Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

any infant 6 weeks or under that gets a fever will be hospitalized automatically as a precaution. don't even risk it. we were told to avoid crowds or places where the baby will be exposed to risk of infection for the first 2 months. we only went out for walks around the building outside or visited my parents and my in-laws making sure they weren't sick before going over.
We didn't have any visitors in the first week. Then, one a day onward. Made sure everyone washed up. So far so good.

We don't venture anywhere farther than a couple hours round trip right now
Maybe it's just my family, but for some reason people seemed to get really offended when I asked them to wash their hands before holding my kids.  Get a clue, people!
Maybe it's just my family, but for some reason people seemed to get really offended when I asked them to wash their hands before holding my kids.  Get a clue, people!
we carried around the purell and made everyone sanitize :lol:
eff what they think.

my son started day care at 3 months old and he would get sick around once a month for at least the first year. he turns 3 at the end of january and he rarely gets sick nowadays.
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we carried around the purell and made everyone sanitize

eff what they think.

my son started day care at 3 months old and he would get sick around once a month for at least the first year. he turns 3 at the end of january and he rarely gets sick nowadays.
I'm with you, Mike.  My son was also sick about once a month his first two years including RSV, bronchitis, Roseola, ear infections pretty much after every cold, infected lymph nodes that required a hospital stay, and whooping cough.  From age 3 to 4 he only got a few colds and the ear infections stopped, so hopefully his immune system has kicked into overdrive.  It was a miserable first few years for my boy, not to mention me and mama.  It made me really hesitant to have another, TBH.
Maybe it's just my family, but for some reason people seemed to get really offended when I asked them to wash their hands before holding my kids.  Get a clue, people!
I have a feeling that I'm going to experience this with both sides of the family. Smh.

How do you guys tell someone that they can't carry the baby because the chance of third-hand smoking? (Scent of smoke on clothes and body)
I have a feeling that I'm going to experience this with both sides of the family. Smh.

How do you guys tell someone that they can't carry the baby because the chance of third-hand smoking? (Scent of smoke on clothes and body)
Thankfully never had to deal with that one...
I hope mine isn't that way, but her mom is; literally lives in the hospital, no immune function to speak of. I fear my daughter is going to be that way unless she takes all my genes on that from me, I'm never sick. But Gosh her mom, never known someone to be sick and injured as much as she is. Her family realy, because her mom and neice and nephews too all have some immunodeficiency issue or seem other health issue that is causing immune issues like one has a hole in his lungs from swallowing fluid during birth
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Just wanted to drop in and say that I LOVE this thread fellas.

My son just turned 1 month and its true what they say man...Time def does FLY. He just gets bigger and bigger each day.

Also quick question, would love your input.

At what age do you think it would be cool to start taking a baby to events and stuff? Like sports games, fairs, festivals, etc?
Just wanted to drop in and say that I LOVE this thread fellas.

My son just turned 1 month and its true what they say man...Time def does FLY. He just gets bigger and bigger each day.

Also quick question, would love your input.

At what age do you think it would be cool to start taking a baby to events and stuff? Like sports games, fairs, festivals, etc?
Good question, I'd like to know too.

Wife is about to full-term in three weeks.
 It's almost time!
Just wanted to drop in and say that I LOVE this thread fellas.

My son just turned 1 month and its true what they say man...Time def does FLY. He just gets bigger and bigger each day.

Also quick question, would love your input.

At what age do you think it would be cool to start taking a baby to events and stuff? Like sports games, fairs, festivals, etc?

I had disney passes when she turned 2.

I took her to her first Dodger game as well when she turned 2.

Also we flew to Mexico when she was 2 .... so I guess it averages out to around 2.

But really do with what you feel comfortable with, you only learn as parents as you go.
mannnnn i tip my hat to you fathers...

so me and my girl kept your niece for 2 days. she 2 and she absolutely wore us out. it was 10 o'clock and me and my girl were knocked out on the couch and she was still up playing.

crazy thing is me and my girl were off for those 2 days. i cant imagine a day were i had to work and take care of kids. jesus.
Just wanted to drop in and say that I LOVE this thread fellas.

My son just turned 1 month and its true what they say man...Time def does FLY. He just gets bigger and bigger each day.

Also quick question, would love your input.

At what age do you think it would be cool to start taking a baby to events and stuff? Like sports games, fairs, festivals, etc?

I think it totally depends on the kid and how willing you are to be able to leave any situation, regardless of how much money you may have spent. My son was really easy to take anywhere from day 1, but my daughter has not been. We've had to leave dinner, games, etc. when the situation called for it either because she was tired, scared, whatever. Took my son to the circus this summer and he wanted to leave before it even started because he got spooked when one of the clowns scared him. I was able to calm him down and we stayed, but at the intermission he said he had enough so we bounced. We have also had to cut vacations short when one of the kids got sick and it was obvious that nobody was having fun in that situation. As parents, you just need to remain flexible and be willing to do what it takes for the kids, IMHO.
I started taking my kids to baseball games at ATT park at the age of 6 and the baby was 2. We did club level so there was an indoor area in case it got too cold or they got bored. Also, my wife and I prepared for the fact that we would probably have to leave the game early. 1st time we left during the 5th inning. This year for a work sponsored event we were able to stay for the full game! Hotdogs and ice cream and snacks definitely help.

Don't think they are quite ready for a Raider game yet. Probably in a couple of years. Especially since I am not about to take them into the bathrooms at O.Co. lol

At dinner last night with the family I just could not believe my daughters were in the second grade and having fairly intellectual conversations with me. I had to pause and reflect for a minute during dinner.
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I don't risk any major event where I'm not willing to leave at the drop of a dime if need be. U have to consider everything and all other plans before you do. Kids have a short attention span so I always avoid things like games, but the circus is coo or Disney on Ice (which I'm not attending again but nevermind that) You have to consider if the event will keep their attention.
My little girl is 10 months. So far we have done a few street fairs, aquarium and disney.

Good thing she is a calm happy baby. Doesn't cry much at all.

Like other have said you just have to be not care about leaving at the drop of a dime. With kids it's like that whether they are With you or at a sitter.

On a side note - wifey had her first scare. My daughter scratched her gums (teething) so she was spitting out some blood. Wifey thought she swallowed something and was vomiting blood. Got the crazy vm while I was out. Everything is good though just a cut in her mouth.
Been taking my kid to pistons games since he was 2. Me and him have been to at least 10 and his mom occasionally joins. He loves it, we go in full laker gear rather they play them or not.

Went and picked out a Halloween costume today, let him pick it himself. He picked the paw patrol costume and ironically he wanted to be chase (that's his name).
The first week we had my son we went to the mall. Lol.

Before you silently judge me. My girl is a nurse in pediatrics and her mom is a nurse in mother-baby.

Just be smart about bringing a new born out, don't be afraid to tell people no or to use hand sanitizer. ( disinfectant wipes are better imo, cause they can make sure they Wipe a lot more. Than just their palms.

Anyways. We are expecting number 2 in May. My sons birthday is in May. And this next one is due on his birthday may 5-6.
Man I am so proud of my daughter being a straight A's student her first year at Woodward Academy.

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She growing into herself. My rockstar is growing up on me. :smh: She going on 10. Taking her to DisneyWorld for her good grades/bday.

She got my hustler spirit. Trying to convince me to buy some Taylor Swifts' concert tickets for $350 for her good grades. LMAO I just laughed at her.

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