Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Well yes and no. She mentioned the doctor said cause the size of the baby. The baby was 6 pounds at like 30 something weeks. But I also think she probably doesn’t want to push and go thru what comes with that. My mom even questioned her as to why she wants a c section.
Tell her it will leave a bad scar plus if you want more they’ll cut her up again.
I could never fathom child birth and ALL praises for women that do.
They stay tryna push c sections down women’s throats. It’s to optimize their schedules smh. I would strongly advise against it but it seems like y’all made the decision. Is your wife normally pretty active? Cuz recovery after c section is mainly terrible from what I’ve seen and heard from my mom and friends.
I pushed my son out in 15 mins. Trust me I was dreading it too but God programed the woman’s body for this. C section is a major surgery and I w just avoid it if you had the choice.
Is your wife petite? How big is baby now?

edit- if her recovery is like most it can be stressful on y’all. Cuz she will barely be able to care for the kid.
My mom said the exact same thing! My mom said it’s not a good idea. She’s 5’7 and between 140-150lbs and worked out at least 5 times a week before getting pregnant. I know if I try to have the conversation with her about not getting a c section, it will got back to her saying “well it’s my body blah blah blah.”
My mom said the exact same thing! My mom said it’s not a good idea. She’s 5’7 and between 140-150lbs and worked out at least 5 times a week before getting pregnant. I know if I try to have the conversation with her about not getting a c section, it will got back to her saying “well it’s my body blah blah blah.”

Man....have y’all watched a c section video? It’s going to suck. More time in hospital, less likely you or anyone else will be able to support her and baby because of the rona (in the hospital and at home).

don’t do it!
Man....have y’all watched a c section video? It’s going to suck. More time in hospital, less likely you or anyone else will be able to support her and baby because of the rona (in the hospital and at home).

don’t do it!
I just had a mini conversation with her about it. Even sent her the link wayniac211 wayniac211 sent. Conversation ain’t go no where. She was like there’s always gonna be people against it like the pro choice/pro life debate. Also how this ain’t the 1950s and how we are advanced medically. She’s so stubborn man. At times I give up on having these conversations cause I know it won’t go anywhere.
I just had a mini conversation with her about it. Even sent her the link wayniac211 wayniac211 sent. Conversation ain’t go no where. She was like there’s always gonna be people against it like the pro choice/pro life debate. Also how this ain’t the 1950s and how we are advanced medically. She’s so stubborn man. At times I give up on having these conversations cause I know it won’t go anywhere.

All good many blessings through whatever journey y’all ultimately travel down. At the end of the day, it’s what’s best for the lil one and what she feels more comfortable with.
My wife had to have a c section for our 2md son that was born in January. She was induced at 39 weeks bc blood pressure was a little high throughout the pregnancy. The baby wasn't moving head down so they had to do the c section.

They let us know and she was really upset. But I had to get ready in another room with the gown/mask...they called me in the OR. I sat near her head. She was out of it bc they had to up the anesthesia after she told the doc she felt him starting to cut. Once doc made the initial cut the baby was out in like 30 seconds :lol: **** was crazy. Everything turned out fine, but my wife was pretty upset for a little bit bc she didn't remember anything really and didn't remember them showing her our son etc. Just be there to support her. The recovery was definitely longer at home, so get ready for barely any sleep for a whole bc you will have to help out with a lot. I have a 3 year old too, so I felt like a damn zombie for a few weeks :lol:
Bro I go to take a nap and ask my son to make fruit salad. I wake up and see that he made it, but also left this on the counter:


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Bought my girl a bracelet she wanted from Tiffany&Co. then I’ll end up getting a card and maybe flowers.
Fellas, Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. What do you guys have planned? I need some ideas.
I, too, am thinking what I can do for my wife. We currently live with my in-laws and so I have to do something for my mom-in-law as well.

Have to get creative in some way.
Fellas, Mother’s Day is quickly approaching. What do you guys have planned? I need some ideas.
i got my wife this box that comes with vegan brie, sourdough, some kinda non-dairy chocolate-dipped strawberries and other stuff. it came in early so i gave it to her last night lol. now i'm thinking i'll get her something else nice too. she's been handling the kids with school/work from home. on the weekends when i help, i'm ready to tap out after 2 hours and wishing i was back at work :lol: mom's are just built different i guess.
Whats going on everyone, i just stumbled across this thread recently. But found out that my girlfriend is pregnant last friday :smile: So i'm surprising my mother with the news on Mothers Day this sunday....this will be one to remember for her for sure. Shoutout to all the fathers in here, dope to see something like this.
This is the time of year I get crushed. Daughters 8th bday was end of April now I gotmy wifes bday and mothers day 3 days apart. Got 6 dozen Rosenstein goin to her office at work on her bday and got her an iPad for her bday. Crabcakes from G&M en route for a nice meal.

Sux cuz I coulda put 22s on 33 inch tires on my truck for summer beach camping instead but my girls come first. Le sigh
This is the time of year I get crushed. Daughters 8th bday was end of April now I gotmy wifes bday and mothers day 3 days apart. Got 6 dozen Rosenstein goin to her office at work on her bday and got her an iPad for her bday. Crabcakes from G&M en route for a nice meal.

Sux cuz I coulda put 22s on 33 inch tires on my truck for summer beach camping instead but my girls come first. Le sigh

Wedding anniversary in April. Baby girls birthday a week later. My moms birthday a week after that. Mother’s Day in May. Wife’s birthday in June.
Got my wife a shirt and beanie that she wanted and ordered some flowers. Of course gonna make some breakfast or go get her a steak from one of the local spots. Her bday is also falls on memorial day weekend. I got her one of those kitchenaid mixers with the head tilt. She's been wanting it for a bit but I was waiting for the price to drop and got it in the color she wanted.
Ordered a dozen cupcakes from Sift for both my wife and mother-in-law.
Just need to get some Airpods and some rib eye steaks to grill on Sunday.
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