Really looking to get a pair of Kobe 8s for ball but i play outdoors. Are any of these releases XDR soles? or will i have to ID a pair for XDR?

The Pythons released in asia with an xdr sole. should be able to find a pair on ebay.
thanks. kind of a pickle, not really feeling the pythons and asia or ID will cost a decent amount for a pair that i'm gonna trash on the court... but i'm sure that it's the smarter move when it comes to longevity on an outdoor court.
Really looking to get a pair of Kobe 8s for ball but i play outdoors. Are any of these releases XDR soles? or will i have to ID a pair for XDR?
As someone said above you'll have to get an Asia release which will cost you a little more.  Look for versions with 'GC' in the name which stands for Greater China.

As for iDing a pair.  I have the iD XDR sole and it is different from the asia release XDR.  The iD XDR doesn't seem much thicker/more durable than the non-XDR pair of 8s that I have...

This could be just me.  I haven't been able to play enough outdoors with them yet to test the durability.
thanks. kind of a pickle, not really feeling the pythons and asia or ID will cost a decent amount for a pair that i'm gonna trash on the court... but i'm sure that it's the smarter move when it comes to longevity on an outdoor court.

if your just gonna use them for outdoor play, if i may ask, whys it matter what they look like (assuming thats why you dont feel them?) if they are gonna used for their purpose, imo , i wouldnt care what the c/w of the shoe was, as long as it did its job on the court.
thanks. kind of a pickle, not really feeling the pythons and asia or ID will cost a decent amount for a pair that i'm gonna trash on the court... but i'm sure that it's the smarter move when it comes to longevity on an outdoor court.

if your just gonna use them for outdoor play, if i may ask, whys it matter what they look like (assuming thats why you dont feel them?) if they are gonna used for their purpose, imo , i wouldnt care what the c/w of the shoe was, as long as it did its job on the court.
it's a secondary issue but if i'm paying anywhere from 180-200 i would want something i like with no complaints. thinking maybe IDing a pair might be the best route, unless a couple other CWs drop on ebay w/ a decent price tag..
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it's a secondary issue but if i'm paying anywhere from 180-200 i would want something i like with no complaints. thinking maybe IDing a pair might be the best route, unless a couple other CWs drop on ebay w/ a decent price tag..

Understand where your coming from. respect that. hope your able to find/id something you like fam.
it's a secondary issue but if i'm paying anywhere from 180-200 i would want something i like with no complaints. thinking maybe IDing a pair might be the best route, unless a couple other CWs drop on ebay w/ a decent price tag..

Understand where your coming from. respect that. hope your able to find/id something you like fam.
thanks for your help. debating on those black mamba ext pair, not for ball but for casual.. look pretty slick. didn't grab any 7s cause i didn't like those lateral lines, cause of the easy creasing but the elite diamond patterns looked good. i heard the 8s were similar w/ the 6s but better, just haven't seems CW that i really wanted. xmas was ok but i would say the black mambas take the cake for me, so far.
isnt passing out tickets for Red camo almost the same as passing out tickets for blue coral or supernatural.... dont understand why they are doing that around riverside area
isnt passing out tickets for Red camo almost the same as passing out tickets for blue coral or supernatural.... dont understand why they are doing that around riverside area

My local footlocker is only getting FSR.. about 40 pairs or so.

Only 2 in my size (13)

Why is that so far fetched?
How do you even get a swoosh account?  Do you have to work for Nike or something similar?

1. Nike associate

2. Family member of one who is willing to sign you up

3. very close friend of one who is willing to sign you up

4. Buy one from a nike associate
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My local footlocker is only getting FSR.. about 40 pairs or so.

Only 2 in my size (13)

Why is that so far fetched?
size discrimination.... its a issue that has been swept under the table. needs to be dealt with
I believe that! have you ever noticed the last sizes to sell out are between 8-10 and 14-17 .. I know for a fact 11,12,13 go so quick they dont make enough
1. Nike associate

2. Family member of one who is willing to sign you up

3. very close friend of one who is willing to sign you up

4. Buy one from a nike associate
I believe that! have you ever noticed the last sizes to sell out are between 8-10 and 14-17 .. I know for a fact 11,12,13 go so quick they dont make enough
Damn, I need to befriend some Nike employees. Haha
isnt passing out tickets for Red camo almost the same as passing out tickets for blue coral or supernatural.... dont understand why they are doing that around riverside area
im pretty sure riverside FTL got alot less pairs of red camos then they did blue corals or supernaturals, last weekend one of the workers told me they had only sold one pair of supernaturals on RD and that they had plenty of blue corals, i glanced at the sizes they had wrote on a paper to cross out when someone got a ticket for the red camos and there was prolly around 15-20 total sizes (including doubles) so ticket RSVP makes sense if they dont have enough shoes imo
Damn, I need to befriend some Nike employees. Haha

A kid that attends the same church as I do got hired at an outlet... He hooked me up with his extra log in. :nthat:

I've only used it once so far (he told me to only use it once a month cuz folks at his store have been messin up)

Ima give him a pair of KD 5's or something.
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