Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

same here, my girl started working on weekends now, so im over here tryna balance how to take care of a 3 month old, luckily our 7 yr old helps me out alot, been an interesting experience to say the least 
 idk how my girl does it while im at work
My son is 18 months now. Is that too old for a baby carrier? I never really got in to using it because it was so much of a hassle to put him in, and he always russles and tussles to get out lol..
my older one is going to be 4 in June and my younger one is 14 months now

i watch both of them alone Monday nights (my wife gets home around 9 and i get home around 6) and when she goes to the gym...other than that it have both of them on national holidays that my wife works (MLK day, Presidents day, etc.)

with an infant and a 2.5/3 year old it could be tough at times, especially for my wife

first time i was home alone w/ both she thought i was going to have a bad day but it went smooth, she was even a little bothered that i had such an easy time w/ them 8)

other than toys, ipad, tv...try to get the other one interested in helping and interacting w/ the baby as much as possible

it will get easier as the little one becomes more idependent...sitting up, crawling, walking

for awhile the worst part was when the older one would be rough and spiteful but she's come around the bend as she's approaching age 4

still plays a little rough but not intentionally hurting the baby...if it's on accident she says sorry to her immediately and gives her a kiss :smile:
So an update about my son pooping in the toilet,

After I asked for advice on here, I guess it clicked in my sons head (he's 2.5 years old). He pooped in the toilet and I told my girl as soon as he does it we have to give him a big reward to relay appreaciation to him so he gets it. We made him feel good by giving him stamps on his hand and we took a trip to target and toys r us and got him what he's been asking for (buzz light years blaster gun). So now he poops in the toilet when he needs to and he progressed to telling us when he needs to. I guess part of it all was us being impatient with him. Cause we just didn't want him pooping in his underwear anymore.
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So an update about my son pooping in the toilet,

After I asked for advice on here, I guess it clicked in my sons head (he's 2.5 years old). He pooped in the toilet and I told my girl as soon as he does it we have to give him a big reward to relay appreaciation to him so he gets it. We made him feel good by giving him stamps on his hand and we took a trip to target and toys r us and got him what he's been asking for (buzz light years blaster gun). So now he poops in the toilet when he needs to and he progressed to telling us when he needs to. I guess part of it all was us being impatient with him. Cause we just didn't want him pooping in his underwear anymore.

That's major. Congrats! Don't be too hard on the kid when he decides one day whatever he's playing with is too important to stop and has an accident. Happened plenty of times with my son.
Man my lil boy is a line pusher.

Hes been staying up later and later everyday.

Hes 17 months, acting like hes in his terrible twos.

Tonight, he wouldn't go to sleep after 3 consecutive days of staying up late, waking up early and no naps.

Lil vato was crying his *** off like if he was hurt, but only wants me to hold him and not his mom. Tried to comfort her on why he wants me but she aint feelin it.

Any advice to get him to sleep early and have the wife feeling better?
Are you guys taking him out?
is he home all day?
does he nap alot during the day?

We never had this issue with our daughter. We would turn off all the lights when she would sleep with us and got her to understand that its bed time when the lights are off. Just get him into a routine that will have him asleep by 7-8pm.
Man my lil boy is a line pusher.

Hes been staying up later and later everyday.

Hes 17 months, acting like hes in his terrible twos.

Tonight, he wouldn't go to sleep after 3 consecutive days of staying up late, waking up early and no naps.

Lil vato was crying his *** off like if he was hurt, but only wants me to hold him and not his mom. Tried to comfort her on why he wants me but she aint feelin it.

Any advice to get him to sleep early and have the wife feeling better?
For getting him asleep, if he's not already getting plenty of physical play time try to find an activity for him to do that requires him to move/run around. He's gotta get that play out

As far as wifey goes she has to understand that it's not an attack or lack of love but just a phase. You really can't tell her that straight up cause she might take offense to it so I'd just try to subtly get your son to give mama stuff, doesn't have to be gifts but bring her anything just to keep the interactions up. even if you just fold a sheet of paper and write "I love Mama" on  it and have him scribble on it, have him deliver it and her heart'll melt
Man my lil boy is a line pusher.

Hes been staying up later and later everyday.

Hes 17 months, acting like hes in his terrible twos.

Tonight, he wouldn't go to sleep after 3 consecutive days of staying up late, waking up early and no naps.

Lil vato was crying his *** off like if he was hurt, but only wants me to hold him and not his mom. Tried to comfort her on why he wants me but she aint feelin it.

Any advice to get him to sleep early and have the wife feeling better?

My daughter's 18 months and this is her right now. She used to have a hard bed time of 8pm but it's getting to a point where we struggle for two hours getting her to stop crying and stay in her bed to sleep at night.
Hes with my mother in law all day and she gets him out the house everyday.

When we get home we play a good chunk of the night and he eats good all day.

Even with a full belly he wont always go to sleep, late night early morning + plenty of playtime and rarley will go to sleep before 9.

We had him at a set bed time at 7:30-8 for a good while.

Yeah ill definitely do the letter thing for my wife from our son. I usually have him hand her a dozen flowers but ill incorporate something he did next time.

He ended uo going to sleep around 12:30 am after playing in the tub, couple oz's of milk and a dose of Tylenol. We chalked it up to him being tired and teething.
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my son goes to sleep before 10 and we wake him up to get ready in the morning around 630. even if we turn off the lights and get into bed at 8, he just lays there and talks/sings/fidgets for more than an hour before sleeping. he takes a nap at preschool and one time i went to pick him up early and all the kids were already awake and he was on his mat snoring. on the weekend, he sometimes sleeps in until past 8 if we let him.

As far as wifey goes she has to understand that it's not an attack or lack of love but just a phase.
this man knows. right now my son is on his "mommy is my best friend" trip and when my wife tries to say what about your daddy or something else nice, i tell her no need to do that :lol: at this point, it doesn't hurt my feelings.
Dad's has your wife or partner sex drive drop significant after having kids? This is tough.

I miss my freak-nasty wife.
We got my son into the little golden books.

You just gotta randomly WIO in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work as much as it used to.

And I understand that she's more tired because she's caring for our daughter...But man, didn't think her sex drive would drop this significantly.
Dad's has your wife or partner sex drive drop significant after having kids? This is tough.

I miss my freak-nasty wife.
Nah, I feel it actually got better after kids (temporarily) for some reason.
We got my son into the little golden books.

You just gotta randomly WIO in the middle of the night.
LOL, random as hell... what's the golden books gotta do with your wifey's sex drive?  That IS freaky!
I have been married 14 years with 3 boys. Yeah, the sex isnt anywhere near as frequent, but I definitely try and make the most of it when it happens.
Dad's has your wife or partner sex drive drop significant after having kids? This is tough.

I miss my freak-nasty wife.
Nah, time and opportunity just isn't there tho. Before the kids it was any ol time, now there's gotta be planning and execution. Or vacations #CmonVegas
I slept like a baby last night. Up every two hours screaming.
man im right there with 7 month old daughter is up every 3 hours.

we try to make sure shes very full around 9 when she goes down but shes like clock work. 12, 3, 5:30-6. its tough man...ive never been this tired in my life.

now she turning over so the putting her on her stomach thing doesnt work anymore. Daycare says she sleeps alot. 

somebody give me some tips.  
man im right there with 7 month old daughter is up every 3 hours.

we try to make sure shes very full around 9 when she goes down but shes like clock work. 12, 3, 5:30-6. its tough man...ive never been this tired in my life.

now she turning over so the putting her on her stomach thing doesnt work anymore. Daycare says she sleeps alot. 

somebody give me some tips.  
If it's like clockwork then unfortunately she has developed a wake (and eat?) schedule.  If you're feeding her at all of these times you need to try and cut that out and just go in to soothe her so she doesn't think she  needs to wake and eat at all those times to be content.  She's too young for me to say let her cry it out, but by 12 months it'll be about that time to make that tough transition.
Dad's has your wife or partner sex drive drop significant after having kids? This is tough.

I miss my freak-nasty wife.:frown:

My girl goes up and down. Sometimes she can't get enough and sometimes I barely get some. Just gotta ride it out. It's all a balancing act for both of us. She tried to pull that I'm a mom so I can't be dirty stuff but once I did some things she liked that freaky woman came back out in her.
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