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Via try again? from the other forum



A Wool and leather jacket will always be more expensive than an all leather jacket.

Why Nike thinks they can charge more than Lacoste or Buffalo? No clue.
Who cares what some old dude is wearing? He is supporting Kobe and that's all that matters

Anyways, back to the shoes.
Damn seeing the east los all the time makes me wish I had a southland hook up. Still SMH at the rice being pushed back, was more amped for those than the grinches.
Originally Posted by dcUA

KB24strikesagain wrote:

Welcome to NT

Wow you're really elite, you are a member of an online forum that requires an "application" and have 600 posts. You're the reason people avoid this site smh.
Anyways..For all you AZ people, HoH will open in Scottsdale Fashion Square around March 25th.

THX to trane for the info.

UofA, always late to everything. Old news son.
[You will NOT be warned again.  This thread is for those who wish to discuss the Nike Zoom Kobe VI ONLY.  It is not the only thread on NikeTalk.  It is not the official all things Kobe thread.  Do NOT discuss the outcome of recent Lakers games here.  That's what the Sports & Training forum is for.]
Originally Posted by Petenthend

i didn't watch the interview, who's the dude in cowboy hat?

Pretty sure its Robert Rodriguez.  He never goes anywhere without a cowboy hat.
gonna put this in red cause there's a lot of stupid talk right now...

for anyone experiencing heal slippage, i might have found the problem. i think it's the insoles, and they need to be broken in i believe... (the shoes prob need to be broken in as well)

now, i'm not 100% sure (and i will have an update on this after i play a few more games this week) but this is what i did:

i took the insoles out of my zk6 and put them in the zk5 and noticed heal slippage immediately. i have 0 heal slippage with the regular zk5 insoles in my zk5

my heal slips with the zk5 insoles in the zk6, but i think that's because they aren't made for that shoe. 

ALSO.. check the socks you're wearing. i noticed my heal was slipping in the zk5 (adidas, and other no name brands. my nike's seemed to be fine)

ps. the zk6 insoles feel amazing in the zk5. i'm sure they'll feel even better once the insoles are broken in.
thanks bro, that's good info to take in mind before playing in the VI's. Probably shoot around or warm up in the VI's before playing in them for sure.
Interesting input al3x89. I've been experiencing some heel slippage as well. The cause could be how the insole meets the heel of the shoe. The insoles extend upward along the heel

a bit more than the v. And since the insole is thicker for the vi, it might be creating some space between my heel and the heel cup. However, I have yet to try on the vi's a half size

smaller so it may be that I need to size down.
Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

Originally Posted by dcUA

KB24strikesagain wrote:
No it's actually the people like you that just pop up and start with people that have been commenting on the boards for some time and take offense about how one guy looked silly wearing the shoes and made it personal towards me instead of laughing it off.  I'm certainly no elite poster here no do I care to be considered one.  I don't react negatively towards other posters on here either.  Simply stating that just signing up and starting in with people is no way to make an entrance. 
Yawn, I don't want to or need to make an entrance, we are all same here we just want to talk shoes and get info. I won't wast any more time, effort or other people's screen space.
Let's both get back to the shoes. 


If that jacket is on Kobe it must be expensive...leather sleeves $

Yay now you're talkin'.  Agreed.
Thats the jacket i was asking about! Retail is $550 over seas and they only have 5 of them..
Hopefully the China's drop sometime during the Chinese new year....please let it be soon cause I'm tempted to buy a pair off ebay but must control myself
Originally Posted by cubanref

Hopefully the China's drop sometime during the Chinese new year....please let it be soon cause I'm tempted to buy a pair off ebay but must control myself

they're already up on NDC europe.  
Originally Posted by Petenthend

Originally Posted by cubanref

Hopefully the China's drop sometime during the Chinese new year....please let it be soon cause I'm tempted to buy a pair off ebay but must control myself

they're already up on NDC europe.  
I know that but I meant in the states
Originally Posted by cubanref

Originally Posted by Petenthend

Originally Posted by cubanref

Hopefully the China's drop sometime during the Chinese new year....please let it be soon cause I'm tempted to buy a pair off ebay but must control myself

they're already up on NDC europe.  
I know that but I meant in the states
my bad, it's hard to keep up with all the post all the time, my apologies.
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