U mean the other 2?

Bron JR 1000% goin pro

Hype is such a crazy thing. I was there with my kid for that tournament. Bronny scored 2 points the entire game. He’s 5”11 (and old for his grade) He’s just ok and will take a whole hell of a lot of growing and skill development to reach the league.

Ps-LeBron seems like a great dude. Interacted with crowds and more personable than Kobe who is all business at these aau events. (I guess because he’s coaching).
Black Agassi's arrived today and these look soooooooo much better in person.

Mine arrived today as well and I completely second this. These look fantastic in person and the lava color was done really well. :pimp:

I dont like the HFR, I cant change the laces, and the leather laces I bought dont fit through the metal holes :sick: have to find my key to my tough box that has my lace locks for the safari's and gold leather laces for the WTT, seems my wife misplaced the key:smh:

I can't even begin to explain my current frustrations as I figure out how to utilize these yellow leather laces that are a perfect color match to the HFR, if I can't devise a way though, I'm returning them to nike
Thinking bout putting bids in on stockx for both lava an the green glow pair!! If I could get all 3 under $150 each I would b happy!! Yall thnk the Lava pairs will go on sale for cheaper than $150??
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