Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Taking every member of the household on a dinner date this week
Me and my son went Tuesday to the mall and dinner. Had a great time he really appreciated the quality time and I was surprised at how much he liked the private time. Definitely glad I did it and for sure suggest it to y’all

Me and the wife went out last night, went to one of our old date night spots. Prob won’t go again cause the experience in the restaurant wasn’t the same but another success.

And tonight I’m taking the girls to get outfits and we’ll go to dinner. Have no idea how dinner with a 3 & 5 year old is going to be like but it’s gonna be interesting lol
My 6 year olds rewards for straight A report cards is a breakfast, lunch, or dinner date

her first report card my wife took her to Denny’s for breakfast, the last I took her to Taco Bell for dinner
Man my 3 year old crazy as hell too. He's in a phase now where he barely cleans up his toys. ****s mad annoying honestly :lol:. But at the end of the day he always gets me with telling me I'm his best friend with whatever we are doing :lol: "Daddy you're my best friend playing trains" "Dadda you're my best friend for play doh" "Dadda you're my best friend reading books" etc...

It's hilarious too, one time my wife got mad at him not listening and said "I'm getting so tired of this" so now Everytime we get mad at him for not listening he says..."ugh this is ridiculous I'm getting soooooo tired of this" I try so hard not to laugh :lol:
Recently learned that a new boy at my daughters school (kindergarten) pulled her pants and panties down in class. And she told him to ‘stop’ multiple times. My bm’s already talked to the teacher, who is supposed to talk to the parents on the new kid.

i wasn’t going to say anything else, but my daughter brought it up today, after school. I know these kids are curious, but my first reaction was to toss this kid across the playground.
Recently learned that a new boy at my daughters school (kindergarten) pulled her pants and panties down in class. And she told him to ‘stop’ multiple times. My bm’s already talked to the teacher, who is supposed to talk to the parents on the new kid.

i wasn’t going to say anything else, but my daughter brought it up today, after school. I know these kids are curious, but my first reaction was to toss this kid across the playground.
Yeah I’d talk to the parents myself honestly
And prolly get a lil sibling or lil cousin
to knuckle up with the lil boy right quick
Recently learned that a new boy at my daughters school (kindergarten) pulled her pants and panties down in class. And she told him to ‘stop’ multiple times. My bm’s already talked to the teacher, who is supposed to talk to the parents on the new kid.

i wasn’t going to say anything else, but my daughter brought it up today, after school. I know these kids are curious, but my first reaction was to toss this kid across the playground.
I will put something towards your bail off gp

Real talk tho, wtf wrong wit son? What's going on in his home? I'd have to teach my girl to throw a punch so if he ever try to pull down pants, they gonna be zipping up his body bag
My wife and I have been on our daughter constantly that no one is allowed to touch her and if they do push them away. That only mom and dad can touch her and it’s ok to tell us if they do. I do my best to not grab my wife around her because I don’t want her thinking it’s ok to do. It’s tough because I like being handsy with my wife.
The other day we went to the zoo and we were looking at the snakes. I was standing behind my daughter and she was on the floor looking at them. I turned away to look at something but didn’t move. When I turned back some older dude was standing right next to me behind my daughter and looking at her. I don’t know why but I immediately got heated. I just started staring the dude down and he was asking “oh she doesn’t get scared with the snakes, she’s brave” I just answered back no. I think he got the hint and bounced and said my daughter doesn’t get scared either. Something didn’t sit right with me so I told my wife to watch our daughter and I just followed the dude and acted like I had to throw some trash away. He ended up walking out with some lady but no daughter. I went back and told my wife what happened because she didn’t see and thought I was tripping over something until I explained it to her.
Currently In Costa Rica with my little mans. BAC863F2-9EB5-421D-AEC0-3FF030A8E55D.jpeg FC2E9E27-E64A-442A-980D-9059F276FE7A.jpeg
Truly is something special about a girl and her dads relationship. My pops is my best friend to this day.
Theres a reason you only hear the terms daddy's girl or mommas boy and not the other way around. My sons always laugh at how my daughter can play my heart strings like a banjo.
So there’s this transgender girl at my daughters school
A boy
That’s now a girl
My daughter whose 12
Will be 13 in May
tried to be her friend
But my daughter was like she’s too fast
As in she be kissing and “doing stuff” With boys
She smokes too
And other questionable stuff
I was proud of my daughter for first
Not judging and being her friend
They went to the mall together and to her house a few times
While her parents were there
But also for knowing that
The girl isn’t the type of person she wants to be associated with
And what the girl was doing was just not something I would approve of or what she would want to be doing
The girls parents are 2 gay dudes
And the girl is adopted
I kinda feel bad for the girl
Cause I can tell she going through some stuff
Kinda sucks seeing kids go down a path
U know will lead to something bad
my poor wife is at home with the two kids (10 months and 7 years). she has to keep them occupied and fed. she has to make sure my son is doing his schoolwork (they already had something in place and the work is on ipad and worksheets). in addition to that, she has to do her own work for her job (taxes) and her mba schoolwork. i have it so much easier coming to work rather than staying at home.
my poor wife is at home with the two kids (10 months and 7 years). she has to keep them occupied and fed. she has to make sure my son is doing his schoolwork (they already had something in place and the work is on ipad and worksheets). in addition to that, she has to do her own work for her job (taxes) and her mba schoolwork. i have it so much easier coming to work rather than staying at home.
Same with my wife. She's busy with the kids and caring for her mom going through chemo.
Does anyone have kids that are social eaters?

My son's appetite is crazy. This kid eats everything, while my daughter is still super picky with her food.
Went to the batting cages with my boy on Sunday, ended up whiffing so hard at those balls I pulled a muscle in my side. Stretching is VITAL my dad dudes lol cannot stress it enough
Getting in the batting cages is a total body workout
Definitely gotta take 5-7min and stretch before taking 20-25 swings
Dads I'm going to share this and if you want more info PM me.
I'm a member of an online shopping club. Company makes hand sanitizer, disinfectants, and so forth.
It cost $19 to join. Shipping is never free but is very efficient.
They don't charge you for the membership until you actually shop.
They pay for referrals, so yes if I refer you I get a couple of bucks if you shop.
Yall be safe and we gotta stay strong for our families.
the lockdown here is pretty strict. they’re using drones on the beach and giving out hefty fines. it’s takes a time like this that makes me wish we had a yard. during the day we open up the sliding doors and pretend the balcony is our backyard :frown:
Drove around and found a deserted park. Let the little one get his ride on
A lot of the parks around us have closed signs up. There's a Nike Sports Complex around which is just a large outdoor park. They took the rim off the backboards. Took down the tennis nets. Locked access to the football field.

Kinda shook to take my little ones to a park, but they are getting their bike ride on in the driveway.
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A lot of the parks around us have closed signs up. There's a Nike Sports Complex around which is just a large outdoor park. They took the time off the backboards. Took down the tennis nets. Locked access to the football field.

Kinda shook to take my little ones to a park, but they are getting their bike ride on in the driveway.

yeah we definitely didn’t let him touch anything. And nearly no one around.
i dunno how you guys are doing with your kids doing distance learning but my son’s first grade curriculum is complicated. they use a bunch of apps and all worksheets have to be uploaded and the schedule is worse than if they had actual school. my wife helps keep it all together. i set up his morning meeting on zoom the other morning and it made me chuckle to see all the damn kids using funny backgrounds.

went to one of the isolated spots i know. my son caught a buncha crabs and had a blast. i might take him fishing there tomorrow.
couple weeks ago, my 11 month old daughter developed a fever. it went over 104. even with a lukewarm bath and some tylenol, it was 103 at the doctor. we really got scared when the test came back negative for the flu. after 3 horrible nights, the fever broke and then she got a rash. seeing that rash was a relief because then we knew it was roseola. she’s all good but that was really hard on my wife. soon my daughter is gonna be 1 year old and we’ll probably do facetime with the fam for her birthday.
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