Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

How old are your kids? I want to get my daughter on that. Just not sure when to start it. She'll be 9 months Saturday.

My youngest is almost 2.
It is part of the school we send him to

For 650 a month.... Its the least they could
How old are your kids? I want to get my daughter on that. Just not sure when to start it. She'll be 9 months Saturday.
my son was exposed to it from as early as 3 months but i don't remember him actually making the signs until around 9 months or a little sooner.
My daughter is about to turn 1 and she is signing a bit more. My son just turned three and knows how to sign a good amount of the alphabet and a few songs. It's definitely nice that they teach them that at school. Shoot, he corrects us at home sometimes haha
How old are your kids? I want to get my daughter on that. Just not sure when to start it. She'll be 9 months Saturday.

My youngest is almost 2.
It is part of the school we send him to

For 650 a month.... Its the least they could

How old are your kids? I want to get my daughter on that. Just not sure when to start it. She'll be 9 months Saturday.
my son was exposed to it from as early as 3 months but i don't remember him actually making the signs until around 9 months or a little sooner.

My daughter is about to turn 1 and she is signing a bit more. My son just turned three and knows how to sign a good amount of the alphabet and a few songs. It's definitely nice that they teach them that at school. Shoot, he corrects us at home sometimes haha
Thanks for the responses fellas. Time to start working on it with my daughter.
Hey Ya'll.....

I'm thinking the Dubs can use her tonight with the way they've been playing....

What you guys think bros?

My little princess (3 years old)...
That is a LOT of cute!!!
#2 on the way in summer. itsa boy 
Congratulations and best of luck!!!

OK NT Dads, need some advice from you guys.  Any recommendations on a baby carrier (the ones you can wear like a backpack on your chest)?  My mother bought us one as a gift, but the instructions say that we can't use it until the baby's neck muscles have strengthened enough so she can support her on head.  Any experience or recommendations with newborn carriers?
OK NT Dads, need some advice from you guys.  Any recommendations on a baby carrier (the ones you can wear like a backpack on your chest)?  My mother bought us one as a gift, but the instructions say that we can't use it until the baby's neck muscles have strengthened enough so she can support her on head.  Any experience or recommendations with newborn carriers?
my little girl just turned 3 months, but my girl has been using it since she was about 1 1/2-2 months, a friend got us a cybex one for our baby shower. my girl loves is since it goes all the way up past my babies head so her neck isnt wobbling around and is protected. its this one, kinda goofy lookin but still a great carrier imo
my little girl just turned 3 months, but my girl has been using it since she was about 1 1/2-2 months, a friend got us a cybex one for our baby shower. my girl loves is since it goes all the way up past my babies head so her neck isnt wobbling around and is protected. its this one, kinda goofy lookin but still a great carrier imo

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I have one like this except it's a Bjorn.... those are still good right?
I highly recommend the Ergobaby:

We have the original one and absolutely love it. There is an infant insert that you can use for newborns as well, so no waiting until they can hold their head up on their own. We used it for both my son and my daughter. After we bought ours with our first born, they came out with the 360 version, which allows you to have the baby facing forward in the front position. We didn't feel like we needed that, but it is a nice option to have. It costs $135 for the original with the infant insert, but so far, we've gotten 3 years worth of use out of it.
i had twins so we always used a double stroller and then another stroller for the oldest. never backpacked my kids.
Never used a baby carrier. Idk. Always thought those things were weird.

Nah man... those things were clutch for me!

When we went to the county fair, walking around Vegas i had my daughter in the front and the diaper bag (it was actually my NF backpack) on my back.

my wife would just carry her from time to time to prevent her from being in the carrier for too long....

edit: my wife will be 12 weeks tomorrow.

Can't wait to start telling everybody!!!!
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after traveling with the baby and doing the whole car seat, stroller in n out in n out, the carrier is def. clutch lol 
My wife and I are having a baby! The baby is due in September.

I'm excited and nervous. Most people think we're having a girl.

Congrats! My wife is due in september too! well end of sept. / early oct.

How many weeks is she?

is this your first? don't be too nervous, everything will come naturally- it's like the parenting instincts kick in!

why do people think you're having a girl? is your wife's tummy round? if it's pointed, it's a boy! :rofl:
Congrats! My wife is due in september too! well end of sept. / early oct.

How many weeks is she?

is this your first? don't be too nervous, everything will come naturally- it's like the parenting instincts kick in!

why do people think you're having a girl? is your wife's tummy round? if it's pointed, it's a boy! :rofl:

I have no idea why people think that :lol:

This is my first. My wife and I are flying overseas next week. I'm low key nervous.
i bought a bugaboo bee stroller before my son was born and we barely even used that damn thing. ended up pretty much giving it away because my wife mainly used a carrier. word of warning here: don't let your wife start buying tulas. i'm not sure if it's still the same but the nicer, new patterns would sell out as quickly as a sade supreme shirt. resell used to be bananas. anyway, when we were in japan recently, i decided that we would bring a carrier instead of a stroller. BAD MOVE. my son is 4 years old now and carrying him all over tokyo was horrible. after one day, i bought a stroller :lol:
My wife is going back to work tomorrow...first day back since we had our son at the end of November. I'm off Thursday, so I'm about to take little man out to meet her for lunch and then we going to BestBuy. Looking forward to Dad/Son Thursdays :pimp: :lol:
Oh man... my wife works every other weekend.

I'll be at home with a newborn and a 3 year old (now, soon to be 4). How do I juggle both kids?!
Keep the oldest busy. Games, toys, shows, etc.

There's a dude on YouTube called Blippi. Has some good videos on different things that kids would be interested in and also educational videos for them to learn. When I was by myself with a newborn and a two year old, I put on a few of those videos to be able to take care of the baby when needed.
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