Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I hope my daughter has some interest in the hobbies I like
 Hoping Star Wars is one of them.
Merry Xmas to all the papis man, stay grinding and stay lovin'
My pops was never in my life so i commend each and everyone of you who continue to be there and support your seeds.

Let us continue to learn and continue to grow, while our children flourish and not make the same mistakes we did when we were young a dumb.

Whatever your relationship is with the mother of your child, thank them because without them, we wouldnt be the strong men we are today.

Merry Christmas to all the dads of NT! Wish nothing but a great day for you and yours :pimp: . Definitely gotta check back in this thread later on see how the Santa turnout was by everyone.
Merry christmas all you hard working dad's out there. Here's to a prosperous, fulfilling and above all, healthy 2016 to you and your families 
Fatherhood christmas =
Get socks and oldspice shower gel
Then proceed to buy the stuff you want the next day

Evrybody else= get the good stuff
Merry Christmas to all the dads out there.. I got my usual kicks and hoodies... I got my kids iPhones 6s this year..
Merry Christmas NTDADS!
My son's have been playing Madden 16 all day, and my daughter has been glued to her new IPad.
Had family and friends come through.
My wife showed out in that kitchen :smokin
Amazes me how she can do all that cooking by herself.
Gotta treat her out to dinner real soon.
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Well we officially found out what we'll be having, going to have a baby girl. We let her family know last night at the Christmas party and this afternoon let my family know. Everyone is excited, this girl will be spoiled to the max from her grandparents. My mom is already planning to head to Tiffany for some damn jewelry :lol: and I know my dad he'll be a sucker for her all the damn time. Can't wait for June fellas, gotta buy a gun now :lol: jk
Well we officially found out what we'll be having, going to have a baby girl. We let her family know last night at the Christmas party and this afternoon let my family know. Everyone is excited, this girl will be spoiled to the max from her grandparents. My mom is already planning to head to Tiffany for some damn jewelry
and I know my dad he'll be a sucker for her all the damn time. Can't wait for June fellas, gotta buy a gun now
Congrats man.
Spent last night watchin' The Martian and puttin' together my daughter's PlaySkool kitchen. She would walk off and play then come dance by me like my lil cheerleader lol felt like a real dad at that moment

Spoke with my wife about our son and we have decided we're gonna put him in football next year so hopefully he can encounter some boys with their heads on straight that will show him better than the boys he hangs with at school now
Toughest aspect of being a parent is the unknown.
We have tornadoes in our area and my mind is going 1000 miles an hour.
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