Man, if the WTT pair are terrible then Nike dropped the ball big time on the 16s. I have no trust in Sneaker Reporter after seeing the PG3 pair lol
Not unlike the Lakers trade offer, how about this Nike:

I'll give you the Harlem Fashions, 1-5s, Oreos, IPs, I'm Kings, SBs, and Equalities (both pairs!), and you give me a proper GREEN Dunkman.

I may not be able to field a full team, but I'll have Breds, Kings, MCs, and a nice Dunkman.

Doesn't do anything for you? Fine, take the Kings and MCs too. I'll be happy with the Breds and Dunkmans. Unless the bubbles pop on one or both of them...
Honestly i thought them jumanji safaris were a photoshop. Relooking at it again and its definitely a no-go.
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