Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Whats good my fellow poppa bears!

It's been a while since I've posted in here, but it's good to see the love is ever present.

Good wife and I are expecting our second baby.  And it's another girl!!  I'm so pumped to meet her.  The due date is May 23rd, so it's right around the corner.  Wish me luck in a house full of women....LOL

Anyways, here's some pics of the current titan of the house.....Daya.  She turned one this month.  I still remember bringing her home from the hospital like it happened yesterday.  Time is seriously flying.

She's here own woman already. LOL
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guys I am researching camera's with the hopes to purchase one this week.

I have been looking at canons and trying to decide between the rebel t6 t6i and the t7i that just released.

are any of you using these to snap photos of your kids? Any feedback? Other options I should explore?

From what I hear these are great entry level cameras... my wife and I arent photographers are anything but def appreciate quality photos.
Best option, unless you REALLY REALLY want a DSLR get a simple point and shoot for kid photos.
^Haha, I've been shooting my dog for practice during the past month with my Canon 7DMkII & 50mm 1.8. Feel like I'm ready to go. That rig is not going to the hospital, of course. iPhone will handle any pics until we get back home.
guys I am researching camera's with the hopes to purchase one this week.

I have been looking at canons and trying to decide between the rebel t6 t6i and the t7i that just released.

are any of you using these to snap photos of your kids? Any feedback? Other options I should explore?

From what I hear these are great entry level cameras... my wife and I arent photographers are anything but def appreciate quality photos.

Just get a mirrorless camera.

Sony a6000 (for reference)
My son is a little over 3 months already. **** flies by :lol:

Word. My twins just turned 3 months a couple days ago too and I still can't believe it.

My daughter is 18 months and continues to blow me away with how she's growing too. Turned her crib to a toddler bed last week because she started being able to climb out and fell out two nights in a row. Little girl has unbelievable arm strength :wow:
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My youngest son school taught them simple sign language for things

He cant say alot of verbal words but the sign language is a game changer
My son is a little over 3 months already. **** flies by
so weird its going by so quick, my daughter just hit 3 months this past sunday, glad we were able to spend it with fam in California

She did so great on the plane i was nervous as hell 
Trying to get my son to poop in the toilet.

He's done it maybe 3 times. But he just won't. It's been about 2 months since we started training him. Any tips?

He's 2 years old btw.

We've had him sit for half an hour on the toilet. Reading books watching YouTube. But he just won't. Taking a piss he's fine.
Trying to get my son to poop in the toilet.

He's done it maybe 3 times. But he just won't. It's been about 2 months since we started training him. Any tips?

He's 2 years old btw.

We've had him sit for half an hour on the toilet. Reading books watching YouTube. But he just won't. Taking a piss he's fine.
Does he act scared about doing it?  Do incentives work with him?  I don't think there's a magic "silver bullet" that works on all kids, but for my son it was all about putting stickers on the potty chart where he knew he got a prize once all the squares had stickers.  We tried that with my daughter and she could care less... go figure.
Hey Ya'll.....

I'm thinking the Dubs can use her tonight with the way they've been playing....

What you guys think bros?

My little princess (3 years old)...
[emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]  put her in bro! 
Gotta be on the same page with wifey when dealing with potty training. I had them in by 2 but the old lady was lettin then slide with their lazy selfs.
^that's what we did

my kid never used training potty...started out using a regular toilet w/ a soft potty seat on it :lol:

We got both.

Does he act scared about doing it?  Do incentives work with him?  I don't think there's a magic "silver bullet" that works on all kids, but for my son it was all about putting stickers on the potty chart where he knew he got a prize once all the squares had stickers.  We tried that with my daughter and she could care less... go figure.

I'm going to try that out. We have tried the bribing him with kinetic sand, telling him he can't play with it until he poops in the toilet.
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