Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I hate virtual learning cuz of the screen time. But I guess it’s all we have for now.

We're fortunate that my wife works from home so she's been able to keep the kids on track with distance learning. We've found it's been much more effective than a long school day because the kids stay focused and get everything done in 2-3 hours and are finished by lunch and can enjoy the rest of the day playing, swimming, etc. Hate to say it, but this quarantine has been a real blessing for our family to be able to spend lots of quality time together. The kids (6 & 8 )have become inseparable and instead of fighting all the time they have really started playing well together. My 8 y/o son has really stepped up and we'll find him reading to his sis and even teaching her to read.
Yeah my son is only 2 going on 17. So his screen time is minimal except the two days a week he has virtual learning. Other than that it’s me and him doing letters, sight words, math whatever. He’s really into space and makes sure we do something space related everyday lol. I have learned so much about my son the past few months from being home with him as silly as it sounds. And I love it, currently looking into careers to be able to stay home with him more.
My little princess arrived 5/22. She’s so precious man.

I’ve been working from home and it’s been great. Right now though my daughter wants to show me everything. I hear daddy look all day :lol: today I read a book to hear and I put my finger under the words so she can follow along. I caught her later on “reading” the same book I had just read and using her finger. I don’t know if she was actually reading the words or just going off of her memory but it was a great little moment for me.
Insane amounts of screen time is their future. No way around it. Even if he/she becomes a plumber. My attitude has changed to let them become as proficient as possible with all tech.

I agree but I also disagree. At a young age I don’t think they should be exposed to as much. My kids won’t be having screen time for leisure until he’s at least 4
Had a proud moment today..Was able to take my 12 yr old son to get the first part of his braces put on..That's something my parents, even though they worked very hard when I was a kid, weren't able to afford for me growing up..Gotta go back in 2 weeks and get the Herbst Appliance put on (if you dont know what that is, google it..Super crazy looking)..
Anyone ever have to get a doc band for their kid? My 4 month old is getting his Friday. Just hope he can get used to it. He has to wear it like 23 hours a day for at least 6-9 weeks
I’ve been working from home and it’s been great. Right now though my daughter wants to show me everything. I hear daddy look all day :lol: today I read a book to hear and I put my finger under the words so she can follow along. I caught her later on “reading” the same book I had just read and using her finger. I don’t know if she was actually reading the words or just going off of her memory but it was a great little moment for me.

I love it!
My son is super into books for someone who can’t read lol. Usually when he’s in his room quiet, I’ll peep in on him and bro will have a stack of books making up stories based on what we told him or the pictures.

I love it!
My son is super into books for someone who can’t read lol. Usually when he’s in his room quiet, I’ll peep in on him and bro will have a stack of books making up stories based on what we told him or the pictures.


we have the same chair and ottoman in my sons room... :nthat::nthat:

for the parents with younger kids...have y'all discussed the recent events with your kiddos? if so how did the conversation go?
we have the same chair and ottoman in my sons room... :nthat::nthat:

for the parents with younger kids...have y'all discussed the recent events with your kiddos? if so how did the conversation go?

He loves baseball. Watching and playing. A little disappointed this was supposed to be his first year of tball but the rona had other plans.

We haven’t talked to our son about what’s going on. He’s only 2 and hasn’t seen or heard anything to engage a conversation.
Yeah my son is only 2 going on 17. So his screen time is minimal except the two days a week he has virtual learning. Other than that it’s me and him doing letters, sight words, math whatever. He’s really into space and makes sure we do something space related everyday lol. I have learned so much about my son the past few months from being home with him as silly as it sounds. And I love it, currently looking into careers to be able to stay home with him more.
Yea man my mom has a day care at my house and I’ve always helped out, gave them lunch, bottles, read, etc..Over the years it’s made me realize how much the parents are missing. They come from 7-5:30/6 M-F, go home and if they’re lucky they go to sleep within a few hours and repeat. Barely any time with them. I hope this quarantine has made the parents realize what they are missing and appreciate it more!!
I agree with the screens too, my moms old school been doing it for like 35+ years so she doesn’t even have a tv there or anything. It’s all hands on exploring and learning through playing and lots of reading. Books >>
I’ve learned a lot from all the books, papers, case studies, experience etc that she has

it’s def an amazing, rewarding career that I wouldn’t mind working in but a male daycare provider seems weird :lol: I get it tho, just the way it is
Yea man my mom has a day care at my house and I’ve always helped out, gave them lunch, bottles, read, etc..Over the years it’s made me realize how much the parents are missing. They come from 7-5:30/6 M-F, go home and if they’re lucky they go to sleep within a few hours and repeat. Barely any time with them. I hope this quarantine has made the parents realize what they are missing and appreciate it more!!
I agree with the screens too, my moms old school been doing it for like 35+ years so she doesn’t even have a tv there or anything. It’s all hands on exploring and learning through playing and lots of reading. Books >>
I’ve learned a lot from all the books, papers, case studies, experience etc that she has

it’s def an amazing, rewarding career that I wouldn’t mind working in but a male daycare provider seems weird :lol: I get it tho, just the way it is

Id def pick your mom for a daycare sounds like. But you’re right lol. Any place with a male daycare provider we were like nope.
Happy Father's Day weekend to all you amazing dads. May you enjoy your day and grill while wearing air monarchs :lol: . I hope you all get the underwear,socks and undershirts yall probably all need
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