinkish/infaredish snakes.
Litearlly amazed that so many people are that high on the MCs. Decent shoe and all, I won't be copping, but to see some of you put it above xmas, bhm, and even easters is shocking to me.
MC's concept is dope, the soccer look to it is just something different, even some of my friends that don't even like basketball shoes are buying them because of how it looks like a soccer shoe. This shoe is a futbol player and a basketball players dream. 2 pairs for me on this one.
Once hype and the magic "L" word enter the mix, its all but a wrap.... Would you have thought in a million years that magic carpet ride NSW Kobes would sell out or the Clown Vomit VB's either?? Now in defense of the MC8s, they are better than both the above, but reality is, if they were GR at Dichards, Modell's, and Sports Authority in addition to the usual suspects, you could grab em on discount months later with a coupon for less than retail. Such is not the case, so good luck grabbing your MCs this week Kobe fans. If I get em great, possible trade bait....if not, on to the orange crush and blue/orange/pinkish/infaredish snakes.
i doubt youd find these in a couple months if they were a GR... i mean its a well executed Hybrid IMO so even futbol dudes will try and pick em up like guy up there ^ said... i too believe these are way better then the VBs but i can c how so many people think otherwise (mostly due to the futbol cleat look not cuz its a better CW.) ive been fiending for these since pics 1st surfaced before they were limited tagged so im hoping that my PC doesnt fail me now cuz no HOH is near me XD
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