Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My daughter turned 4 last week. Time really does fly when you have a kid. She went from being football sized to this big girl and it’s wild.

She’s a little daredevil with that bike and she only started riding Friday.
Alright so how many of you got socks and underwear? :lol:
My son made me a card, and... that's that.

But I had him pick between Pursuit of Happyness, John Q, or Frequency, all good father/son movies. He picked John Q, so we made steak & homemade mashed potatoes. And at the store before that, we grabbed a couple pieces of fancy cake from the bakery and some ice cream, so we had dinner & ice cream during a movie. Good times. 🤙😎
My son made me a card, and... that's that.

But I had him pick between Pursuit of Happyness, John Q, or Frequency, all good father/son movies. He picked John Q, so we made steak & homemade mashed potatoes. And at the store before that, we grabbed a couple pieces of fancy cake from the bakery and some ice cream, so we had dinner & ice cream during a movie. Good times. 🤙😎

That's awesome it is about spending time with your kids. We just hung out at home got some BEC for breakfast went to supermarket and picked out some nice steaks and made a late dinner nothing fancy.
My daughter turned 4 last week. Time really does fly when you have a kid. She went from being football sized to this big girl and it’s wild.
She’s a little daredevil with that bike and she only started riding Friday.
I have a 4 and 5 year old man it is CRAZY. They are already so independent.
I know that look, kids sleep so peacefully yet they terrorize you when are awake and hungry.

What age do you guys take the training wheels off? Our daughter is 5 and wife taught her in an afternoon.

Family went out for a walk/bike ride yesterday, my oldest and I rode bikes, my youngest her scooter, my wife and her mom walked. On a straight away my oldest tried to take off and leave me so I pedaled and caught up to her, unfortunately she couldn't on her scooter and crashed. :smh: When we got home we all got freeze pops.

I asked her I said do you know why you got one. She said no, I said because even though you crashed you got back up and kept trying. Thinking back on the instance now feels like some PSA from Gi Joe. LOL.
my son will be going to second grade this fall in person M-F. they will be using masks and/or face shields depending on the activity. it’s definitely a relief.

we’re also trying to hire someone to come and help my wife with our daughter for 3 hours or so each weekday. all they have to do is play with her (no tv or screen time). has anyone else done this? sounds like a pain to do payroll/taxes etc.

anyway, we were all at the pool yesterday and my wife and son went to the jacuzzi so i took my daughter upstairs. i filled her bath and went looking for her. she was staring out the window at my wife and son. when i called her she turned around and looked gutted 😂 like she was betrayed 😂 she pointed out the window and said mom and walked to the bathroom with her head down 😂
my son will be going to second grade this fall in person M-F. they will be using masks and/or face shields depending on the activity. it’s definitely a relief.

My kids' school announced they'll be holding in person full time in the Fall, with mandatory masks for grades 2 and up. I have a feeling their announcement is premature, because with the drastic rise in cases currently in my county I have a feeling we'll be back in lockdown before the summer ends. Either way, I've already decided the kids will be home schooled until the situation is "under control" or they get a COVID vaccination. I dunno what the situation looks like out there, but I'm not taking any chances with the health and safety of my kids during a global pandemic that's far from over.
My son started On-Guard this week..Stuff is crazy..It's a weird mix of self defense, karate, and sword fighting..It's pretty intense..Glad he likes it..Was running out of options for physical activities for him to try..
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