Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Build and empower their mindset. Lead by example and act the same just as it was before the baby.
In their mind they think they changed. But in reality it's just life events and their still the same. Sexy, smart and carry that mother glow. Idk bout y'all but that mom glow from a female is sexy as hell
We started therapy last week and man it felt good and a relief. At home we keep it real and say how we feel but this was different. Like others said i found myself biting my tongue and letting things slide and chalking it up to her postpartum. The doc said we shouldnt do that, he mentioned blow ups and major disagreements will happen bc this is a dramatic change for us both. so that normal. My lady is an amazing woman and even she is battling this thing. On top of that we found out my 1.5 month baby is teething, yea thats right teething this early. So the crying has been very challenging, bc of her age our pediatrician said shes not ready for meds, so I just now purchased a Amber Teething Necklace out of desperation and hoping it will work or just help. Our support team is amazing tho so much help from both families.

My sex life right now is in the top shelf tucked away. We got it in once last week and after my lady was like we cant have sex until the birth control gets here or just using condoms bc she fears pregnancy right now. Im not using condoms rather go without and wait on the BC.

other then that Fatherhood is amazing, its a beautiful thing to see her do new things and when i call her she knows its me. One of the best things to happen to me.
my wife had a turbo libido after she gave birth (once she healed up). she was raring to go before i was :lol: i was still in shock from seeing the baby come out the vagina. like it wasn't sexy anymore. i got over that though and largely due to what wayniac said. watching my wife be a mom has been amazing.
I got served child support papers today smh. I knew it was coming too it was only a matter of time. I have the bm from hell
That's crazy son...Why she serve them?
combination of a hate for me and my gf. I go above and beyond to support my daughter financially and emotionally. I currently spend about $650+ monthly now and my bm wants to be spiteful and get that 17% outta me too. **** her
Amazing feeling coming home from work and my baby girl smiles when she sees me. First it was only when I talked now it's when she sees me.
Forever running out of reps in this thread :lol:

Dog, I feel like it wasn't too long ago I was posting about my son being on the way, then his first steps, now he's talking

Time flies too fast :x

Quickest 2 years of my life
Amazing feeling coming home from work and my baby girl smiles when she sees me. First it was only when I talked now it's when she sees me.
Best feeling in the world. 

All the stress from work and the world goes away for me the moment I walk through the front door.
Need some advice papas:

10 year old been showing out last couple of weeks. Major crime has been he told me on a Thursday night that he could dress out of uniform since he turned all his paper work in but since he didn't have any papers that said that I told him me and his moms would talk about it and next time bring me the documents. So the next morning wifey told him wear whatever you want but put ya uniform in your bag incase you need to change. But the clothes he was choosing were a dirty shirt he had on a few days ago and the same faded cargo shorts he likes to wear so my wife told him to wear his uniform, he blew it.

So while I'm driving to work something told me he wasn't gon wear his uniform so I text my wife that I was gon leave early and pop up at his school. I get to his school and eventually see him on his way to lunch in that same dirty shirt shirt and dusty shorts. Of course he surprised that his masterplan ain't go smooth. I leave and call my wife and tell him and when he gets home I talk to him and tell him how fowl that was and that he lucky I don't drop him through the foundation of the house but I spend the next few days on his butt making sure he's on task with his chores and anytime he's not I make him go sit on the wall and hold my tripod out in his hands. (for those who don't know)

So after about 3 days with this I try to cut him some slack but again he takin' advantage of my kindness and I'm running out of ideas on how to get him back in line. I was raised on butt whoopings so me not laying hands on him is new. Somebody give me something and save this boy lol
his face when he seen you show up at his school musta been priceless :lol:
i don't have any advice but i know how tough it is to not whip your kid. dunno how you made it 10 years without. i'm almost at the 4 year mark and i wanna crack my boy when he gets too sassy :lol:
Not gonna lie... I don't condone whooping kids, but if they bite, lie, or talk back they get slapped in the face.  If they otherwise disobey they get smacked once firmly on the behind.  Nothing that would really hurt, but definitely a reminder that there are consequences to their actions.  I feel bad every single time, though.  Time outs do not seem to affect my kids they way they are supposed to.
I believe in whoopin kids but not to much, sounds like your being reasonable with him and trusting him and hes tsking advantage of that like you said.

Did he not want to wear the shirt clean?

Have him do some more chores but wit a reward- new shirt/shorts or a lil cash to pick out something he wants And just spit game to him on how he played both of yall and thats not the type of relationship yall want.

:lol: idk man i have a 10month old not a 10 year old so my method might not work.
I'm all for spanking, but as long as they understand why they getting it.

But I got a 2 year old and a 4 month old. So yeah might be different
Amazing feeling coming home from work and my baby girl smiles when she sees me. First it was only when I talked now it's when she sees me.
Best feeling in the world. 

All the stress from work and the world goes away for me the moment I walk through the front door.

Best feeling in the world :pimp:

I grew up getting whoopings and I've popped my 2 year old a couple times but it hurts my soul every single time, man.

Like, I don't know if I can do it, not at least for another year. 4-7 I think I can build up the strength to do it and not feel all bad inside after, but right now he's just 2 and while he knows right from wrong in most cases, 2 year olds will be 2 year olds. He's going to spill and cry and kick and jump. So I'm just going to fall back for a couple more years

But once he's started kindergarten and still blatantly disobeying, I think I can put the executioner mask back on.
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Best feeling in the world

I grew up getting whoopings and I've popped my 2 year old a couple times but it hurts my soul every single time, man.

Like, I don't know if I can do it, not at least for another year. 4-7 I think I can build up the strength to do it and not feel all bad inside after, but right now he's just 2 and while he knows right from wrong in most cases, 2 year olds will be 2 year olds. He's going to spill and cry and kick and jump. So I'm just going to fall back for a couple more years

But once he's started kindergarten and still blatantly disobeying, I think I can put the executioner mask back on.
I definitely feel you.  In my experience, 18 months - 2 years is right about the time kids start to try and figure out how much they can get away with.  A firm reminder that you are the boss is never a bad thing, IMO.  I started off swearing that I'd never hit my kids, but those time outs were pointless for my son.  You gotta adapt to what works for your situation.  However, when kids get tired and start acting out, it doesn't matter what you do because at that point they are beyond reason and there are not enough whoopings, time outs, etc that are going to make a difference.
Need some advice papas:

10 year old been showing out last couple of weeks. Major crime has been he told me on a Thursday night that he could dress out of uniform since he turned all his paper work in but since he didn't have any papers that said that I told him me and his moms would talk about it and next time bring me the documents. So the next morning wifey told him wear whatever you want but put ya uniform in your bag incase you need to change. But the clothes he was choosing were a dirty shirt he had on a few days ago and the same faded cargo shorts he likes to wear so my wife told him to wear his uniform, he blew it.

So while I'm driving to work something told me he wasn't gon wear his uniform so I text my wife that I was gon leave early and pop up at his school. I get to his school and eventually see him on his way to lunch in that same dirty shirt shirt and dusty shorts. Of course he surprised that his masterplan ain't go smooth. I leave and call my wife and tell him and when he gets home I talk to him and tell him how fowl that was and that he lucky I don't drop him through the foundation of the house but I spend the next few days on his butt making sure he's on task with his chores and anytime he's not I make him go sit on the wall and hold my tripod out in his hands. (for those who don't know)

So after about 3 days with this I try to cut him some slack but again he takin' advantage of my kindness and I'm running out of ideas on how to get him back in line. I was raised on butt whoopings so me not laying hands on him is new. Somebody give me something and save this boy lol

Did you shut down all his extracurricular activities? Electronics, playing with friends? Things like that. With the weekend coming up and doing only chores and no fun it'll mess with a kid. Makes him rethink his decisions throughly next time.
his face when he seen you show up at his school musta been priceless

i don't have any advice but i know how tough it is to not whip your kid. dunno how you made it 10 years without. i'm almost at the 4 year mark and i wanna crack my boy when he gets too sassy
My boy looked like he split his pants open infront of the girl he liked lol he's my stepson so I just stepped in about 3 years ago. That and his mother and father decided long ago that their significant other's wouldn't physically punish him so I'm respecting their decision. But he's a big 10 so he has almost had his chest caved in a few times
Not gonna lie... I don't condone whooping kids, but if they bite, lie, or talk back they get slapped in the face.  If they otherwise disobey they get smacked once firmly on the behind.  Nothing that would really hurt, but definitely a reminder that there are consequences to their actions.  I feel bad every single time, though.  Time outs do not seem to affect my kids they way they are supposed to.
He's been caught in a number of lies, storming off muttering under his breath and all. Ran up on him one time and told him he lucky it's me and not my mom cause she woulda beat the dog breath out of em then made him clean up and I was just making him clean up.
I believe in whoopin kids but not to much, sounds like your being reasonable with him and trusting him and hes tsking advantage of that like you said.

Did he not want to wear the shirt clean?

Have him do some more chores but wit a reward- new shirt/shorts or a lil cash to pick out something he wants And just spit game to him on how he played both of yall and thats not the type of relationship yall want.

idk man i have a 10month old not a 10 year old so my method might not work.
The kid loves like 3 outfits out of the 30 he got and it's super frustrating cause he has nice clothes but he only wears the same ones. It's one of those boys will be boys things but I don't want him coming home crying cause kids teasin' him cause he smell musty lol went to school with a long tube sock and a no show sock too and I was super lost you put on that super long sock and that lil bitty one and think ish was sweet?
I'm all for spanking, but as long as they understand why they getting it.

But I got a 2 year old and a 4 month old. So yeah might be different
In addition to the agreement with my wife and his dad I don't want to whoop him but man he testin' me. I already told him he too small to be trying me like this and that when he get older we gon rumble if he wanna run this house
I grew up getting whoopings and I've popped my 2 year old a couple times but it hurts my soul every single time, man.

Like, I don't know if I can do it, not at least for another year. 4-7 I think I can build up the strength to do it and not feel all bad inside after, but right now he's just 2 and while he knows right from wrong in most cases, 2 year olds will be 2 year olds. He's going to spill and cry and kick and jump. So I'm just going to fall back for a couple more years

But once he's started kindergarten and still blatantly disobeying, I think I can put the executioner mask back on.
I pop my 2 year old way more than my son. Only when she's crying about why she can't have her millionth potato chip or screaming about nothing. Little leg pops or open palms to her bottom. I used to put my son in lil arm holds for a few moments to deliver my points but I stopped doing that
Did you shut down all his extracurricular activities? Electronics, playing with friends? Things like that. With the weekend coming up and doing only chores and no fun it'll mess with a kid. Makes him rethink his decisions throughly next time.
Only thing he really does is boxing training and personally I'd rather he get worked out in practice than take it away. Last year we had some lil minor reoccurring behavioral probs in school and he went months without anything: tv, games, toys. Just reading and writing and he just eventually stopped cutting up. Told him he's the only kid I know of that hates punishment but does nothing to stop it
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