Hopefully these will be promising on iD like the KD V and LeBron X have been so far.

That is what I am hoping for. The bron X ID options and finished pairs are amazing. I can only hope the Kobe VIII options will bring something serious to the ID table.
Nike might as well ship all of the Kobe 8s straight to the factory outlets. They're on crack if they think a lot of people are going to buy that garbage for $140+. Looks like a shoe that should retail for $100 max. Lackluster....
How do people like the WTKs and then hate on this CW? I'll probably catch heat for this comment but whatever it just boggled my mind so much I had to type it out of me...
Both are crazy colorways but it's an insult to the WTK to even compare this hot garbage 8 to it lol And they really dont look like each other AT ALL.....
I'm waiting to figure out what those two damn stripes on the back are all about. Hopefully to form the Kobe logo like other people have mentioned.

If the two stripes are there for no reason......:smh:
I think they will hold up very well if it's a durable sticky rubber, foam, whatever material it is. The raised scales add grip too i'd imagine. The standard insole liner that they usually come with would wear out and become slippery esp when your foot gets sweaty. Fit, comfort, and performance looks to be established, just needs to work on the aesthetics and colorways.

I sincerely hope this is the case. I just need a shoe I can buy 4 pairs of to ball in. I hope this is it. :smile:

If NWT were active, he'll be definitely on board with those Xmas joints. :smh: :smh: :smh:

SMH people. A lot of people died just to get the WTKs then these are TURRIBLE?!
what? :rofl:

I really like the Xmas 8. And I can tell once we get some better pics, they will sell out
like your granma's tapsilog (pinoy breakfast)

Look at that volt outsole and tell me they're not crazy (remember, tons of people HATED on the Xmas leopards last year. check the thread. I'm not lying.)
Not gonna front but I think i'm one of those in the minority that loves the xmas 8's. and definitely going with black laces on those joints! reminds me of the BHM 7's
Kobe VIII Stained Glass windows?

That colorway is hideous. i like the silhouette of the shoe a lot. Can we please just get some sort of plain black on black upper or something. Might just wait for them to hit Nike ID and make my own
black laces for sure bro. looks AMAZING.

exactly what i was thinking.

hands down the 6 model is still the best thts came out..PERIOD..esp on the performance level, bu these might be somehting to ball in forsure because last years were way to stiff and flat so i didnt even mess with those...Will see im def liking the materials and cut..
damn thats terrible that deadbeat is here commenting on something he knows he cant afford smh

buy your kids some diapers moron
You guys may not have like the comfort of the VII but you gotta love the side profile of the outsole/midsole on them. The VIIIs not so much. It's like the designer went from a fine big booty chick to an ugly pancake *** chick on the VIII looking at the side profile. The volt always nice but it exposes how underwhelming it looks with the rest of the shoe. I guess I don't like when the height of the front outsole rides higher than the back portion. A lighter color midsole might have made it look better.
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Seriously, this is whats hot in the streets? Stained glass pattern... on your FEET?

Yall drove by churches telling yourself, "I need that on my shoes b... I NEED THAT". Yall give Nike waaay to much credit, and they laugh it up to the bank.

*cha ching*
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If those are the Christmas shoe it shouldn't come as a surprise that its getting hated on....happens every year. Then it becomes the most sought after. On a side note NWT :nerd:
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