Gm too similar to the coppers for my liking. No worries for me on the 29th. Sad to see the kd v lacks creativity in design compared to the iv
just a heads up..a few of the older KD colorways like the "yellow,white, and blue" and the original "black,blue, orange" are both still available at hibbetts sports for like 70 bucks i least at my store...full run too..they will probably be RTV i may snag a pair myself
just a heads up..a few of the older KD colorways like the "yellow,white, and blue" and the original "black,blue, orange" are both still available at hibbetts sports for like 70 bucks i least at my store...full run too..they will probably be RTV i may snag a pair myself

They take phone orders?
Never been out for a limited release shoe. Want to go out to try to get the GMs. Any suggestions on the best way to get them? How early should I show up? Anybody know how many pairs HOH is supposed to get? I called a few stores around me and all of them said they didn't even know they were releasing. Thanks!!
Never been out for a limited release shoe. Want to go out to try to get the GMs. Any suggestions on the best way to get them? How early should I show up? Anybody know how many pairs HOH is supposed to get? I called a few stores around me and all of them said they didn't even know they were releasing. Thanks!!

get there early as possible, might have to do some overnight campin depending where your located to make sure you get around your size. i know some places people where camping for up to a week for them scoring titles. and i found it better to always to go the store and ask questions rather than call, ive got more information talking to the manger in person.
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I would spend a night, but a week isn't worth it to me. Only reason I will even do a night is because I think they are gonna go for insane prices after the US release. The only thing I'm hoping saves me is most people wanting the first LeBron X and/or Kobe Gold Medal.

It isn't too bad where I live as of a month ago they still had KD Easters in all size. As of a week ago we had a FSR of LeBron 9 Taxis, Dunkmans, Ohio States & Hurricanes. They don't go to fast around here.
these are def not worth spending more than one night camping to me, if that. but there are idiots that will start lining up this Sunday in some places i bet. plus you got the lebron dropping too. it wont be easy cop, gon have to put some work in for the 29th...

and all those release you just named were sitting in alot of places so, these wont sit like those. sounding like if you peep the hoh the night before you should be good, just do some recon the day before
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No idea why, but these are my favorite shoes ever. Like I said I'be never camped. My buddy lives 5 minutes from the ball. I figure ill go up there every hour to see if there is a line yet. Once I see 5 people in line I am gonna get in line. How many pairs of 10 or 10.5 do they normally get in a release like this?
not sure how limited these are, but i expect bout 18 pairs for the store so maybe 5 or 6 total sizes 10 & 10.5. thats just my guess tho.
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No idea why, but these are my favorite shoes ever. Like I said I'be never camped. My buddy lives 5 minutes from the ball. I figure ill go up there every hour to see if there is a line yet. Once I see 5 people in line I am gonna get in line. How many pairs of 10 or 10.5 do they normally get in a release like this?
HoH's usually only get one FSR, with an extra 10-11. That's how it is in H-Town anyways. When I drive to Nike Dallas, I usually see 2-3 FSR's from them. 
I am going to be so pissed if I can't get these. Unfortunately there are no Niketown's in Florida. Gonna be a bad day :frown:
Goodluck to all trying to get the GMs

Thanks!! Gonna need it!! I just wanna get these, don't care if I get another pair of shoes for the year. Just spent almost 3 grand on Dr. Visits, X-Rays, Medication & surgery on my Dog who tore his ACL. If I didn't spend that I would have got these off of eBay.
Jayz - In a few pictures I have seen of the GMs with that box there is a gold thing that the laces go through. What is it? Can you take a pic? I can't figure out what it says.
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