I luv these new NSW kobes
Those go hard 
It looks like these are getting the same treatment as the KD V's when they came out with that "black pack" or whatever, where it's just a black solid upper with simple accent colors. 
TB's are alright.

lol at the caption in one of the IG pics "exclusive" :lol: .. now watch nike sell out of TB's on launch.

the best TB's were the zk4.
^ thanks! So do they sell em to the public? Or are they only made for specific teams? Are they like those duke's?
Hopefully those black/greys release. I've been searching for a predominately black shoe with white or grey accents to wear on a daily basis for awhile now.
So I go to my HOH to see if I can grab Blitz blues. Both the 11.5 and the 11 guy brings out that they have available, are painted on the soles with a dullish grey layer almost clouding up the icy sole(like possible "protection" of the ice, but just looks off. So I look a little closer at the display pair and realize they don't have that "paint over" look. Not sure if its a defect, mistake, whatever, but i wasn't sold it was part of the shoe, so I passed. Employee tried to tell me that would wear off with wear, but I wasn't down with that. Hunt for 11.5 continues....:smh: Anyone else noticed this layering effect on the soles of their Blitzes? On another note, the material and the orange/crimson make that shoe for me. I still like blue camos better but I can see wearing these more and beating the &$#% outta them on court and off.
Not feeling any of these new 8s on the last 10 pages.

SMH at the different shades of red/orange.
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